Monday, July 26, 2010

Arizona - Effective Legislation In Action

The mainstream media is full of hand-wringing stories today with one true unifying headline:

Illegal Aliens Flee Arizona Ahead of Immigration Law Enforcement

Apparently the yardsale bargain hunters were having a field day in Arizona last weekend as the illegals sold off their goods ahead of their moves to sanctuary cities. You will not see a quote from one of them saying they are going back to Mexico. They do say "We have no alternative. They [Arizona] have us cornered."

Of course when Americans are cornered where they lawfully reside, they stand and fight. See: the Alamo.

The MSM also likes to point out that legal residents are leaving Arizona, too. That's because they are harboring illegals, which is a crime, too. Again, mission accomplished. Not only is Arizona ridding itself of illegal aliens, it is ridding itself of those that harbor and support the illegals.

In short, the Arizona illegal immigrant law may be the most effective piece of legislation passed by anyone, anywhere.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Apparently other states and cities recognize the wisdom of enacting such legislation.

Inevitably sanctuary cities will have their fill of illegal "refugees."

The revolution is spreading!