Tuesday, June 2, 2009

GM Goes "green"; Hummer Goes Red

Government Motors says that it has found a buyer for our Hummer brand - Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Co. of Red China. The Socialists sell to Communists. Perfect. I suppose the Chinese government can pay for Hummer with some of the soon-to-be-worthless Treasury bills they have.

Now for the really funny part: GM said the sale will likely save more than 3,000 U.S. jobs in manufacturing, engineering and at various Hummer dealerships.

The spate of Kool-Aid drinking going on with Government Motors is really hitting unbelievable proportions. The Red Chinese are going to ship the production tools and dies over to Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Co. in China and fire all the workers in the U.S. Then, they will make the Hummers out of cheaper materials and sell them to the Asian and Middle Eastern markets.

The Obama Administration believes itself so bullet proof that it won’t even have to spin the loss of these jobs.

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