Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Obama's Liberty Crushing Idea of the Day

B. Hussein Obama, meet Hugo Chavez. Obama plans to bring legislation to the Congress this week to expand the government’s power to seize financial companies other than banks. The plan would seek “broad” oversight of any financial-related business of whatever nature whose failure could, in the opinion of the Anointed One, disrupt the “broader” economy. The range of “oversight” could include guaranteeing the firms losses with taxpayer dollars, taking an ownership interest in the firm with taxpayer dollars, voiding the firms contracts, limiting salaries and wages of firm employees, and seizing the firm outright.

In other words, this is a naked power grab against all financial institutions.

Here is another Obama idea to nationalize the financial industry while at the same time fleecing taxpayers.

This guy is a Socialist juggernaut, generating a new liberty-crushing idea every day.

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