Friday, February 26, 2010

Open Questions About The Healthcare Meeting

Why are the Democrats involving Republicans in the discussion about the bills only AFTER the bills have been written and passed by both houses of Congress? The bills have not been withdrawn or rebuked by the Democrat leadership, and the Democrats have had for a year all the votes they need to put a health care takeover on the Anointed One's desk. This was not the Democrats seeking advice and counsel. This was the Democrats seeking a criminal accomplice.

What I did not hear from the Republicans is just as concerning as what I continue to hear from the Democrats. Not one Republican (and certainly no Democrat) said that it is the responsibility of the individual, not government, to provide for his or her own health care. The GOP has bought into this notion that someone other than the recipient must pay for a person's health care.

And that mindset is how we got into the fiscal pickle in the first place.

The price of freedom is not vigilance; the price of freedom is self-reliance. You are a slave if you are dependent upon any other person or entity to receive your needs. If you depend on the government for health care, you are a slave.

Update: People are starting to get it. A CNN poll shows that a majority of Americans now see the government as a threat to their rights. It's been that way all along - slaves have no rights. Glad the "moderates" are catching on.

Even ABC says "You Lie" to Obama

Lie number one: Health Care premiums go up under the Anointed One's plan, not down as B. Hussein Obama claims.

Lie number two: Obama claims that under his plan, people won't have to pay for other people's health care. Whoops, the truth is there are "generous subsidies for families with incomes under $88,000". That means taxpayers WILL be paying for other people's health care.

Lie number three: "If you like your plan, you can keep it." The truth: even if the insurance company maintains your plan under the weight of the Federal diktats, you can keep it only for a limited time.

Lie number four: full abortion on demand is covered under the Anointed One's plan. Joe Wilson was 100% right.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Al Qaida's Lawyers Now Running the Justice Department

Let that sink in: Al Qaida's lawyers are now occupying high level positions at the Justice Department, including the National Security Division of the Justice Department.

We now know why the Anointed One wants to have the Islamic terrorists' trials removed from military tribunals and have their prosecution handled by the Department of Justice.

Barak Hussein Obama wants the terrorists found not guilty and released.

To ensure this occurs, Eric Holder and B. Hussein Obama have packed the Justice Department with political appointees that have represented the terrorists in Gitmo.

That's right: the terrorist defense attorneys are now in charge of their prosecution.

In the real legal world, this is called a conflict of interest. Once an attorney obtains a client, that client is for all practical purposes always that attorney's client, and the attorney cannot ever bring or work on a case against that client. Attorneys can and have been disbarred for such behavior.

All of this has arisen from a simple set of questions Senator Charles Grassley asked of Eric Holder nearly six months ago. Addressing Holder about the terrorists' defense attorneys now working at the Justice Department, Grassley asked: Who are they, which terrorists did they represent, and what are their duties at the Justice Department today?

Grassley asked because he knew of two: current Principal Deputy Solicitor General Neal Katyal represented Osama bin Laden's driver, and Jennifer Daskal, now an official in the National Security Division of the Justice Department, represented several detainees through her work for the extremely liberal Human Rights Watch.

Since that question, Holder has responded that there are "at least" nine such persons, but he will not reveal who they are or who they represented. Holder continues to hide the names and jobs of the other terrorist's lawyers now embedded at Justice.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Beyond Incredulity

The Anointed One has really shown his true Statist/Syndicalist nature this week. After being stung by the Scott Brown election, B. Hussein Obama wanted the voters to know that he "got it" and will focus like a laser on jobs.

I suppose he meant con jobs. So, with this new focus on jobs, B. Hussein Obama invited the GOP to an open discussion about the health care bill while the Democrats and Rahm "it through" Emmanuel continued their back room scheming to enact the government takeover of health care. B. Hussen Obama announced his own plan for socialized health care.

And now this: B. Hussein Obama of the corrupt Chicago machine wants to appoint SEIU president and Marxist Andy Stern to Obama's federal deficit panel. Exactly what does Andy Stern bring to a deficit panel other than a demand for more wealth to non-working sluggards and illegal aliens, the explosion of the federal debt by way of healthcare socialization, and a penchant for running a criminal enterprise called the SEIU?

B. Hussein Obama's occupation of the White House cannot end soon enough.

Toyota vs Government Motors

I warned earlier that it is fundamentally unfair for other car companies to compete against the industry's regulator which is also a manufacturer. Toyota, the most successful car company in the world, is finding this out the hard way.

The US government cannot be both a regulator and a competitor. Certainly the anti-trust laws or RICO laws are being violated by this anti-competitive behavior.

Obama to Double Down on Socialism

For nearly half a year, the American people have pointed out the most outrageous and costly elements of the Democrat's socialist health care nationalization plan. And for half a year, Obama's lackeys have claimed "that's not the President's plan."

This week, B. Hussein Obama is set to reveal his plan. It turns out that the Reid-Pelosi plan was not costly or socialist enough for a true Statist like the Anointed One.

To the extent the Federal government should be involved in health care "reform", it must be to reduce the Federal role in health care -- after all, everyone agrees that the existing health care projections and expenditures in the Federal budget are unsustainable. But only in a Statist's wildest Socialistic dreams could an exercise in cost reduction result in the quintupling of the size of the program and budget.

Unlike most of the Conservative commentators, I hope the GOP does meet with B. Hussein Obama on television this week, and they should launch a principled and unrelenting critique of the Anointed One's plan, destroying it element by element. The American people do not want Socialized medicine, do not want a Federal takeover of health care, and do not want Washington DC running their lives.

The GOP does not need to propose an alternative plan to win this. Doing nothing is better than enacting any Democrat's plan. It is appropriate and instructive to recall the first principle of the Hippocratic oath -- first do no harm.

Update: As more details come out, the Anointed One's plan has all the tried and failed socialist remedies: higher taxes, higher government spending, higher deficits, more government control over citizen lives and medical decisions, prices controls, a huge new bureaucracy, and illogical reasoning: we're spending your money to save it.

Additional Update: Follow this media talking point: "Mandating insurance coverage for all Americans will mean that the insured will stop paying for the medical expenses of the uninsured. And there are government insurance vouchers to pay for insurance for those who can't afford it."

Friday, February 19, 2010

More Army Jihadi Coverup?

Word is leaking out that five Muslim soldiers at Fort Jackson, South Carolina were arrested around Christmas 2009 in a food poisoning plot. Coming after the coverups that went on associated with jihadist Major Nidal Malik Hasan, this is not a hopeful sign that the Army gets it.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Joe Stack - Terrorist

Today, a man who claimed to be tired of watching the US Government continue to punish the productive in favor of illegal immigrants, the unproductive, labor unions, and leftist intelligentsia flew his private plane into an IRS office in Austin, Texas.

Like all terrorists, Joe Stack misdirected his attack against people who were not the cause of his angst. All he harmed were innocent people, no more at the controls of the government he came to see as opposing him as he himself was.

So for those of us who also believe the Government has grown far beyond its constitutional limitations, life just got tougher. Now, Big Sister Janet can point to Joe Stack and say "Ah-ha! I told you right-wingers were terrorists!"

But life should be a little tougher for leftists as well. Let us see if the New York Times will delve into a real discussion about whether Joe Stack was an ideologically driven murderer or perpetrated an act designed to call attention to a legitimate plight. We'll see.

Joe Stack, you died a schmuck. You died for nothing. Your act will achieve nothing positive. In short - EPIC FAIL you terrorist loser.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bye Bye Bayh

Evan Bayh, Democrat Senator from Indiana, announced that he would not see reelection in 2010.

You may recall that Evan Bayh followed in the footsteps of his father, liberal Senator Birch Bayh. Evan was born with his hand in your pocket.

State run media will try to pain Evan Bayh as a moderate or centrist, but recall that Evan Bayh voted for a government dictatorship over the medical practice, and without requiring a Louisiana Purchase or a Cornhusker Kickback.

There are no moderate Democrat Senators. To say otherwise is a lie.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Theory of Man Made Climate Change is Dead

"Professor" Phil Jones, former Director of the now thoroughly discredited University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit, had a very interesting interview with the BBC over the weekend.

For perhaps the first time in his career, Phil Jones told the truth to the public, not just a handful of global warming sycophants. Recall that the truth Phil Jones told his sycophants was that he was manufacturing evidence to support the theory of global warming -- man-made or otherwise.

The truth he told the public over the weekend:

+Climate change on earth happens entirely without human influence.

+There has been NO GLOBAL WARMING for the past fifteen years - the hockey stick graph is a lie.

+The raw data has been "lost", thus no real scientific method can be applied to weather data used to support the conclusions of the now discredited Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change pronouncements.

Perhaps most telling is that Phil Jones still "believes" that the earth is warming and man is responsible. That is, he has faith, about man made climate change. You need faith to believe when there is no evidence to support your beliefs. The climate realists have long alleged that the global warming crowd were practicing a religion, not science. We now see that

Beliefs are fine, but they should never be confused with science. And Phil Jones has been a scientific malpractitioner for the past twenty years. He and his ilk (including NASA's James Hansen and the IPCC) are charlatans, snake oil salesmen, big government shills, agents of fascism, and psuedo-scientific hucksters. At least this weekend Jones admitted as much.

Any further government action associated with addressing climate change, capping carbon emissions, hindering economic growth, and limiting energy consumption can no longer be justified on science. Those who support these measures are apostles of a centralized economy, and have more in common with Jozeph Stalin than they care to admit.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

RIP -- Charlie Wilson

Charles Nesbitt Wilson, an ethically-challenged Democrat Congressional Representative from Texas and US Naval Academy graduate, passed away today.

Charlie Wilson, more than any other legislator, did the things that were needed to fund the Afghans in their fight against the Soviet Union's occupation. Together with CIA agent Gust Avrakotos, Charlie Wilson made sure the Afghans were equipped to fight the Red Army, and win.

The Soviet defeat in Afghanistan was one of the five great external shocks (along with Solidarity, Desert Storm, the Fall of the Berlin Wall, and SDI) that brought down the Soviet Union.

No matter Charlie Wilson's other shortcomings, he kept the faith with the Afghan mujaheddin standing toe to toe with the Soviets and his defeatist fellow party members.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Obama's Anti-Catholicism

The Anointed One continues to reveal himself as promoters of rabid anti-Catholics. Two recent appointments come to the fore in this regard.

Currently, B. Hussein Obama has appointed noted anti-Catholic Harry Knox to the White House Faith-Based Advisory Council. This is the same Harry Knox that said Pope Benedict XVI is "hurting people in the name of Jesus" for suggesting that homosexual men with AIDS in Africa engage in sexual self control instead of endorsing UN efforts to distribute condoms.

One might assume that members of the White House Faith-Based Advisory Council are members of or associated with religious faith. Not so at the B. Hussein Obama White House.

Knox's "faith" which qualifies him to be on a board associated with faith based initiatives, is radical homosexuality. He is a former Methodist minister.

Recently, the Anointed One has re-nominated virulent anti-Catholic Dawn Johnsen to head up the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice. This is the same Dawn Johnsen that has a history of extreme pro-abortion advocacy for NARAL, the ACLU, and the Abortion Rights Mobilization group. As counsel for the Abortion Rights Mobilization group, Johnsen sued the IRS to attempt to force the IRS to revoke the tax-exempt status of the Roman Catholic church in the United States. While working for NARAL, Johnsen adamantly opposed parental notification laws when their children sought medical treatments. For the ACLU before the Supreme Court of the United States, Johnsen aruged that pregnancy was slavery barred by the 13th amendment.

Johnsen's long history of radical left wing advocacy in no way indicates that she has the bearing or temperament to head any office where compromise and the ability to listen and understand all aspects of a conflict are critical.

However, Obama's radical anti-life, anti-Catholic agenda must move forward at all costs.