Monday, May 25, 2009

Hope? Change? Nope, Korean Nukes

Just in time for Memorial Day, North Korea detonated an underground nuclear weapons test.

Now, I thought the Anointed One would fix all of our international security problems. After all, he was so popular overseas. He was going to engage with Iran and China and fix the Korea issue and bring peace to the Middle East.

However, in a single week, Iran has test fired a ballistic missile that places Europe, Israel, and US bases well within the range of a nuclear weapon, North Korea has conducted a nuclear weapons test, and Benyamin Netanyahu told Obama that Israel will not be dictated to by the White House.

Iranian dictator and hostage taker Mahmoud Ahmadinejad went so far as to challenge B. Hussein Obama at the UN on “world problems and collective cooperation.” Frankly, that is a debate I'd like to see, since it believe it would reveal that there is not a dime's bit of difference between these two America haters.

Meanwhile, we will see if "Obama" is Korean for "doormat."

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