Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Communists Foist Earth Day on Us

Today is euphemistically called Earth Day, but it would be better called “Watermelon Day”. Like today’s environmentalists, watermelons are green on the outside, but red on the inside. Fittingly, Earth Day is held on Vladimir Lenin’s birthday. The birthright of murderous Communism runs from Lenin straight through to the Earth Day sycophants begging for their own destruction on this very day.

Earth Day was founded on a policy of zero growth. Every year, the heirs to Thomas Robert Malthus predict man is utilizing natural resources at a rate that the earth cannot support. Starting in 1798, the Malthusian dilemma has been suggested as some kind of natural law, and every year since then facts have proven that man’s capability to improve the science of resource production disproves the theories of Malthus and his ilk.

The latest version of Earth Day environmental nonsense is B. Hussein Obama’s “Cap and Trade” plan set forth in his 4.5 Trillion Dollar budget plan. The Cap in Cap and Trade is a cap on economic growth. The Trade part is simply more taxes on energy consumers passed along as higher costs.

Abundant affordable energy is the lynchpin of economic growth. Any effort to cap the growth of energy production, or tax the production of new energy, only hurts the economy, and thus, the people and the nation. Not even Jimmy Carter has sought to weaken the United States as quickly or dramatically as B. Hussein Obama.

Earth Day should be a reminder to all those who love liberty and progress that poorly educated fools and useful idiots desire to rot the nation from the inside out.

On April 22, I will celebrate human achievement, technological progress, and redouble my efforts to combat those who wish to damage this nation’s economy.

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