Monday, April 5, 2010

In the Face of World Challenges, More Weakness

The international community, from China to Russia to Iran to Hamid Karzai to Iran, have taken the measure of B. Hussein Obama and found him to be weak. So, they have steadily taken advantage of the Anointed One and his equally ineffective Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The Chinese are manipulating their currency to affect the balance of trade with the US. Instead of declaring them currency manipulators as the US law requires, Obama directs Timmy Geithner (Timmahh!) to blink.

Russia flaunts its trade with rogue regimes like Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. We do nothing.

Iran laughs at the possibility of facing sanction over its nuclear ambitions, while Obama and Clinton attempt to cow the Israelis.

Hamid Karzai is fed up with the duplicitous nature of dealing with the Chicago mafia in the White House, and threatens to welcome the Taleban into his government.

All of these nations can do so because they know Obama has no interest in projecting real power around the world. Obama is ashamed of the power of the United States - a nation he, his wife, and his minister all detest.

So, in the face of all these challenges, Obama wants to take the nuclear deterrent off the table. Do what you like, world, we will not use nuclear weapons against you. Really, Obama won't do anything at all. The doors are open, take whatever you like.

We won't protect our borders, but we subject our own citizens to virtual strip searches.

We won't fight Islamic terrorism, but we will target critics of Obama for investigation.

We won't nuke you, even if you use chemical or biological weapons against us. I'm sure taking nuclear weapons off the table puts real fear in our enemies.

Time out doesn't work on terrorists, rogue regimes, or competitive superpowers. We have never had a president so completely clueless about the nature of foreign affairs - either that or B. Hussein Obama really wishes ill to come to the United States. The bad guys are out there and trying every day to hurt us. Fewer defensive tools is not what we need.

This man's presidency is going to ruin this nation. God help us all.

Meanwhile you might familiarize yourself with this:

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