While claiming they are not interested in “recasting” the GOP, former Gov. Bush labeled the GOP rank-and-file’s belief in the Conservative principles as enunciated by Ronald Reagan as “nostalgic” and “irrelevant.” He further said that Ronald Reagan’s message “will not draw people” to his cause. He presumes incorrectly that his cause and the Conservative cause is the same thing.
I would argue after two Bush presidents that spent like drunken sailors and could not grasp the

I hope the NCNA manages to come to my town on their “listening” tour. I would like the opportunity to let them hear me. Ronald Reagan is the last wildly popular Republican President folks can remember watching on TV. Reagan is real to most voters. Last time he stood for election, he won a 49 state landslide.
Compare this to RINO John McCain (multiple presidential campaign loser), RINO Mitt Romney (couldn’t get past the primaries, but he’s changed, really!), Jeb Bush (bravely did not run for the open Fla. Senate seat) and this other bunch of neophytes. These guys are SMART and Reagan was dumb, remember?
B. Hussein Obama will be the easiest sitting President to run against since Jimmy Carter – who, by the way, was vanquished by Ronald Reagan – and any Republican who can form complete sentences and campaign on bedrock Conservative principles will win.
However, if a candidate can’t find the good in Ronald Reagan, why do they want to seek a GOP leadership role if not to purge the GOP of the Conservative rank-and-file?
At its root, I think for starters both liberals and Conservatives can agree on one thing -- no more Bushes in the White House.
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