Thursday, July 30, 2009

Reflections upon the Notion of American Independence

I’ve spent a fair part of this month - the month in which we Americans celebrate Independence Day - thinking about the meaning of Independence. I am struck by the irony of celebrating a national holiday commemorating cutting the ties of dependency upon a government while at the same time laboring under a Presidency and Congress leading the nation toward greater government dependence, even subjugation, of its people.

Independence is what is celebrated in this Nation, and with good cause. We have no national Dependence Day celebration.

Independence Day does not celebrate the mere notion of being independent. Independence Day celebrates the act of declaring our Independence. Independence in the United States is not just an ideal, a philosophy, a goal – it is our national birthright. The act itself founded a confederation of independent states.

Independence is not a death rattle, it is the cry of life! Independence has been the goal of self-conscious humans since humans achieved self-consciousness. Hundreds of Thousands of Americans have lost their very life and all they own in the pursuit and preservation of Independence, and with it, Liberty and Opportunity.

The pursuit of Independence is what fueled the rush of immigrants to this nation. The pilgrims were pursing Liberty from oppression. Later waves of immigrants were pursuing Opportunity – Enterprise – a better life for themselves and their descendants.

Government dependency is antithetical to Independence. Statism is antithetical to Independence. Blame shifting is antithetical to Independence. Failing to speak out against a power hungry, all-powerful central government is antithetical to Independence.

Where are our Patriots today? Where are the successors of Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, Madison, and Adams in our government? Where are the successors of Thomas Payne in the press? Where are the successors of Samuel Adams in the grassroots?

Whither courage? Whither conviction? Whither truth? Whither self-reliance? Whither our frontier spirit? Whither the United States.

A government which seeks to make slaves of its people is no successor of our Founders. Such a government – such men and women -- cannot legitimately govern a free nation founded in Independence.

This nation has never celebrated or feted those who would not or cannot do for themselves. They are pitied, and with good cause. Not because their lives are valueless, but because their independence is lost.

Socialism is slavery. A government that issues intrusive decrees is a tyranny.

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