Saturday, August 8, 2009

Another Racist On the Supreme Court

In B. Hussein Obama's "post-racial" America, his first appointment to the United States Supreme Court is an admitted racist, Sonia Sotomayor. Sonia is not the first racist on the supreme Court, and likely will not be the last, but this appointment was preventable and is unfortunate.

Sonia replaces another unfortunate appointment, and one of the supreme Court's least qualified and least meaningful members, David Souter. David Souter was a wasted appointment of President George Bush the first, a gift of RINO Chief of Staff John Sununu and RINO Sen. Warren Rudman. While Earl Warren and Harry Blackmun rank as the worst GOP supreme Court appointments, David Souter's middling intellect reduced his supreme Court role to being merely a liberal sock puppet.

Today, the nation is a little more at risk because of Sonia Sotomayor. Let us see how this "wise Latina" performs.

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