In this action, Sec. of Defense Robert Gates again shows himself as a purely unprincipled political hack. The thought that Russia would engage Iran in a manner to reduce Iran’s bellicose behavior is criminally false.
Obama is doing this to appease his Communist masters in the former Soviet Union. Such an action is completely consistent with a fifth column member, and Obama is now the Commander in Chief of the fifth column in the United States.
The presidency of this destructive useful idiot continues to show weakness in the face of Russian aggression:
-- Russia invaded Georgia with no meaningful American response.
-- Russia threatens nuclear war with Poland due to the inclusion of Poland in the new US missile defense shield.
-- Russia cuts off Ukraine's electricity as penalty for Ukrainian support of the US missile defense shield.
-- Russia practices nuclear war on the United States in a joint exercise with China as a part of the new "Shanghai Cooperation Organization."
-- Russia is designing and adding next generation ICBMs in violation of START.
-- Russia continues to provides extensive nuclear expertise and technology to enemies of the US, including Iran.
-- Russia is reestablishing a Warsaw Pact which features Iran as one of its members.
The presidency of B. Hussein Obama cannot end quickly enough. The very existence of the free world hinge on his anti-freedom agenda.
Update: "This is not good news for the Czech state, for Czech freedom and independence," said Mirek Topolanek, the former Czech Prime Minister. "It puts us in a position where we are not firmly anchored in terms of partnership, security and alliance, and that’s a certain threat."
Reminder: Both Poland and the Czech Republic have provided troops to work along side US troops in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Both of these countries are part of the coalition of the willing. Chilling relations with staunch allies is so foolish as to defy description.