Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Destruction of American Education

Further proof that Schools of Education are educational fraud. In the very smart, very elite, very progressive state of Massachusetts, only 27% of aspiring elementary school teachers could pass the mathematics portion of the certification exam.

A state official claims this result places a shining light on a deficiency of the state's teacher prep program.

What is actually does is shines a light on the whole construct of a "teacher prep" program. There should be no degree in "education". A teacher prep program should be four courses in teaching theory and practice. Otherwise, if you want to teach math, you should have a math degree. If you want to teach science, you should have a science degree. Only in that way will our students be taught by persons who have the intellectual basis to actually teach the subject.

This, of course, is a parallel with Schools of Journalism. Unlike elementary school, which is mandatory, the poor products being turned our with journalism degrees are killing newspapers because the entirely lack an understanding of the material about which they write.

The dumbing down of America continues unabated. Wait until B. Hussein Obama and his appointees dictate the end of homeschooling. You read it here first.

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