Monday, June 22, 2009
More Hypocritical Behavior From the New York Times
Except when it benefits one of their own.
New York Times reporter David Rohde was kidnapped and held by the Taliban in Pakistan seven months ago. Since that time, the New York Times has actively and effectively fought to have this information withheld from publication from all news sources, including al Jazeera.
The duplicity exhibited by New York Times executive editor Bill Keller of the New York Times is disgusting. Keller’s justifications for spiking the story for 7 months could apply to each of the stories the NYT was requested to withhold for national security reasons, but did not.
"All along, we were told by people that probably the wisest course for … safety was to keep it quiet." The al Qaeda wiretaps of international phone calls was providing a great deal of safety to all Americans, but the NY Times could not keep to the wise course and destroyed the program with their publication of the information.
"The more you talk about who did what ... the more you're writing a playbook for the [terrorists]." This would certainly apply to the playbook on enhanced interrogation techniques, but the New York Times wants to make sure terrorist world wide know exactly what we will do to get them to talk, and how far we will go to make sure they are not in any real danger during interrogations.
Publication "could increase the danger" to their reporter. The New York Times every day publicizes both information and misinformation that increases the danger to all Americans. Why is their reporter special?
What other information is the Times burying? I wager they are burying and not reporting who kidnapped their reporter and exactly where they were held. That might endanger the lives of the terrorists that took the kidnapper, you see.
When the New York Times published the classified Pentagon Papers, their justification was that they did not "feel like" the papers should be classified, and did not "feel like" they were giving secrets to a nation at war with the United States. Of course, they were wrong, but it really was about how they felt.
When the New York Times published details of the al Qaeda wiretaps, they did not feel the need to provide a justification for exposing a secret and effective anti-terrorist program.
Now they "feel" the need to provide a justification for NOT publishing (and spiking all other news sources from publishing) news that was indeed "Fit to Print" and in no way affected the security of the United States. Funny how things change over the years.
They certainly published stories about other journalists captured in Iran and North Korea during these past seven months ... what made the case of David Rohde special?
What an Activist Central Government Looks Like
Jimmy Carter's actions as President directly lead to this Statist, Islamist, Theocracy. The sad truth is that these elections are window dressing -- the Supreme Leader does not stand for the approval or consent of the citizens of Iran.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
More of That “Smart Power” and Winning International Respect
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the British Government has responded with anger as the island tourist paradise is now crawling with Islamist terrorists, in a manner that thumbs their nose at China, and neither the Obama administration nor the Bermuda Governor General bothered to consult the British.
Bermuda, Britain's oldest remaining dependency, is one of 14 overseas territories that come under the sovereignty of the United Kingdom, which retains direct responsibility for such matters as foreign policy and security.
"We've underlined to the Bermuda Government that they should have consulted with the United Kingdom as to whether this falls within their competence or is a security issue, for which the Bermuda Government do not have delegated responsibility," a Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokesman said. "We have made clear to the Bermuda Government the need for a security assessment, which we are now helping them to carry out, and we will decide on further steps as appropriate."
This news begs the question: how much US taxpayer money was wasted on buying this “resettlement” to Bermuda?
Somewhere in Kenya, a village is looking for its idiot.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Was This the "Hope" and "Change" You Wanted?

Monday, June 8, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
More Bad News in Obama's Economy - Misery
The unemployment rate today jumped to 9.4%, up half a percentage point from just last month. This means nearly three quarter million jobs were lost just last month under the Obama/Geithner/Bernake recession. Timmah!!
As a result of this news (which the White House and the MSM is spinning as "good"), interest rates have jumped up 1/4 point ahead of the market open, and oil prices increased by $7 per barrel.
This is what happens when governments overspend in a recession -- the recession continues unabated, and the government's printing money adds inflation to the mix.
Jimmy Carter is back at the helm of the nation's economy. Jimmy Carter's favorite index, the Misery Index, is back in play, although the MSM is religiously avoiding the topic.
The Misery Index is the sum of the unemployment rate plus the interest rate. The Misery Index now stands at 13.4 - higher now than at any point since 1982.
Along with the economic misery associated with the Misery Index, comes crime. There is a definite correlation between increases in the Misery Index and crime rates. Anecdotally, I have seen an increase in bank robberies and theft in my region of the country. I am certain this is a national trend, and will continue.
If the Obama "economic" team continues to follow Carter's imprudent path, the next step will be a soak-the-rich tax plan that will destroy wealth in the United States. Of course, Jimmy Carter never tried to add a Mandate, Cap, and Tax scheme on top of the economy, or a "Health Reform" plan that needs to increase taxes to fund cuts in spending (I'm still trying to get my head around that line of "reasoning".)
Objectively looking at the imprudent economic policies being implemented by the Obama/Geithner/Bernake economic team, my prediction is a full-blown depression. Citizens would do well to husband their economic resources and, to the extent I could invest, I intend to invest in commodities that closely track increases in inflation. Certainly lock down any loans into a fixed interest rate. When interest rates are back at double digits, single digit fixed rate loans will look brilliant.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Tell the Truth About China, and Ourselves
In the years since the Tiananmen Square massacre, China remains a slave state. Its people cannot speak or work as they choose, cannot affect the direction or composition of their government, and cannot foresee a future for themselves where this will change. Fundamentally, China is North Korea with more lightbulbs.
The Chinese Statist government that controls all economic activity takes in billions of dollars from the United States, but instead of improving the lives of the Chinese people, it purchases American debt, American companies, and other production and transportation world wide. Communist China is not doing this to provide freedom and innovation to the United States or elsewhere. These are acts of control by a Communist government obsessed with control.
The control obsessed Communists are this very day blocking off access to Tiananmen Square, lest there be an expression of political freedom in that country. The Communists have shut down the Internet and social gathering within China lest freedom-minded citizens discuss the fact that they are still slaves to a corrupt, illegitimate, oppressive government.
The people of China have a dream. Their dream is the American Dream: the right as individuals to pursue their own happiness. The recognition by a government, which has the consent of the governed as the source of its legitimacy, that all people are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights that provide individuals with the freedom to control their own destinies, own their own homestead, keep the fruits of their own labor, and choose their own way forward without being dictated to by a government. The American Dream is the freedom to choose -- what you buy, what you eat, who you employ, who you purchase goods and services from, and how you spend your own money. The American Dream also the dream of China’s people.
Freedom of the individual to choose his or her own way is the only path that provides productive innovation and economic prosperity. No central government can ever direct innovation or prosperity into existence. Statism always leads to repression.
It sickens me that in the 20 years since the Tiananmen Square uprising, China still has a repressive internal security service, no freedom of thought or speech or political expression, no sense or hope of a representative government. The Communist Statists in China’s dictatorial government show no more inclination towards freedom than their predecessors. The moment has been lost, and the United States is enabling the further subjugation of the Chinese people by sending our money there.
But it sickens me far more greatly that in the same time period, our own nation has moved away from the dream of China’s people and our national dream: we are less free to choose and seem destined to become even less so. How long will it be before the United States will require its own Tiananmen Square?
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Lie of the Lone Wolf Terrorist
“[The terrorist] acted alone and was not part of a larger plot”
This statement was made without any meaningful investigative work performed, and I told folks that the statement was a lie designed to placate the public. Not surprisingly, I was right.
Now two days after this terrorist attack, we know:
Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad traveled to Yemen to study jihad on a fake Somali passport, was arrested there, and the arrest reported to the FBI.
Having this information, the FBI did NOT question Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad when he returned to the United States or even one time in the months since (do you feel better about giving up your guns so you can be “protected” by the police?)
Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad’s computer reveals additional targets in the attack planning stages.
Let’s be clear: this homegrown terrorist converted to Islam through contact with somebody in the US, had help from a Jihadi organization to travel to the Middle East for training as a terrorist and obtaining false documents, was provided weapons or money for weapons from someone, and individually or with others planned attacks against United States Army targets, a child care center, a Jewish center, and other targets within the United States itself.
Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad should be held as an enemy combatant, not treated like gangbanger in an Arkansas state murder case. We should utilize enhanced interrogation techniques on him immediately to determine who his other contacts in the United States and elsewhere are, and go round those folks up for interrogation.
Islamists are plotting attacks within the United States, and the FBI is more interested in performing surveillance on the Tea Parties. The world truly has turned upside down.
PS - The White House STILL has not issued a statement about the assassination of William Long shooting of Quinton Ezeagwulaby. Instead, B. Hussein Obama is bowing AGAIN before the Saudi king.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
One Socialist Taps Another To Spend Your Money
GM Goes "green"; Hummer Goes Red
Now for the really funny part: GM said the sale will likely save more than 3,000 U.S. jobs in manufacturing, engineering and at various Hummer dealerships.
The spate of Kool-Aid drinking going on with Government Motors is really hitting unbelievable proportions. The Red Chinese are going to ship the production tools and dies over to Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Co. in China and fire all the workers in the U.S. Then, they will make the Hummers out of cheaper materials and sell them to the Asian and Middle Eastern markets.
The Obama Administration believes itself so bullet proof that it won’t even have to spin the loss of these jobs.
Homegrown Terrorism - 24 Hours Later
This must be the most callous Commander in Chief our Republic has ever seen.
UPDATE: Obama has announced his choice for a new Secretary of the Army this afternoon. While it is newsworthy that he could not find a Democrat to entrust the Army to, it is more newsworthy that Obama STILL HAS NOT MENTIONED the death of William Long and shooting of Quinton Ezeagwulaby by an Islamic terrorist.
Simple Lesson Tuesday - The Value of GM
Before bankruptcy, there were 610 million shares of outstanding GM stock. The stock was trading at about a dollar a share, meaning GM had a total market value of about 610 Million Dollars. Even arguing the sum of all its parts exceeded the market value of the corporation, GM could not possibly be worth more than 2 Billion, and that is being very, very generous.
Yesterday, B. Hussein Obama agreed to purchase only a 70% stake in a corporation for $50 Billion. In what economic universe was this even arguably a rational deal for taxpayers?
This purchase is intellectually defensible only in two situations:
1. Because a Statist wishes to place a large corporation under government control; and/or
2. Because it is a political payoff to the UAW from the UAW's candidate of choice.
Under what concept of governance is this Administration operating? These actions are completely foreign to the written compacts establishing the United States. The United States are being torn asunder by current government right before our eyes.
Monday, June 1, 2009
More Homegrown Terrorism
Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad (f/k/a Carlos Bledsoe) is reported to be angry that the Army keeps killing muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan (neither soldier shot today had ever been deployed to either Iraq or Afghanistan). Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad hailed from Memphis, Nashville, and recently moved to Little Rock. Anyone thinking that the problem of home-grown Islamic terrorism is only a problem of large, northern cities, think again. Islamic terrorists are created anywhere there is a mosque.
I would be remiss if I did not point out that the terrorist slaying of an Army recruiter and the shooting of another could not occupy the attention the top stories on Google News, but a two day old killing of a late-term abortion doctor is still dominating the left wing news site. The threat of Islamic terrorism, which is now responsible for over 3,000 deaths in the United States, does not fit the narrative of the mainstream media like the slaying of a single exterminator of innocent human lives.
I would also note the New York Times’ reporting of the terrorist slaying today may mark the first occasion that the nation’s “newspaper of record” reported an SKS rifle only as “a Russian-made SKS semiautomatic rifle” and not an “assault rifle” as they normally do. It is only a semi-automatic rifle when an Islamic terrorist uses it to shoot unarmed American soldiers. To the New York Times, this is a story to be buried and forgotten.
UPDATE: It has now been released that Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad had traveled to Yemen on a Somali passport. The FBI knew of this for several weeks, but did not pick up Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad for questioning. I suppose that the FBI cannot be seen to profile black muslims in the age of Obama.
Obama's Socialist Forces March On

GM today becomes Government/UAW Motors. Obama will NOT be distributing the stock to the taxpayers who now own the majority of the shares of GM. You cannot go down to the local dealership and pick up your car, even though you may own it.
In further news, it appears that my predictions were right, and Citigroup will become government owned as a result of the "stress tests" imposed on banks by a takeover minded government. I'm sure government bureaucrats will apply their nimble and intelligent management to the bank and kill it.
If you have assets managed by Citigroup, bail out now.
If you have a loan or mortgage held by Citigroup, beware the change in your terms -- interest rate increases are on the way. It is easier than raising taxes!
Obama is following the Marxist revolutionary manual to the letter; the methodology he learned from his Marxist father.