Monday, February 22, 2010

Obama to Double Down on Socialism

For nearly half a year, the American people have pointed out the most outrageous and costly elements of the Democrat's socialist health care nationalization plan. And for half a year, Obama's lackeys have claimed "that's not the President's plan."

This week, B. Hussein Obama is set to reveal his plan. It turns out that the Reid-Pelosi plan was not costly or socialist enough for a true Statist like the Anointed One.

To the extent the Federal government should be involved in health care "reform", it must be to reduce the Federal role in health care -- after all, everyone agrees that the existing health care projections and expenditures in the Federal budget are unsustainable. But only in a Statist's wildest Socialistic dreams could an exercise in cost reduction result in the quintupling of the size of the program and budget.

Unlike most of the Conservative commentators, I hope the GOP does meet with B. Hussein Obama on television this week, and they should launch a principled and unrelenting critique of the Anointed One's plan, destroying it element by element. The American people do not want Socialized medicine, do not want a Federal takeover of health care, and do not want Washington DC running their lives.

The GOP does not need to propose an alternative plan to win this. Doing nothing is better than enacting any Democrat's plan. It is appropriate and instructive to recall the first principle of the Hippocratic oath -- first do no harm.

Update: As more details come out, the Anointed One's plan has all the tried and failed socialist remedies: higher taxes, higher government spending, higher deficits, more government control over citizen lives and medical decisions, prices controls, a huge new bureaucracy, and illogical reasoning: we're spending your money to save it.

Additional Update: Follow this media talking point: "Mandating insurance coverage for all Americans will mean that the insured will stop paying for the medical expenses of the uninsured. And there are government insurance vouchers to pay for insurance for those who can't afford it."

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