Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Conor Clarke Does Not Understand English

Conor Clarke, confirmed eco-Statist and blog poster on Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish banner, has a disingenuous headline today regarding Sarah Palin's critique of the Obama energy policy and the Mandate, Cap, and Tax bill.

Clarke's disingenuous headline reads "Sarah Palin Does Not Understand Cap and Trade". From an eco-Statist like Clarke, that really means "Sarah Palin Understands the Cap and Trade Bill Perfectly", but I digress.

As evidence of Palin's ignorance, Clarke holds up the following Palin quote: There is no denying that as the world becomes more industrialized, we need to reform our energy policy and become less dependent on foreign energy sources."

To which Clarke responds: "I don't think cap and trade has many supporters who think it's the best way to become 'less dependent on foreign energy sources.'"

Of course, that was not Palin's point, and anyone who can read plain English can understand that. Fact will not get in the way of eco-Statists like Conor Clarke trying to smear Sarah Palin.

I have posted a considerable amount about the damage Mandate, Cap, and Tax will visit upon the economy of the United States, and it has been made clear by the EPA that Mandate, Cap, and Tax will not change their projected air temperatures one degree. Mandate, Cap, and Tax is about government control of the economy and nothing else. Communists, Socialists, Fascists, and Statists support Mandate, Cap, and Tax. Anyone who values freedom, ordered liberty, and a strong economy must opposed this bill at all costs.

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