Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Socialism on the March

I had no idea when I started this blog that we were just a few short months to the most naked socialist bailout of Democrat supporters who prospered and screwed up under the complete lack of Democrat oversight -- Wall Street financiers.

The 700 billion dollar bailout of these elitist Democrat donors on the backs of the middle class is naked, blatant, undemocratic, socialism of risk and loss. The bill foisted upon the American taxpayer by the politicial elite shall be the real damning legacy of President George W. Bush. Bush has been poorly served by his Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson, an unworth successor to Alexander Hamilton.

Where is the American leader who will stand up for free markets and personal/corporate responsibility? Where is the American leader who will prevent the raping of the middle class? Will the American public have the brains or fortitude to throw all these bums out of office?

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