Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Reform the TSA Now!

In the balance between security and liberty, the Obama regime has gone too far. The obtrusive, offensive, and unconstitutional searches of airline travellers must end.

Under what legal theory do we believe that airports are Constitution-free zones? Under what legal theory can it be implied that a commercial transaction between private parties (purchasing an airline ticket) comprises a waiver of Constitutional rights?

Under what legal theory does the Obama regime assume that American citizens that do not qualify for even a Terry stop can be subjected to sexual assault or a strip search merely because they want to travel?

Why does the "brilliant" Obama need to be told that treating each and every airline passenger as as a potential terrorist is anti-intellectual? Is EVERY traveller a potential terrorist? And, we are willing to trust the controls of a plane to a pilot, but we want to search him for explosive underwear first? We do have a description of suspect airline bombers/hijackers. Let's put those people to enhanced searches. It is usually those people who are waved through security, sacrificing real airline safety and civil rights of travellers on the altar of political correctness.

I understand why Obama would innately be drawn to Soviet-style police state searches of American citizens, but even the KGB targeted its efforts. Even authoritarian overseas regimes in terrorist-rich regions do not subject travellers to physical assaults and strip searches to travel. I know, I've travelled there.

Congress needs to step in now and end the offensive touchings and virtual strip searches immediately. A valid, effective security process would involve merely this - metal detectors for persons, x-ray the belongings, and send everything past an explosives sniffer (either mechanical or animal). Instead of spending money on a radiation-spewing back scatter device, we should have spent the funds on a combination x-ray machine/explosive compound detector. Enhanced

I knew when Bush wanted the Department of Homeland Security created, we could not trust it to the Democrats because they would use it against the citizens. Liberals can never, ever be trusted with power.

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