Today, the Democrats of the United States have fully laid themselves bare. This is not just Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. This is every Democrat in the Senate and 90% of the Democrats in the House of Representatives have demonstrated their naked socialism.
They have acted against the United States Constitution.
They have acted against the consent of the governed.
They are attempting to take over fully one-sixth of the economy; a part of the economy that is world class and in no danger of financial collapse. This is not a “bail out” – this is an unconstitutional takeover of a huge segment of the economy for no other reason than they are socialists and possess the votes in Congress to get it done, damn the rules, damn the people, damn the constitution, damn the republic. The actions the Democrat party have taken in the past year are by any definition totalitarian. I am certain that Jefferson and Jackson are rolling in their graves today.
In short, I see no difference between the Democrats and a National Socialist Party., what can the nation do in response to the totalitarian National Socialist Party and their takeover of State and personal sovereignty?
First, it is incumbent upon the States of the United States to engage in a national nullification of the National Socialist Party’s socialization of health care. States, and states alone, are granted the power under the constitution of the United States to regulate both the health care and the insurance provided in their particular state. Every state that values the continuation of the republic should take legislative and executive action immediately to prohibit the Federal government from implementing the health care portions of the National Socialist Party’s socialized medicine program. This should include the following elements:
Assert the State’s preeminence on matters of health care and insurance laws within the State borders; and
Enact nullification laws and prohibitions against the enforcement of unconstitutional Federal laws – that is, criminalize the enforcement of the National Socialist Party’s socialized medicine program within the State.
To the extent this can be done in concert between states, it should be done. Nothing would make me happier than to see several states all pass nullification laws and resolutions on the same day, at the same time.
Second, there is an election a mere six and one half months away. No National Socialist Party member should be re-elected to Congress. Any congressional district or state that re-elects a Democrat should be shunned in every possible way. No visits, no conventions, no investment, no money, no nothing. The home bases of the National Socialist Party must be dead to us. And the new Congress must repeal this scar on the nation, and overrule the expected veto by the National Socialist Party’s leader, Barak Hussein Obama. UPDATE: It occurred to me after writing this that another action a nullification-minded Congress could take would to be to withhold funding for some or all of the activities authorized under this law. Again, it would face a veto, but budget bills can and do get passed as overrides to a veto.
Third, even with the expected veto, a mere two thirds majorities in both houses of Congress (and without the approval of the President required) may propose an Amendment to the constitution of the United States that would repeal the National Socialist Party’s healthcare takeover. Thirty eight of the states would be required to vote in favor of the amendment for it to become the supreme law of the land.
Fourth, there are two opportunities to mount of constitutional challenges against the National Socialist Party’s socialized health care takeover.
One path of objection is the nature in which the House passed its approval of their version of the bill. Because the House added amendments or stipulations to the bill prior to its being signed into law, the identical bill was not passed by both houses of Congress, thus the President was never constitutionally presented with a bill that passed both houses of Congress, and thus there was nothing for the President to sign.
The next path of objection is a challenge on the constitutionality of the most socialistic provisions of the law; however, it is questionable when such an objection would be ripe for court review because there is a significant delay in the implementation of most of totalitarian provisions. However, when such a case or controversy becomes ripe, much of the law violates the first Article and second Articles and the ninth and tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.
Beyond these, there is always the Declaration of Independence. The states created the Federal form of government, and the states can opt out of it. Remember that the Declaration of Independence was not superseded by the Constitution – it remains the enacting document whereby the colonies declared independence in the name of the united States of America. The principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence are both universal and eternal:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.