Sunday, September 12, 2010

Remembering 9/11

Yesterday was the 9th anniversary of the Islamic attack that destroyed the twin towers in New York City, hit the Pentagon in Washington DC, and forced the passengers of a jet to crash in Shanksville, PA.

President Barak Hussein Obama spent it trying to appease Muslims.

While my motto about 9/11 is "never forgive, never forget, and never submit", we have a President far more interested in convincing Americans that heretical Islam is "true" Islam because he says so.

While it may well be in the United States' best interests to pervert Islam into some sort of watered down Rick Warren-esque meaningless mainstream religion, he should not spend time trying to convince the American people that madrases funded by Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan already instruct Muslims in that manner. They don't.

Never Forgive. Never Forget. Never Submit. Not even if a President named Barak Hussein Obama tells you that we have nothing to worry about from Islam.

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