Friday, February 26, 2010

Open Questions About The Healthcare Meeting

Why are the Democrats involving Republicans in the discussion about the bills only AFTER the bills have been written and passed by both houses of Congress? The bills have not been withdrawn or rebuked by the Democrat leadership, and the Democrats have had for a year all the votes they need to put a health care takeover on the Anointed One's desk. This was not the Democrats seeking advice and counsel. This was the Democrats seeking a criminal accomplice.

What I did not hear from the Republicans is just as concerning as what I continue to hear from the Democrats. Not one Republican (and certainly no Democrat) said that it is the responsibility of the individual, not government, to provide for his or her own health care. The GOP has bought into this notion that someone other than the recipient must pay for a person's health care.

And that mindset is how we got into the fiscal pickle in the first place.

The price of freedom is not vigilance; the price of freedom is self-reliance. You are a slave if you are dependent upon any other person or entity to receive your needs. If you depend on the government for health care, you are a slave.

Update: People are starting to get it. A CNN poll shows that a majority of Americans now see the government as a threat to their rights. It's been that way all along - slaves have no rights. Glad the "moderates" are catching on.

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