The citizens Arizona (by which I exclude illegal aliens) must be beaming about this headline from AP:
Illegal immigrants plan to leave over Ariz. law
Now THAT is a law working as it is intended.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Marxist Quote of the Day
We’re not, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly [sic] earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.
- Barak Hussein Obama
April 28, 2010
If only the Anointed One believed that at a certain point government has SPENT enough money.
- Barak Hussein Obama
April 28, 2010
If only the Anointed One believed that at a certain point government has SPENT enough money.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Open Letter to Ed Whitacre
Dear Ed,
I've just seen Government Motor's (GM) new television advertisement (bought with taxpayer funds) where you claim "...we have repaid our government loan, in full, with interest..."
This announcement comes after GM paid less than 7 billion dollars to the U.S. Treasury.
Your commercial implies GM only had one loan from the US Government, that it was less than 7 billion dollars, and that you are now free and clear of taxpayer bailout funds. One might even reasonably imply from your commercial that the funds you paid were out of earnings from GM since the loan.
You and I both know that this is not the case at all. The "loan" does not even begin to cover the amount of taxpayer-funded bailout.
Off the top of my head, I can demonstrate that GM received all of the following taxpayer bailout funding for GM's "second chance":
Auto Supplier Support Program: GM received not less than 2.5 Billion dollars of taxpayer money
Automotive Industry Financing Program: GM received not less than 49 Billion dollars of taxpayer money
This does not even include the 13+ Billion dollars of taxpayer money received by GMAC, GM's financing arm.
Let's also be honest about where the "loan repayment" money came from: you have paid off taxpayer loans with other taxpayer "investment" dollars, not earnings from car sales. I can read your SEC filings.
As to your remarks about paying the "loan" back "with interest", after hearing of your statements, even the White House had to issue a statement saying that the taxpayers will almost certainly LOSE MONEY on the GM investments. That is not interest; it's a loss.
I also recall that one of the lynchpin arguments in support of the Automotive Industry Financing Program was that it was necessary to save American jobs. Yet since the socialization of GM, 65,000 jobs were cut by GM. It seems redundant to point out that GM could have accomplished the same thing in bankruptcy restructuring without requiring the taxpayers to foot the bill.
This commercial of yours will go down in history as one of the most disingenuous commercials ever to be aired on American television. I could not even characterize your statements has half truths - the lies by omission in this ad are monumental and inexcusable.
I challenge you, Ed Whitacre, to immediately pull this ad and replace it with an ad that correctly lays out what GM has received from the American taxpayers, what has been returned to the taxpayers due to actual profits generated by GM, and together with the UAW beneficiaries of all this American taxpayer largesse, thank all the taxpayers for the help and beg us to be merciful on your failing, disingenuous welfare case of a corporation.
I've just seen Government Motor's (GM) new television advertisement (bought with taxpayer funds) where you claim "...we have repaid our government loan, in full, with interest..."
This announcement comes after GM paid less than 7 billion dollars to the U.S. Treasury.
Your commercial implies GM only had one loan from the US Government, that it was less than 7 billion dollars, and that you are now free and clear of taxpayer bailout funds. One might even reasonably imply from your commercial that the funds you paid were out of earnings from GM since the loan.
You and I both know that this is not the case at all. The "loan" does not even begin to cover the amount of taxpayer-funded bailout.
Off the top of my head, I can demonstrate that GM received all of the following taxpayer bailout funding for GM's "second chance":
Auto Supplier Support Program: GM received not less than 2.5 Billion dollars of taxpayer money
Automotive Industry Financing Program: GM received not less than 49 Billion dollars of taxpayer money
This does not even include the 13+ Billion dollars of taxpayer money received by GMAC, GM's financing arm.
Let's also be honest about where the "loan repayment" money came from: you have paid off taxpayer loans with other taxpayer "investment" dollars, not earnings from car sales. I can read your SEC filings.
As to your remarks about paying the "loan" back "with interest", after hearing of your statements, even the White House had to issue a statement saying that the taxpayers will almost certainly LOSE MONEY on the GM investments. That is not interest; it's a loss.
I also recall that one of the lynchpin arguments in support of the Automotive Industry Financing Program was that it was necessary to save American jobs. Yet since the socialization of GM, 65,000 jobs were cut by GM. It seems redundant to point out that GM could have accomplished the same thing in bankruptcy restructuring without requiring the taxpayers to foot the bill.
This commercial of yours will go down in history as one of the most disingenuous commercials ever to be aired on American television. I could not even characterize your statements has half truths - the lies by omission in this ad are monumental and inexcusable.
I challenge you, Ed Whitacre, to immediately pull this ad and replace it with an ad that correctly lays out what GM has received from the American taxpayers, what has been returned to the taxpayers due to actual profits generated by GM, and together with the UAW beneficiaries of all this American taxpayer largesse, thank all the taxpayers for the help and beg us to be merciful on your failing, disingenuous welfare case of a corporation.
Ed Whitacre,
Government Motors,
National Socialist Party,
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
More Lies from The Liar In Chief
While B. Hussein Obama told the socialists at Barbara ("Don't Call Me Ma'am") Boxer's fundraiser this week that he was trying to "lower taxes on 98% of Americans" [well, Mexicans are Americans, too], not even Obama's sycophantic press could suppress the following stories:
Millions face tax increases under Dems budget plan:
Obama suggests value-added tax may be an option:
Tax increases are on the way, it is what Democrats do. They think it is their money, not yours.
Millions face tax increases under Dems budget plan:
Obama suggests value-added tax may be an option:
Tax increases are on the way, it is what Democrats do. They think it is their money, not yours.
Monday, April 19, 2010
NY Times Irritation of the Day
Black NYT "reporter" Charles Blow (no relation to Marion Barry) went to the Dallas, Texas Tea Party and wrote his predictable screed "A Mighty Pale Tea."
I wonder if Charles Blow has ever gone to see the line for Section 8 housing handouts or other similar government giveaways. Here is a photo from one in similarly Red-Stated Alabama:
And I wonder if Charles Blow wrote an article about the folks who attend government giveaways, would he title his screed "Looks like Black Tea"?
Somehow, I doubt it.
I wonder if Charles Blow has ever gone to see the line for Section 8 housing handouts or other similar government giveaways. Here is a photo from one in similarly Red-Stated Alabama:
And I wonder if Charles Blow wrote an article about the folks who attend government giveaways, would he title his screed "Looks like Black Tea"?
Somehow, I doubt it.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Pray for Poland
In the last twenty years, very few nations have been as good a friend to the United States as Poland. This weekend, the people of Poland, our friends, have suffered a tremendous loss.
I grieve for Poland; my heart aches for them. I pray for the people of Poland, for the nation of Poland, and for the Church in Poland. May God wrap his loving and protective arms around Poland, ease the pain, instill hope, and keep that nation safe.
I grieve for Poland; my heart aches for them. I pray for the people of Poland, for the nation of Poland, and for the Church in Poland. May God wrap his loving and protective arms around Poland, ease the pain, instill hope, and keep that nation safe.
Friday, April 9, 2010
The Gift That Keeps on Taking
National Socialist Party member Bart Stupak's retirement gift to Obama: socialized medicine with abortion on demand.
Bart Stupak is a prime example of precisely what is wrong with American politics. He is a gutless, spineless, unprincipled coward. Voluntary retirement is too good for him.
Bart Stupak is a prime example of precisely what is wrong with American politics. He is a gutless, spineless, unprincipled coward. Voluntary retirement is too good for him.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Cuba's Rubbing It In
Fidel Castro's prison island is rubbing it in a bit today, releasing pictures of Elian Gonzalez in a Cuban para-military uniform.
Elian Gonzalez was a Cuban refugee who came to the United States in a rubber tube after his mother drown trying to escape Cuba with her family. Elian Gonzalez was rescued by Americans, and placed with family member in the Miami area.
That should have been the end of the story, but the second most Communist-friendly President in history, along with the child hating Attorney General Janet Reno, conspired with Fidel Castro to take Elian Gonzalez from his family in the United States by force and send him back to the Cuban prison.

The Gonzalez action was taken after Janet Reno ordered the murder of twenty children and two pregnant women in Waco, Texas, ostensibly to save them from child abuse.
What you see in these pictures is the result of Federal government tyranny. What you see in the pictures Cuba released today is the inevitable result of helping Communists. There is no telling how much damage the National Socialist currently occupying the White House will do to this nation. His weakness invites mischief.
Monday, April 5, 2010
In the Face of World Challenges, More Weakness
The international community, from China to Russia to Iran to Hamid Karzai to Iran, have taken the measure of B. Hussein Obama and found him to be weak. So, they have steadily taken advantage of the Anointed One and his equally ineffective Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The Chinese are manipulating their currency to affect the balance of trade with the US. Instead of declaring them currency manipulators as the US law requires, Obama directs Timmy Geithner (Timmahh!) to blink.
Russia flaunts its trade with rogue regimes like Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. We do nothing.
Iran laughs at the possibility of facing sanction over its nuclear ambitions, while Obama and Clinton attempt to cow the Israelis.
Hamid Karzai is fed up with the duplicitous nature of dealing with the Chicago mafia in the White House, and threatens to welcome the Taleban into his government.
All of these nations can do so because they know Obama has no interest in projecting real power around the world. Obama is ashamed of the power of the United States - a nation he, his wife, and his minister all detest.
So, in the face of all these challenges, Obama wants to take the nuclear deterrent off the table. Do what you like, world, we will not use nuclear weapons against you. Really, Obama won't do anything at all. The doors are open, take whatever you like.
We won't protect our borders, but we subject our own citizens to virtual strip searches.
We won't fight Islamic terrorism, but we will target critics of Obama for investigation.
We won't nuke you, even if you use chemical or biological weapons against us. I'm sure taking nuclear weapons off the table puts real fear in our enemies.
Time out doesn't work on terrorists, rogue regimes, or competitive superpowers. We have never had a president so completely clueless about the nature of foreign affairs - either that or B. Hussein Obama really wishes ill to come to the United States. The bad guys are out there and trying every day to hurt us. Fewer defensive tools is not what we need.
This man's presidency is going to ruin this nation. God help us all.
Meanwhile you might familiarize yourself with this:
The Chinese are manipulating their currency to affect the balance of trade with the US. Instead of declaring them currency manipulators as the US law requires, Obama directs Timmy Geithner (Timmahh!) to blink.
Russia flaunts its trade with rogue regimes like Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. We do nothing.
Iran laughs at the possibility of facing sanction over its nuclear ambitions, while Obama and Clinton attempt to cow the Israelis.
Hamid Karzai is fed up with the duplicitous nature of dealing with the Chicago mafia in the White House, and threatens to welcome the Taleban into his government.
All of these nations can do so because they know Obama has no interest in projecting real power around the world. Obama is ashamed of the power of the United States - a nation he, his wife, and his minister all detest.
So, in the face of all these challenges, Obama wants to take the nuclear deterrent off the table. Do what you like, world, we will not use nuclear weapons against you. Really, Obama won't do anything at all. The doors are open, take whatever you like.
We won't protect our borders, but we subject our own citizens to virtual strip searches.
We won't fight Islamic terrorism, but we will target critics of Obama for investigation.
We won't nuke you, even if you use chemical or biological weapons against us. I'm sure taking nuclear weapons off the table puts real fear in our enemies.
Time out doesn't work on terrorists, rogue regimes, or competitive superpowers. We have never had a president so completely clueless about the nature of foreign affairs - either that or B. Hussein Obama really wishes ill to come to the United States. The bad guys are out there and trying every day to hurt us. Fewer defensive tools is not what we need.
This man's presidency is going to ruin this nation. God help us all.
Meanwhile you might familiarize yourself with this:
Today is the Anniversary of the First Veto
April 5, 1792 is the anniversary of the first Presidential veto ever cast in the United States. George Washington vetoed the Apportionment Bill, and provided the following message to Congress.
Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,
I have maturely considered the Act passed by the two Houses, intitled, "An Act for an apportionment of Representatives among the several States according to the first enumeration," and I return it to your House, wherein it originated, with the following objections.
First—The Constitution has prescribed that representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers: and there is no one proportion or divisor which, applied to the respective numbers of the States will yield the number and allotment of representatives proposed by the Bill.
Second—The Constitution has also provided that the number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand; which restriction is, by the context, and by fair and obvious construction, to be applied to the seperate and respective numbers of the States: and the bill has allotted to eight of the States, more than one for thirty thousand.
George Washington
How I long for the day when we again have a President that reads the bill, applies a Constitutional standard to the bill, and vetoes it because the bill is at odds with the plain language of the Constitution.
Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,
I have maturely considered the Act passed by the two Houses, intitled, "An Act for an apportionment of Representatives among the several States according to the first enumeration," and I return it to your House, wherein it originated, with the following objections.
First—The Constitution has prescribed that representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers: and there is no one proportion or divisor which, applied to the respective numbers of the States will yield the number and allotment of representatives proposed by the Bill.
Second—The Constitution has also provided that the number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand; which restriction is, by the context, and by fair and obvious construction, to be applied to the seperate and respective numbers of the States: and the bill has allotted to eight of the States, more than one for thirty thousand.
George Washington
How I long for the day when we again have a President that reads the bill, applies a Constitutional standard to the bill, and vetoes it because the bill is at odds with the plain language of the Constitution.
US Consulate Attacked
The US consulate in Peshawar, Pakistan was attacked overnight by car bombs and homicidal Islamists, likely Taleban. The Keystone Cop-esque response of the Pakistani security services show on newsreels this morning is matched only by the cluelessness of the B. Hussein Obama administration.
B. Hussein Obama campaigned on the promise that he would focus efforts on Afghanistan, which was, according to the Anointed One, the real source of the terrorism in the Mideast region. Since his election, he has handcuffed and criminally prosecuted our warfighters, interfered with military operations, rejected the advice of his commanders, and allowed the fight against the Taleban to spill into Pakistan.
I weep for the men on the ground in Afghanistan, who are placing their lives on the line every day for a President who does not understand the military, how to fight a war, the true nature of our enemy, or his own personal limitations. This Administration's abuse of the nation and its finest warriors is criminal.
B. Hussein Obama campaigned on the promise that he would focus efforts on Afghanistan, which was, according to the Anointed One, the real source of the terrorism in the Mideast region. Since his election, he has handcuffed and criminally prosecuted our warfighters, interfered with military operations, rejected the advice of his commanders, and allowed the fight against the Taleban to spill into Pakistan.
I weep for the men on the ground in Afghanistan, who are placing their lives on the line every day for a President who does not understand the military, how to fight a war, the true nature of our enemy, or his own personal limitations. This Administration's abuse of the nation and its finest warriors is criminal.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
I Wish This Was an April Fool's Day Joke
Of all the dim bulbs in Congress, Rep. Hank Johnson of Decatur, Georgia, might be plain broken. Remember, Hank Johnson is the "upgrade" to former member of Congress Cynthia McKinney.
Watch as this idiot asks Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral Robert Willard whether Guam will "tip over and capsize." He must have just watched the movie 2012.
The nice Admiral was kind enough not to call him an idiot right there at the meeting.
Good thing was a brilliant minds in Congress like Hank Johnson to write health care, energy, national security, and economic-related legislation! Hank Johnson is the perfect tool in Obama's National Socialist Party. Hank Johnson has a bright future in Obamaland.
Watch as this idiot asks Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral Robert Willard whether Guam will "tip over and capsize." He must have just watched the movie 2012.
The nice Admiral was kind enough not to call him an idiot right there at the meeting.
Good thing was a brilliant minds in Congress like Hank Johnson to write health care, energy, national security, and economic-related legislation! Hank Johnson is the perfect tool in Obama's National Socialist Party. Hank Johnson has a bright future in Obamaland.
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