Monday, April 5, 2010

US Consulate Attacked

The US consulate in Peshawar, Pakistan was attacked overnight by car bombs and homicidal Islamists, likely Taleban. The Keystone Cop-esque response of the Pakistani security services show on newsreels this morning is matched only by the cluelessness of the B. Hussein Obama administration.

B. Hussein Obama campaigned on the promise that he would focus efforts on Afghanistan, which was, according to the Anointed One, the real source of the terrorism in the Mideast region. Since his election, he has handcuffed and criminally prosecuted our warfighters, interfered with military operations, rejected the advice of his commanders, and allowed the fight against the Taleban to spill into Pakistan.

I weep for the men on the ground in Afghanistan, who are placing their lives on the line every day for a President who does not understand the military, how to fight a war, the true nature of our enemy, or his own personal limitations. This Administration's abuse of the nation and its finest warriors is criminal.

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