Is this the Hope and Change the nation was waiting for? Naked socialism, fleecing taxpayers, and paying off political cronies like the unions? Really? Is this what that nation wanted?
If Obama is allowed to steal the taxpayer's money like this, we owe Richard Nixon an apology.
If you support Obama’s administration, you are a Socialist. Period. A red, a commie, a pinko.
Some Memorial Day this will be. Obama and his supporters are completely devaluing the lives of all who fought and died to protect the world from the slavery of Socialism. Obama is urinating on the graves of tens of thousands of servicemen who gave their last and final measure of devotion to their country to stop the onslaught of Fascistic Socialism.
Obama is foisting it on the United States with a big, red bow.
1 comment:
The carbon footprint tax will go directly to the central bank, so it is a design for more money-making by the banks. Every child born will have to pay a tax for expelling carbon.
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