Romer, chair of
Obama's Council of Economic
Advisers, is resigning her post.
Romer, said to be an expert in the Great Depression, has done her best to get us into another Great Depression.
Romer's economic guidance has been devastating to the country. Never before has this nation had so much long term unemployment, not even under Carter's devastating tenure.
Roemer was the chief architect of
Obama's great economic failure, the Obama Excessive Government Spending and Debt Plan (a/k/a the "Stimulus").
Romer co-wrote a justification paper saying the Obama Stimulus would keep unemployment rates from rising above 8%. She was,
predictably, dead wrong. Liberals who call themselves economists always are. Even so, she has advocated a path of "doubling down" by borrowing yet more Chinese money and increasing government spending even more.
Her failure will almost certainly be rewarded with an appointment as the chairwoman of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank. Such is the path of the liberal elite.