Today, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, signifies the armistice ending the Great War, the World War. In 1954, this day was designated as Veteran’s day, a day to honor all Veterans, not just the Veterans of World War I.
It is appropriate to honor our Veterans, each of whom has made real sacrifice for this country.
But it is not enough to honor Veterans only on this day. This nation’s military conflict with Muslim jihadists is creating a huge influx of wounded Veterans, all of whom deserve the best possible rehabilitation services, and they are not receiving them. In an age when so many unproductive Americans and illegal aliens claim entitlement to high quality government programs at taxpayer expense, it borders on criminal that the U.S. Government does not ensure that every war Veteran receive the best possible care. We all know that this is not occurring, and it bodes ill for the quality of “care” all citizens might receive in a government run health care system.
It is also not enough to pay lip service to finishing the job in this nation’s military conflict with Islamic jihadists. While good men have fought and died to strip Afghanistan from the death grip of the Taleban and al Qaida, it is clear that more troops are needed to finish the job. Yet the Islamist sympathizer in the White House is not sure if more troops are needed at all, cannot make time to have a meaningful discussion with the Generals in charge of conducting the war in Afghanistan, and cannot make force projection and force protection for our troops in Afghanistan an immediate priority.
The race hustler Barak Hussein Obama campaigned for the job he has, and a part of that is Commander in Chief. It is ultimately the Commander in Chief’s job to win wars in which the United States is engaged, and do the best he can to provide for the troops fighting those wars.
Leaving the military understaffed in Afghanistan and postponing immediate deployment of the troop strength necessary to win in Afghanistan is a dereliction of duty. It is an affront to all citizens if B. Hussein Obama wastes American lives in Afghanistan because he cannot commit himself to fighting Islamic militants.
There is no greater affront to Veterans than to abandon them; to leave them exposed and unsupported as Obama is doing in Afghanistan. Our troops in Afghanistan are barely hanging on. This Veteran’s Day, think about what you can do now to get our troops in Afghanistan the support they need.
It is appropriate to honor our Veterans, each of whom has made real sacrifice for this country.
But it is not enough to honor Veterans only on this day. This nation’s military conflict with Muslim jihadists is creating a huge influx of wounded Veterans, all of whom deserve the best possible rehabilitation services, and they are not receiving them. In an age when so many unproductive Americans and illegal aliens claim entitlement to high quality government programs at taxpayer expense, it borders on criminal that the U.S. Government does not ensure that every war Veteran receive the best possible care. We all know that this is not occurring, and it bodes ill for the quality of “care” all citizens might receive in a government run health care system.

The race hustler Barak Hussein Obama campaigned for the job he has, and a part of that is Commander in Chief. It is ultimately the Commander in Chief’s job to win wars in which the United States is engaged, and do the best he can to provide for the troops fighting those wars.
Leaving the military understaffed in Afghanistan and postponing immediate deployment of the troop strength necessary to win in Afghanistan is a dereliction of duty. It is an affront to all citizens if B. Hussein Obama wastes American lives in Afghanistan because he cannot commit himself to fighting Islamic militants.
There is no greater affront to Veterans than to abandon them; to leave them exposed and unsupported as Obama is doing in Afghanistan. Our troops in Afghanistan are barely hanging on. This Veteran’s Day, think about what you can do now to get our troops in Afghanistan the support they need.
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