Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Obama Chooses La Raza for a SCOTUS Seat

In picking Sonia Sotomayor to be his nominee for the vacancy on the supreme Court of the United States, B. Hussein Obama has revealed himself as a racist and sexist, because the race and sex of the nominee were the first two “qualifications” Obama sought in his nominee. Sotomayor brings nothing else to the table, having a reputation among Democrats as a middling, often ill-tempered judge best known for nagging her colleges and writing in an extreme left wing law journal, the Berkley La Raza Law Journal.

La Raza is “the [Hispanic] Race”, and proponents of La Raza believe that Hispanics and Hispanic politicians should favor other Hispanics over any other race. The fact that Sotomayor would allow herself to be openly associated with La Raza indicates that she herself did not think of herself as SCOTUS quality. Her racists statements and writings should be reason enough to reject the nomination.

Obama’s selection smacks of racial identity politics, which Obama has milked all the way to the White House. Whatever hope or change Obama voters thought was to come from the Anointed One, it is clear that post-racial thinking is not part of it.

Naturally, the national GOP leadership will be cowed by this pick, and it will again be up to the conservative grassroots to organize against this pick, if it is in the best interest to oppose the pick. I say this because I am not sure that Obama’s “plan B pick” will be a more beneficial pick than Sotomayor. In fact, Obama may have sent Sotomayor up as a false flag knowing she was unqualified in order to pave the way for a more qualified but more radical pick he would rather have on the court. I believe if Sotomayor is indeed seated, she will be marginalized by most other judges as they come to understand her lack of judicial intellect.

Follow-up: The press is using the White House "fact sheet" in labelling Sotomayor as the first Hispanic nominated to the Supreme Court. More evidence that journalists are incapable of thinking or researching facts for themselves. The first Hispanic nominated and seated on the supreme Court is Benjamin Cardozo, a jurist of Portugese heritage. The definition of Hispanic includes Portugal as well as Spain. Cardozo was nominated by Herbert Hoover in 1932 to replace Oliver Wendell Holmes upon Holmes' retirement.

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