Saturday, February 6, 2010

Obama's Anti-Catholicism

The Anointed One continues to reveal himself as promoters of rabid anti-Catholics. Two recent appointments come to the fore in this regard.

Currently, B. Hussein Obama has appointed noted anti-Catholic Harry Knox to the White House Faith-Based Advisory Council. This is the same Harry Knox that said Pope Benedict XVI is "hurting people in the name of Jesus" for suggesting that homosexual men with AIDS in Africa engage in sexual self control instead of endorsing UN efforts to distribute condoms.

One might assume that members of the White House Faith-Based Advisory Council are members of or associated with religious faith. Not so at the B. Hussein Obama White House.

Knox's "faith" which qualifies him to be on a board associated with faith based initiatives, is radical homosexuality. He is a former Methodist minister.

Recently, the Anointed One has re-nominated virulent anti-Catholic Dawn Johnsen to head up the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice. This is the same Dawn Johnsen that has a history of extreme pro-abortion advocacy for NARAL, the ACLU, and the Abortion Rights Mobilization group. As counsel for the Abortion Rights Mobilization group, Johnsen sued the IRS to attempt to force the IRS to revoke the tax-exempt status of the Roman Catholic church in the United States. While working for NARAL, Johnsen adamantly opposed parental notification laws when their children sought medical treatments. For the ACLU before the Supreme Court of the United States, Johnsen aruged that pregnancy was slavery barred by the 13th amendment.

Johnsen's long history of radical left wing advocacy in no way indicates that she has the bearing or temperament to head any office where compromise and the ability to listen and understand all aspects of a conflict are critical.

However, Obama's radical anti-life, anti-Catholic agenda must move forward at all costs.

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