In the balance between security and liberty, the Obama regime has gone too far. The obtrusive, offensive, and unconstitutional searches of airline travellers must end.
Under what legal theory do we believe that airports are Constitution-free zones? Under what legal theory can it be implied that a commercial transaction between private parties (purchasing an airline ticket) comprises a waiver of Constitutional rights?
Under what legal theory does the Obama regime assume that American citizens that do not qualify for even a Terry stop can be subjected to sexual assault or a strip search merely because they want to travel?
Why does the "brilliant" Obama need to be told that treating each and every airline passenger as as a potential terrorist is anti-intellectual? Is EVERY traveller a potential terrorist? And, we are willing to trust the controls of a plane to a pilot, but we want to search him for explosive underwear first? We do have a description of suspect airline bombers/hijackers. Let's put those people to enhanced searches. It is usually those people who are waved through security, sacrificing real airline safety and civil rights of travellers on the altar of political correctness.
I understand why Obama would innately be drawn to Soviet-style police state searches of American citizens, but even the KGB targeted its efforts. Even authoritarian overseas regimes in terrorist-rich regions do not subject travellers to physical assaults and strip searches to travel. I know, I've travelled there.
Congress needs to step in now and end the offensive touchings and virtual strip searches immediately. A valid, effective security process would involve merely this - metal detectors for persons, x-ray the belongings, and send everything past an explosives sniffer (either mechanical or animal). Instead of spending money on a radiation-spewing back scatter device, we should have spent the funds on a combination x-ray machine/explosive compound detector. Enhanced
I knew when Bush wanted the Department of Homeland Security created, we could not trust it to the Democrats because they would use it against the citizens. Liberals can never, ever be trusted with power.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
An End to Stalinists
One way or another, the Stalinist regime in North Korea needs to fall. If we do not have the fortitude to do it militarily, then we need to end all cooperation and economic aid to this Asian tin horn and force the national concentration camp to collapse.
North Korea is nothing but a threat to themselves and others. Let's end it.
North Korea is nothing but a threat to themselves and others. Let's end it.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Continued Fleecing of Taxpayers by Government Motors
Today, Government Motors will issue an "initial" public offering of taxpayer-owned GM stock. While the taxpayers and shafted secured debt holders of GM paid for GM's bailout, the taxpayers took about a half interest in Government Motors and Obama gave the other half to the UAW, which invested nothing. Obama's justification that the labor of the UAW workers on the line amounts to corporate capital is straight out of Karl Marx's Das Kaptial.
Today's Government Motors stock firesale means that the taxpayers will see a permanent loss of over 9 billion dollars on the GM bailout. Furthermore, it will make the UAW the largest single shareholder and corporate controller of Government Motors.
In their wildest dreams the union thugs in this country would never have imagined that a president would transfer the ownership of GM to the unions, but it has indeed occurred -- and financed by the taxpayers and secured debt holders of GM to boot!
The transfer of taxpayer wealth to unions continues unabated, and more generosity to Government Motors new union owners is forthcoming. Wait until Obama and the Democrats forgive the loans to Government Motors Ed Whiteacre lied about repaying.
Today's Government Motors stock firesale means that the taxpayers will see a permanent loss of over 9 billion dollars on the GM bailout. Furthermore, it will make the UAW the largest single shareholder and corporate controller of Government Motors.
In their wildest dreams the union thugs in this country would never have imagined that a president would transfer the ownership of GM to the unions, but it has indeed occurred -- and financed by the taxpayers and secured debt holders of GM to boot!
The transfer of taxpayer wealth to unions continues unabated, and more generosity to Government Motors new union owners is forthcoming. Wait until Obama and the Democrats forgive the loans to Government Motors Ed Whiteacre lied about repaying.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Religion of Peace Update
When considering how establishment politicians in this country bow and scrape before their false god of tolerance, particularly in regards to the Muslims trying to establish a Ground Zero mosque to commemorate their victory over the Great Satan USA, we should keep this in mind.
At least twelve Catholics have been arrested and charged with proselytizing in Saudi Arabia for saying the Mass in a private home.
Tolerance is a one way street with Muslims. Keep that in mind.
At least twelve Catholics have been arrested and charged with proselytizing in Saudi Arabia for saying the Mass in a private home.
Tolerance is a one way street with Muslims. Keep that in mind.
Friday, September 17, 2010
It Is Constitution Day!

September 17th is Constitution Day. You can read the document here:
On this day, of all days, we should remember that the Constitution says what it means, and means what it says. It needs neither embellishment, discovery of penumbras, interpretation, nor improvement.
What it DOES need is a government that believes it is bound by the terms of the Constitution, or a citizenry that is willing to force the government back within the limited powers set forth in the Constitution.
The Constitution is a living document, not because judges unconstitutionally create new rights from the bench, but because of this one important clause:
Article. V.
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.
Article V sets forth the only manners by which the United States Constitution may be changed. You will notice that Article V does not say "a majority of the supreme Court determine so."
If there is a finer national Constitution, I have not found it. We should all rededicate ourselves to being governed by the letter of the Constitution.
God bless our Republic. God save the Constitution. Let freedom ring.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Message to the GOP Establishment
During times of intense crisis, the greatest directive we had in the United States Army Infantry was "Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way!"
The United States is in a time of crisis, and the GOP establishment is bound and determined to stay in the way and point fingers at those who are acting to save the nation.
Charles Krauthammer - get the hell out of the way.
National Republican Senatorial Committee - get the hell out of the way.
Michael Steele - get the hell out of the way.
RINOs - get the hell out of the way.
Bill Kristol - get the hell out of the way.
I've read the Federalist Papers from cover to cover. I respect James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton. With all due respect, Bill Kristol is no James Madison.
Citizen patriots, not career politicians and pundits, will do what it takes to save this country. It must be tough for these career politicians and pundits to come to realize they are irrelevant. But, irrelevant they are.
Get the hell out of the way.
The United States is in a time of crisis, and the GOP establishment is bound and determined to stay in the way and point fingers at those who are acting to save the nation.
Charles Krauthammer - get the hell out of the way.
National Republican Senatorial Committee - get the hell out of the way.
Michael Steele - get the hell out of the way.
RINOs - get the hell out of the way.
Bill Kristol - get the hell out of the way.
I've read the Federalist Papers from cover to cover. I respect James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton. With all due respect, Bill Kristol is no James Madison.
Citizen patriots, not career politicians and pundits, will do what it takes to save this country. It must be tough for these career politicians and pundits to come to realize they are irrelevant. But, irrelevant they are.
Get the hell out of the way.
Bill Kristol,
Charles Krauthammer,
Michael Steele,
Krauthammer Gets It Wrong on Delaware
Krauthammer says of Delaware's senate election that GOP members voting for Christine O'Donnell is "capricious" "self indulgent" and irresponsible".
On the other hand, I say voting for entrenched incumbent RINOs like Mike Castle that support abortion on demand, mandate cap and tax, oil drilling bans, and gun bans is irresponsible, unpatriotic, and anti-constitutional.
Krauthammer is not alone in his advice - many weak-kneed Republican leaner types agree with him. But Krauthammer is the biggest of the bunch to come out hard for Castle, so he gets my attention.
Krauthammer invokes the Buckley Rule: vote for the most electable conservative candidate. I see this rule as having a precondition and then an effect. The precondition is that an election need two or more conservative candidates running for the same office. If there are two or more, then choose the most electable one.
In Delaware, the precondition is not met. Mike Castle is a RINO with a mere 52% lifetime ACU rating. He has the lowest rating among the GOP every year as measured by the Club for Growth - even worse than Arlen Specter. Mike Castel is NOT conservative. The best that can be said for Mike Castle is he is reasonably popular in Delaware and he is not a ideological liberal. But he is a liberal, and he is not a conservative at all.
Krauthammer distorts the rule by trying to determine at the outset which candidate is more electable, and them try to convince himself that Castle is "conservative". He's not. Castle is merely a registered Republican from a liberal state.
So, there is only one conservative in the race - Christine O'Donnell. Buckley's rule, correctly applied, says vote for O'Donnell, not Castle.
In short: those who support voting for Castle are playing party politics, not engaging in a discussion regarding what governing philosophy is best for the country. Preferring party to country is not admirable -- in fact, it is wrong.
Krauthammer is also wrong that Obamacare is "irreversible." Don't take your victory plans from defeatists.
No matter what happens in this off year election, Barak Hussein Obama is going to still be president of the United States. There will be liberals in the Senate and conservatives in the Senate. In my opinion, it is best to isolate the liberals to the Democrats so that in the general election two years, the parties can have an ideologically-driven election from top to bottom, without outliers, exceptions, and -INOs between them.
On the other hand, I say voting for entrenched incumbent RINOs like Mike Castle that support abortion on demand, mandate cap and tax, oil drilling bans, and gun bans is irresponsible, unpatriotic, and anti-constitutional.
Krauthammer is not alone in his advice - many weak-kneed Republican leaner types agree with him. But Krauthammer is the biggest of the bunch to come out hard for Castle, so he gets my attention.
Krauthammer invokes the Buckley Rule: vote for the most electable conservative candidate. I see this rule as having a precondition and then an effect. The precondition is that an election need two or more conservative candidates running for the same office. If there are two or more, then choose the most electable one.
In Delaware, the precondition is not met. Mike Castle is a RINO with a mere 52% lifetime ACU rating. He has the lowest rating among the GOP every year as measured by the Club for Growth - even worse than Arlen Specter. Mike Castel is NOT conservative. The best that can be said for Mike Castle is he is reasonably popular in Delaware and he is not a ideological liberal. But he is a liberal, and he is not a conservative at all.
Krauthammer distorts the rule by trying to determine at the outset which candidate is more electable, and them try to convince himself that Castle is "conservative". He's not. Castle is merely a registered Republican from a liberal state.
So, there is only one conservative in the race - Christine O'Donnell. Buckley's rule, correctly applied, says vote for O'Donnell, not Castle.
In short: those who support voting for Castle are playing party politics, not engaging in a discussion regarding what governing philosophy is best for the country. Preferring party to country is not admirable -- in fact, it is wrong.
Krauthammer is also wrong that Obamacare is "irreversible." Don't take your victory plans from defeatists.
No matter what happens in this off year election, Barak Hussein Obama is going to still be president of the United States. There will be liberals in the Senate and conservatives in the Senate. In my opinion, it is best to isolate the liberals to the Democrats so that in the general election two years, the parties can have an ideologically-driven election from top to bottom, without outliers, exceptions, and -INOs between them.
Christine O'Donnell,
Gun Rights,
Mike Castle,
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Remembering 9/11
Yesterday was the 9th anniversary of the Islamic attack that destroyed the twin towers in New York City, hit the Pentagon in Washington DC, and forced the passengers of a jet to crash in Shanksville, PA.
President Barak Hussein Obama spent it trying to appease Muslims.
While my motto about 9/11 is "never forgive, never forget, and never submit", we have a President far more interested in convincing Americans that heretical Islam is "true" Islam because he says so.
While it may well be in the United States' best interests to pervert Islam into some sort of watered down Rick Warren-esque meaningless mainstream religion, he should not spend time trying to convince the American people that madrases funded by Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan already instruct Muslims in that manner. They don't.
Never Forgive. Never Forget. Never Submit. Not even if a President named Barak Hussein Obama tells you that we have nothing to worry about from Islam.
President Barak Hussein Obama spent it trying to appease Muslims.
While my motto about 9/11 is "never forgive, never forget, and never submit", we have a President far more interested in convincing Americans that heretical Islam is "true" Islam because he says so.
While it may well be in the United States' best interests to pervert Islam into some sort of watered down Rick Warren-esque meaningless mainstream religion, he should not spend time trying to convince the American people that madrases funded by Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan already instruct Muslims in that manner. They don't.
Never Forgive. Never Forget. Never Submit. Not even if a President named Barak Hussein Obama tells you that we have nothing to worry about from Islam.
Barak Hussein Obama,
Friday, September 10, 2010
Good Service
Just a post to point out that I received excellent service from A Briggs Passport and Visa Expediters. It is not the usual case that these outfits meet or exceed my expectations, but these folks absolutely have. They have my highest recommendation.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Down Goes Murkowski!
First, let me concede that Lisa Murkowski has, so far, taking her loss with a fair amount of class, conceding before all the votes were counted, but knowing that she lost.
Now, let me celebrate another Tea Party truth - the Tea Party is against big spending/big government types of all parties, and Joe Miller's win proves it.
We should also mention that Sarah Palin is the biggest political force on the Right today. She just is. No other right wing politician has the weight of her endorsement.
Now, let me celebrate another Tea Party truth - the Tea Party is against big spending/big government types of all parties, and Joe Miller's win proves it.
We should also mention that Sarah Palin is the biggest political force on the Right today. She just is. No other right wing politician has the weight of her endorsement.
Joe Miller,
Lisa Murkowski,
Sarah Palin,
Tea Party,
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Obama's Economic Guru Resigns
Christina Romer, chair of Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, is resigning her post. Romer, said to be an expert in the Great Depression, has done her best to get us into another Great Depression.
Romer's economic guidance has been devastating to the country. Never before has this nation had so much long term unemployment, not even under Carter's devastating tenure.
Roemer was the chief architect of Obama's great economic failure, the Obama Excessive Government Spending and Debt Plan (a/k/a the "Stimulus"). Romer co-wrote a justification paper saying the Obama Stimulus would keep unemployment rates from rising above 8%. She was, predictably, dead wrong. Liberals who call themselves economists always are. Even so, she has advocated a path of "doubling down" by borrowing yet more Chinese money and increasing government spending even more.
Her failure will almost certainly be rewarded with an appointment as the chairwoman of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank. Such is the path of the liberal elite.
Romer's economic guidance has been devastating to the country. Never before has this nation had so much long term unemployment, not even under Carter's devastating tenure.
Roemer was the chief architect of Obama's great economic failure, the Obama Excessive Government Spending and Debt Plan (a/k/a the "Stimulus"). Romer co-wrote a justification paper saying the Obama Stimulus would keep unemployment rates from rising above 8%. She was, predictably, dead wrong. Liberals who call themselves economists always are. Even so, she has advocated a path of "doubling down" by borrowing yet more Chinese money and increasing government spending even more.
Her failure will almost certainly be rewarded with an appointment as the chairwoman of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank. Such is the path of the liberal elite.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
GM Funnels Tax Dollars to Dems
How is GM spending your tax dollars? By funneling $41,000 to liberals, including $36,000 to the Congressional Black Caucus.
The only thing being drained in Washinton DC is the taxpayer.
The only thing being drained in Washinton DC is the taxpayer.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Arizona - Effective Legislation In Action
The mainstream media is full of hand-wringing stories today with one true unifying headline:
Illegal Aliens Flee Arizona Ahead of Immigration Law Enforcement
Apparently the yardsale bargain hunters were having a field day in Arizona last weekend as the illegals sold off their goods ahead of their moves to sanctuary cities. You will not see a quote from one of them saying they are going back to Mexico. They do say "We have no alternative. They [Arizona] have us cornered."
Of course when Americans are cornered where they lawfully reside, they stand and fight. See: the Alamo.
The MSM also likes to point out that legal residents are leaving Arizona, too. That's because they are harboring illegals, which is a crime, too. Again, mission accomplished. Not only is Arizona ridding itself of illegal aliens, it is ridding itself of those that harbor and support the illegals.
In short, the Arizona illegal immigrant law may be the most effective piece of legislation passed by anyone, anywhere.
Illegal Aliens Flee Arizona Ahead of Immigration Law Enforcement
Apparently the yardsale bargain hunters were having a field day in Arizona last weekend as the illegals sold off their goods ahead of their moves to sanctuary cities. You will not see a quote from one of them saying they are going back to Mexico. They do say "We have no alternative. They [Arizona] have us cornered."
Of course when Americans are cornered where they lawfully reside, they stand and fight. See: the Alamo.
The MSM also likes to point out that legal residents are leaving Arizona, too. That's because they are harboring illegals, which is a crime, too. Again, mission accomplished. Not only is Arizona ridding itself of illegal aliens, it is ridding itself of those that harbor and support the illegals.
In short, the Arizona illegal immigrant law may be the most effective piece of legislation passed by anyone, anywhere.
illegal aliens,
Jan Brewer,
Janet Napolitano,
The Inevitable Result of Health Care Centralization
Rationing. It is all a government can do when consumers are not allowed to self-ration based on disposable income and evaluations of actual need.
Headline: NHS bosses have drawn up secret plans for sweeping cuts to services, with restrictions on the most basic treatments for the sick and injured.
Privatize or die. Literally.
Headline: NHS bosses have drawn up secret plans for sweeping cuts to services, with restrictions on the most basic treatments for the sick and injured.
Privatize or die. Literally.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
GM Continues to Rob Taxpayers
GM announced today that it is taking $3,100,000,000.00 of the taxpayer money it has lying around (and lied about repaying "in full") and using this taxpayer money for purchasing a sub-prime lending firm. Recall that GM jettisoned their own dying credit arm GMAC (now the ironically named "Ally" Bank) into the TARP bailout fund.
The Obama Administration has used your hard-earned tax dollars to enrich his union enablers the UAW as surely as if he personally put their hands in your wallet. While GM is still overbloated and losing money, they are spending your tax dollars to take a profitable business down with them.
In what world turned upside down does this make any economic, financial, business, or political sense?
The Obama Administration has used your hard-earned tax dollars to enrich his union enablers the UAW as surely as if he personally put their hands in your wallet. While GM is still overbloated and losing money, they are spending your tax dollars to take a profitable business down with them.
In what world turned upside down does this make any economic, financial, business, or political sense?
Ally Bank,
Barak Hussein Obama,
Ed Whitacre,
Monday, June 28, 2010
A Win for the Second Amendment
The Supreme Court today, in a bare 5 member majority, held that the Second Amendment applies equally to the States as it does to the Federal government.
The case is McDonald v. Chicago, and it effectively extends the reasoning from the DC v. Heller case to all governmental subdivisions in the United States.
Samuel Alito wrote the opinion for the court: "Self-defense is a basic right ... and in Heller, we held that individual self-defense is "the central component" of the Second Amendment right. It is clear that the Framers and ratifiers of the Fourteenth Amendment counted the right to keep and bear arms among those fundamental rights necessary to our system of ordered liberty ... a provision of the Bill of Rights that protects a right that is fundamental from an American perspective applies equally to the Federal Government and the States."
So, all rights stated in the Bill of Rights apply equally to the States and the Federal governments (not just the liberal-approved rights), and the opinion is firmly rooted in the AMERICAN experience, not some wiggly international standard.
Don't tread on me! Just in time for Independence Day, too!
The case is McDonald v. Chicago, and it effectively extends the reasoning from the DC v. Heller case to all governmental subdivisions in the United States.
Samuel Alito wrote the opinion for the court: "Self-defense is a basic right ... and in Heller, we held that individual self-defense is "the central component" of the Second Amendment right. It is clear that the Framers and ratifiers of the Fourteenth Amendment counted the right to keep and bear arms among those fundamental rights necessary to our system of ordered liberty ... a provision of the Bill of Rights that protects a right that is fundamental from an American perspective applies equally to the Federal Government and the States."
So, all rights stated in the Bill of Rights apply equally to the States and the Federal governments (not just the liberal-approved rights), and the opinion is firmly rooted in the AMERICAN experience, not some wiggly international standard.
Don't tread on me! Just in time for Independence Day, too!
2nd Amendment,
Gun Rights,
Samuel Alito,
Second Amendment
Krugman: So Utterly Wrong, Again
Former Enron advisor and liberal "economist" Paul Krugman opines the following today in his New York Times column:
"And this third depression will be primarily a failure of policy. Around the world — most recently at last weekend’s deeply discouraging G-20 meeting — governments are obsessing about inflation when the real threat is deflation, preaching the need for belt-tightening when the real problem is inadequate spending."
I would offer this statement as Exhibit A in his involuntary commitment hearing.
The primary, secondary, and tertiary cause of the present economic condition is too much GOVERNMENT POLICY. World wide, we are suffering from too much government, too much spending, too much government economic regulation, and too much government-enforced wealth transfer, and too many government schemes designed to try to legislate around the market.
The real fix to the present economic condition is not just less government spending, but less government period.
Until liberals like Krugman come to understand the truth that governments are a net drain on the economy, they will continue to visit this government-approved pox of malaise upon humanity. Governments produce nothing and generate no profit. Every tax dollar to the government is both a market distortion and a violation individual economic rights.
More importantly to the current condition, every dollar provided to the government is worth less to the economy than a dollar left in the hands of the person that earned it.
More government, more spending, and more stealing of the wealth of the future generations is not just bad policy, it is criminal. Paul Krugman should be ashamed for suggesting otherwise. But we all know that liberals have no shame whatsoever.
"And this third depression will be primarily a failure of policy. Around the world — most recently at last weekend’s deeply discouraging G-20 meeting — governments are obsessing about inflation when the real threat is deflation, preaching the need for belt-tightening when the real problem is inadequate spending."
I would offer this statement as Exhibit A in his involuntary commitment hearing.
The primary, secondary, and tertiary cause of the present economic condition is too much GOVERNMENT POLICY. World wide, we are suffering from too much government, too much spending, too much government economic regulation, and too much government-enforced wealth transfer, and too many government schemes designed to try to legislate around the market.
The real fix to the present economic condition is not just less government spending, but less government period.
Until liberals like Krugman come to understand the truth that governments are a net drain on the economy, they will continue to visit this government-approved pox of malaise upon humanity. Governments produce nothing and generate no profit. Every tax dollar to the government is both a market distortion and a violation individual economic rights.
More importantly to the current condition, every dollar provided to the government is worth less to the economy than a dollar left in the hands of the person that earned it.
More government, more spending, and more stealing of the wealth of the future generations is not just bad policy, it is criminal. Paul Krugman should be ashamed for suggesting otherwise. But we all know that liberals have no shame whatsoever.
Goodbye Robert "Sheets" Byrd
Ku Klux Klan leader, longest seated Senator, the King of Pork, committed racist, and poster child for term limits Robert Byrd died this morning. West Virginia has a chance to field and seat a Tea Party candidate and replace a spendthrift blowhard.
The immediate benefit of Byrd's death is that the Democrat/Socialist financial "reform" bill may not have the votes to proceed pending a replacement. They have been rolling Byrd out and voting for him all session.
I sincerely hope Robert Byrd became a death-bed Christian and spent his last days in confession. I wish no ill on the soul of Robert Byrd. But in life, Robert Byrd was a destructive force of rare proportion, and I do not feel any constraint in telling the truth about his life and legacy.
Goodbye Robert Byrd - we knew you far too well in life.
The immediate benefit of Byrd's death is that the Democrat/Socialist financial "reform" bill may not have the votes to proceed pending a replacement. They have been rolling Byrd out and voting for him all session.
I sincerely hope Robert Byrd became a death-bed Christian and spent his last days in confession. I wish no ill on the soul of Robert Byrd. But in life, Robert Byrd was a destructive force of rare proportion, and I do not feel any constraint in telling the truth about his life and legacy.
Goodbye Robert Byrd - we knew you far too well in life.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Why Americans Prefer Conservatives
Ronald Reagan: "Well I've said it before and I'll say it again — America's best days are yet to come. Our proudest moments are yet to be. Our most glorious achievements are just ahead."
Timothy Geithner: "US can no longer drive global growth. The world cannot depend as much on the US as it did in the past."
UPDATE: Joe Biden: "[T]here's no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost..."
Timothy Geithner: "US can no longer drive global growth. The world cannot depend as much on the US as it did in the past."
UPDATE: Joe Biden: "[T]here's no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost..."
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Part of the Problem, Not the Solution
Via the Tax Prof Blog, it has been reported that B. Hussein Obama's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform is bemoaning that it does not have enough funding or staff to complete a report by Obama's December 1, 2010 deadline.
Harry Reid has taken it upon himself to write a letter to the Anointed One to ask for additional funding and staff on behalf of Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, co-chairs of the board.
Really? Just can't get recommendations done by December 1.
I could get constitutionally based common sense balanced budget recommendations to the President by July 1 working only in my spare time and with no budget at all.
Give me a break! If these guy wanted to be part of the solution, they should have come into this job with ideas. The entire commission is as intellectually bankrupt as the rest of the Washington DC establishment from which they were drawn.
Harry Reid has taken it upon himself to write a letter to the Anointed One to ask for additional funding and staff on behalf of Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, co-chairs of the board.
Really? Just can't get recommendations done by December 1.
I could get constitutionally based common sense balanced budget recommendations to the President by July 1 working only in my spare time and with no budget at all.
Give me a break! If these guy wanted to be part of the solution, they should have come into this job with ideas. The entire commission is as intellectually bankrupt as the rest of the Washington DC establishment from which they were drawn.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Demon of the White House Press Corpse
Helen Thomas is now an outed racist, and has been a barely closeted racist for the past 70 years.
Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder was fired for less. Helen should be put out to pasture, finally.
See the racist spout off here:
Edit: Here is a photo of at least two anti-Semites at the White House.
Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder was fired for less. Helen should be put out to pasture, finally.
See the racist spout off here:
Edit: Here is a photo of at least two anti-Semites at the White House.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Our Financier Snubs Obama Again
Red China says NO to a proposed "fence mending" visit from Sec. Def. Gates while he was in the region.
Hey Obama - how is that era of improved foreign relations coming along? How does this help us address North Korean aggression?
I've said it before - weakness invites attack, from terrorists, competitor nations, and politicians. The Obama regime is so obviously out of their league on the world stage that they endanger Americans every second the regime remains in power.
Hey Obama - how is that era of improved foreign relations coming along? How does this help us address North Korean aggression?
I've said it before - weakness invites attack, from terrorists, competitor nations, and politicians. The Obama regime is so obviously out of their league on the world stage that they endanger Americans every second the regime remains in power.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Today is Memorial Day
Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
Today, during our national recognition of Memorial Day, be sure to take time out to remember those men and women of the United States military (and those civilians, too) who have given their lives so that we may remain the last ember of true liberty in the world.
Today, I remember three specific groups of soldiers in particular:
First, those men who gave their lives on Takur Ghar in Afghanistan. A summary of the military action on Roberts Ridge is located here.
The sacrifices made that day in support of fallen comrades is moving. The dead of Roberts Ridge are:
Petty Officer 1st Class Neil C. Roberts, 32, Woodland, California
TSgt John A. Chapman, 36, Waco, Texas
Senior Airman Jason D. Cunningham, 26, Camarillo, California
Pfc. Matthew A. Commons, 21, Boulder City, Nevada
Sgt. Bradley S. Crose, 22, Orange Park, Florida
Spc. Marc A. Anderson, 30, Brandon, Florida
Sgt. Phillip Svitak, 31, Neosho, Missouri
Second, I remember Staff Sergeant Morgan and Spc. Hall of the Second Platoon, Bravo Company, First Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment, 193 Infantry Brigade (Separate). Sergeant Morgan and Specialist Hall lost their lives while on patrol near La Ensanada, Panama during Manuel Noriega's drug money financed regime. While making a river crossing, several sharks attacked Sergent Morgan, who was the last of the platoon to cross the river. Believing Sergent Morgan to be drowning, Specialist Hall ignored the danger to himself and jumped back into the river in an attempt to rescue Sergeant Morgan. Both Morgan and Hall succumbed to the shark attack.
The third group of soldiers I wish to remember today are those that lost their lives on United Airlines Flight 93 on September 11, 2001. Because of their impromptu heroic action, they became soldiers committed to defending the United States as surely as if each enlisted. I believe each of these civilians are true soldiers, made so because of their induction through combat against the enemies of the United States. The United States should declare each of these men and woman veterans, award each of them the military medals and citations appropriate to their actions, pay survivors benefits to their families, and memorialize these men and women in a way appropriate to the military nature of their action. Their heroic story is here:
Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. May God bless their souls, and may God bless and protect our soldiers fighting still in the cause of the defense of the United States of America.
Today, during our national recognition of Memorial Day, be sure to take time out to remember those men and women of the United States military (and those civilians, too) who have given their lives so that we may remain the last ember of true liberty in the world.
Today, I remember three specific groups of soldiers in particular:
First, those men who gave their lives on Takur Ghar in Afghanistan. A summary of the military action on Roberts Ridge is located here.
The sacrifices made that day in support of fallen comrades is moving. The dead of Roberts Ridge are:
Petty Officer 1st Class Neil C. Roberts, 32, Woodland, California
TSgt John A. Chapman, 36, Waco, Texas
Senior Airman Jason D. Cunningham, 26, Camarillo, California
Pfc. Matthew A. Commons, 21, Boulder City, Nevada
Sgt. Bradley S. Crose, 22, Orange Park, Florida
Spc. Marc A. Anderson, 30, Brandon, Florida
Sgt. Phillip Svitak, 31, Neosho, Missouri
Second, I remember Staff Sergeant Morgan and Spc. Hall of the Second Platoon, Bravo Company, First Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment, 193 Infantry Brigade (Separate). Sergeant Morgan and Specialist Hall lost their lives while on patrol near La Ensanada, Panama during Manuel Noriega's drug money financed regime. While making a river crossing, several sharks attacked Sergent Morgan, who was the last of the platoon to cross the river. Believing Sergent Morgan to be drowning, Specialist Hall ignored the danger to himself and jumped back into the river in an attempt to rescue Sergeant Morgan. Both Morgan and Hall succumbed to the shark attack.
The third group of soldiers I wish to remember today are those that lost their lives on United Airlines Flight 93 on September 11, 2001. Because of their impromptu heroic action, they became soldiers committed to defending the United States as surely as if each enlisted. I believe each of these civilians are true soldiers, made so because of their induction through combat against the enemies of the United States. The United States should declare each of these men and woman veterans, award each of them the military medals and citations appropriate to their actions, pay survivors benefits to their families, and memorialize these men and women in a way appropriate to the military nature of their action. Their heroic story is here:
Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. May God bless their souls, and may God bless and protect our soldiers fighting still in the cause of the defense of the United States of America.
Friday, May 28, 2010
How to Try to Bury a Story
Release it past the deadlines on Friday before a three day national holiday, of course! From the self described most transparent and ethical administration in history.
White House asked Clinton to talk to Sestak about Senate run
White House asked Clinton to talk to Sestak about Senate run
More On Obama's Destruction of Intelligence Sharing
A week ago, I posted that B. Hussein Obama was damaging the nation's security and ability to prevent terrorist attacks by withholding intelligence sharing between this nation's intelligence services.
I the prior article, I stated that John Brennan was favored by the Obama regime over Jim Clapper for the appointment of the next DNI. I still believe this.
Today, Obama's operatives on the Senate Intelligence Committee have leaked that they do not want to have Jim Clapper sent to the committee as the next DNI.
Yesterday, it was revealed that Obama's real first choice, John Brennan, gave a speech saying that jihad was a legitimate tenant of Islam, and that the nation should not refer to attacks by Islamists as either terrorism or jihad.
These statements reveal that Brennan is so out of touch with political realities that he will never get past the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Which means that the nation will likely suffer the appointment of a career politician, Leon Panetta, currently the director of the CIA, as the next Director of National Intelligence. Leon Panetta was at the time of his appointment as the DCIA the least qualified person in the history of the position to be named to it. Of course, B. Hussein Obama was the least qualified person in history to obtain the office of the Presidency, so it really is a case of "next verse, same as the first" for the Obama regime.
We will see if Leon Panetta has the gut to take on Obama, Holder, and Napolitano over the issue of segregated intelligence streams. I doubt it.
I the prior article, I stated that John Brennan was favored by the Obama regime over Jim Clapper for the appointment of the next DNI. I still believe this.
Today, Obama's operatives on the Senate Intelligence Committee have leaked that they do not want to have Jim Clapper sent to the committee as the next DNI.
Yesterday, it was revealed that Obama's real first choice, John Brennan, gave a speech saying that jihad was a legitimate tenant of Islam, and that the nation should not refer to attacks by Islamists as either terrorism or jihad.
These statements reveal that Brennan is so out of touch with political realities that he will never get past the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Which means that the nation will likely suffer the appointment of a career politician, Leon Panetta, currently the director of the CIA, as the next Director of National Intelligence. Leon Panetta was at the time of his appointment as the DCIA the least qualified person in the history of the position to be named to it. Of course, B. Hussein Obama was the least qualified person in history to obtain the office of the Presidency, so it really is a case of "next verse, same as the first" for the Obama regime.
We will see if Leon Panetta has the gut to take on Obama, Holder, and Napolitano over the issue of segregated intelligence streams. I doubt it.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Obama: Sending Troops to the Border?
I had been wondering what Obama would do to preempt Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's effective use of the Arizona National Guard to enforce the border between Arizona and Mexico. We now have the answer.
Obama plans to nationalize the Arizona National Guard and put them in an unarmed, away from the border, purely ineffective support role "supporting" U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This after John Morton, Assistant Secretary of State for Homeland Security for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said the Arizona law enforcing the federal laws is "not good government."
It was clear that the Obama regime was going to fight Arizona all the way on this. Obama just did what he could by removing the Arizona National Guard from Brewer's control, while spinning it like he is doing something to support border enforcement. Brewer would be wise to tell Obama, Reid, and Pelosi "thanks, but no thanks."
UPDATE: 24 hours later, my beliefs are confirmed. The State Department announced the US National Guard troops being sent to the Mexican border will NOT be used to stem the flow of illegal aliens across the frontier and will not enforce US immigration laws.
State Department spokesman Philip Crowley told reporters, "It's not about immigration."
Your move, Arizona.
Obama plans to nationalize the Arizona National Guard and put them in an unarmed, away from the border, purely ineffective support role "supporting" U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This after John Morton, Assistant Secretary of State for Homeland Security for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said the Arizona law enforcing the federal laws is "not good government."
It was clear that the Obama regime was going to fight Arizona all the way on this. Obama just did what he could by removing the Arizona National Guard from Brewer's control, while spinning it like he is doing something to support border enforcement. Brewer would be wise to tell Obama, Reid, and Pelosi "thanks, but no thanks."
UPDATE: 24 hours later, my beliefs are confirmed. The State Department announced the US National Guard troops being sent to the Mexican border will NOT be used to stem the flow of illegal aliens across the frontier and will not enforce US immigration laws.
State Department spokesman Philip Crowley told reporters, "It's not about immigration."
Your move, Arizona.
Barak Hussein Obama,
illegal aliens,
Jan Brewer,
John Morton
Plug the Damn Hole!
Word leaked that Obama was acting all tough with his aides behind closed doors and said "Plug the damn hole!"
At first, I thought he was talking about the leaky border between Mexico and the United States, but no, he was complaining about BP.
At first, I thought he was talking about the leaky border between Mexico and the United States, but no, he was complaining about BP.
Barak Hussein Obama,
illegal aliens,
Obama's Redistribution Plan Is Working As Designed
Private pay is down, government handouts of taxpayer money is up. Just like Obama told Joe the Plumber in a rare moment of honesty. Of course, tax revenues are down and the taxable base of private workers is shrinking, just like Greece.
White House approved media story at the link "Private Pay Shrinks To Historic Lows" cannot hide the facts.

Saturday, May 22, 2010
New Black Panther DoJ Trial Attorney Resigns
The Obama regime is OK with violent criminals intimidating voters, but wants desperately to find someone, ANYONE, with a Tea Party affiliation doing anything wrong.
The ethical attorneys remaining in the DoJ are jumping ship.
The ethical attorneys remaining in the DoJ are jumping ship.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Obama Is Destroying US Intelligence Sharing
B. Hussein Obama forced retired Admiral Dennis Blair to resign the office of Director of National Intelligence. The mainstream media spin will be that Blair never had the support of the White House, fought unnecessary and unpopular turf wars, appointed the wrong people, and had to take the fall for recent intelligence failures.
If I have learned anything in my years walking this earth, the mainstream media will have it wrong. This is assuredly NOT a case of Admiral Blair "walking the plank" for intelligence failures during his tenure.
Maybe this is a case of removing an unpopular DNI. And maybe this is a case of the President of the United States removing a watchdog from the warehouse so the criminals will have an easier time of it.
I believe it likely that Obama insider and White House operative John O. Brennan, not retired General and current Pentagon intel chief Jim Clapper, will be named the new Director of National Intelligence. Liberals opposed John Brennan for the top spot at the CIA early on in the Obama tenure. Watch as liberals wilt in the face of Obama/Brennan now.
The Director of National Intelligence, a position few people know about, is actually the new head of the US Central Intelligence operation - boss of the CIA. I have a long job description of the Director of National Intelligence at the bottom of this post. Suffice to say, his job is to act as the gathering point for all US intelligence, and provide the methods for effective sharing of intelligence between US intelligence agencies so these agencies are not “stove piped” and miss seeing the larger intelligence picture.
Now, it has happened since the ascension of the Obama regime, that the Department of Justice, including the FBI, is no longer sharing intelligence information of any sort with the United States Military intelligence apparatus. The Department of Justice is headed by the Attorney General, and the Attorney General (both by his own authority and upon the instruction of the President) has the ability to veto the intelligence sharing rules promulgated by the Director of National Intelligence.
The Attorney General is Eric Holder. Eric Holder and Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano, along with B. Hussein Obama, are not concerned with protecting the homeland from foreign invasion. This much is crystal clear. Janet Napolitano was the prior governor of Arizona who failed to stem the tide of illegal immigrants in Arizona, directly leading to recent Arizona laws designed to make the state safe again. The same Janet Napolitano that said she would never have signed the new Arizona law if she were still governor. The same Janet Napolitano that issued a Homeland Security warning upon taking office warning US law enforcement against the threat of “right wing extremists.” Not worried about al Qaeda, worried about the Tea Party.
This is the same Eric Holder that made a huge deal about arresting a “right-wing militia” group in Hutaree (later discovered to be composed of registered Democrats). Even the FBI case against the Hutaree group is falling apart. Even U.S. District Judge Victoria A. Roberts exclaimed in a pre-trial hearing “I share the frustration of the defense … with all of the responses that are coming from this witness [FBI Lead Agent Leslie Larsen] that she doesn’t know anything.” Judge Roberts release the group on bail, ruling that they “do not pose a threat to the community.”
If I were to speculate, I would suspect that Dennis Blair was pushing for complete sharing of the intelligence gathered by the Intelligence Community among the entire Intelligence Community. I would additionally speculate that Eric Holder, either of his own directive or under the direction of B. Hussein Obama, overruled Dennis Blair and determined to keep the Department of Justice intelligence information completely away from the U.S. military intelligence services. I would suspect that this caused friction between Blair and the White House, and lead directly to the sacking of Blair. And, I would suspect that the FBI does not want the military to see its intelligence gathering because it is focused on US citizens who oppose the policies of the Administration in an attempt to paint them as right-wing militia members, and that some of these folks are or are close to people in the military.
If my speculation is correct, it means the FBI is stove piping their intelligence information, whether it pertains to US citizens or foreign nationals with ties to overseas terrorists, because they wish to mask their politically motivated investigations from the larger intelligence community.
The stove piping of intelligence information is the pre-9/11 mindset, and directly lead to the intelligence gaps that made the 9/11 attacks successful. This stove piping runs directly against the purpose of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Protection Act of 2004. Recall the report of the post-9/11 National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States:
"A "smart" government would integrate all sources of information to see the enemy as a whole. Integrated all-source analysis should also inform and shape strategies to collect more intelligence."
When the Department of Justice, which includes the FBI, withholds its intelligence from other members of the Intelligence Community, it is the opposite of “smart” government. Of course, that has been the hallmark of the Obama regime.
What follows is the job description of the Director of National Intelligence. You can see how the Attorney General has the Director in a political headlock:
Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the President, the Director of National Intelligence (Director) shall serve as the head of the Intelligence Community, act as the principal adviser to the President, to the NSC, and to the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to national security, and shall oversee and direct the implementation of the National Intelligence Program. The Director will lead a unified, coordinated, and effective intelligence effort. Except as otherwise directed by the President or prohibited by law, the Director shall:
A. have access to all information and intelligence. For the purpose of access to and sharing of information and intelligence, the Director: (1) will determine that intelligence, regardless of the source from which derived and including information gathered within or outside the United States, pertains to more than one United States Government agency; and (2) Shall develop guidelines for how information or intelligence is provided to or accessed by the Intelligence Community. All guidelines developed in accordance with this section shall be approved by the Attorney General and, where applicable, shall be consistent with guidelines issued pursuant to section 1016 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Protection Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-458) (IRTPA).
B. Shall ensure, through appropriate policies and procedures, the deconfliction, coordination, and integration of all intelligence activities conducted by an Intelligence Community element or funded by the National Intelligence Program. In accordance with these policies and procedures:
(A) The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall coordinate the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence collected through human sources or through human-enabled means and counterintelligence activities inside the United States;
(B) The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency shall coordinate the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence collected through human sources or through human-enabled means and counterintelligence activities outside the United States;
(C) All policies and procedures for the coordination of counterintelligence activities and the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence inside the United States shall be subject to the approval of the Attorney General; and
(D) All policies and procedures developed under this section shall be coordinated with the heads of affected departments and Intelligence Community elements.
1.5 Duties and Responsibilities of the Heads of Executive Branch Departments and Agencies. The heads of all departments and agencies shall:
(a) Provide the Director access to all information and intelligence relevant to the national security or that otherwise is required for the performance of the Director's duties, to include administrative and other appropriate management information, except such information excluded by law, by the President, or by the Attorney General acting under this order at the direction of the President.
If I have learned anything in my years walking this earth, the mainstream media will have it wrong. This is assuredly NOT a case of Admiral Blair "walking the plank" for intelligence failures during his tenure.
Maybe this is a case of removing an unpopular DNI. And maybe this is a case of the President of the United States removing a watchdog from the warehouse so the criminals will have an easier time of it.
I believe it likely that Obama insider and White House operative John O. Brennan, not retired General and current Pentagon intel chief Jim Clapper, will be named the new Director of National Intelligence. Liberals opposed John Brennan for the top spot at the CIA early on in the Obama tenure. Watch as liberals wilt in the face of Obama/Brennan now.
The Director of National Intelligence, a position few people know about, is actually the new head of the US Central Intelligence operation - boss of the CIA. I have a long job description of the Director of National Intelligence at the bottom of this post. Suffice to say, his job is to act as the gathering point for all US intelligence, and provide the methods for effective sharing of intelligence between US intelligence agencies so these agencies are not “stove piped” and miss seeing the larger intelligence picture.
Now, it has happened since the ascension of the Obama regime, that the Department of Justice, including the FBI, is no longer sharing intelligence information of any sort with the United States Military intelligence apparatus. The Department of Justice is headed by the Attorney General, and the Attorney General (both by his own authority and upon the instruction of the President) has the ability to veto the intelligence sharing rules promulgated by the Director of National Intelligence.
The Attorney General is Eric Holder. Eric Holder and Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano, along with B. Hussein Obama, are not concerned with protecting the homeland from foreign invasion. This much is crystal clear. Janet Napolitano was the prior governor of Arizona who failed to stem the tide of illegal immigrants in Arizona, directly leading to recent Arizona laws designed to make the state safe again. The same Janet Napolitano that said she would never have signed the new Arizona law if she were still governor. The same Janet Napolitano that issued a Homeland Security warning upon taking office warning US law enforcement against the threat of “right wing extremists.” Not worried about al Qaeda, worried about the Tea Party.
This is the same Eric Holder that made a huge deal about arresting a “right-wing militia” group in Hutaree (later discovered to be composed of registered Democrats). Even the FBI case against the Hutaree group is falling apart. Even U.S. District Judge Victoria A. Roberts exclaimed in a pre-trial hearing “I share the frustration of the defense … with all of the responses that are coming from this witness [FBI Lead Agent Leslie Larsen] that she doesn’t know anything.” Judge Roberts release the group on bail, ruling that they “do not pose a threat to the community.”
If I were to speculate, I would suspect that Dennis Blair was pushing for complete sharing of the intelligence gathered by the Intelligence Community among the entire Intelligence Community. I would additionally speculate that Eric Holder, either of his own directive or under the direction of B. Hussein Obama, overruled Dennis Blair and determined to keep the Department of Justice intelligence information completely away from the U.S. military intelligence services. I would suspect that this caused friction between Blair and the White House, and lead directly to the sacking of Blair. And, I would suspect that the FBI does not want the military to see its intelligence gathering because it is focused on US citizens who oppose the policies of the Administration in an attempt to paint them as right-wing militia members, and that some of these folks are or are close to people in the military.
If my speculation is correct, it means the FBI is stove piping their intelligence information, whether it pertains to US citizens or foreign nationals with ties to overseas terrorists, because they wish to mask their politically motivated investigations from the larger intelligence community.
The stove piping of intelligence information is the pre-9/11 mindset, and directly lead to the intelligence gaps that made the 9/11 attacks successful. This stove piping runs directly against the purpose of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Protection Act of 2004. Recall the report of the post-9/11 National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States:
"A "smart" government would integrate all sources of information to see the enemy as a whole. Integrated all-source analysis should also inform and shape strategies to collect more intelligence."
When the Department of Justice, which includes the FBI, withholds its intelligence from other members of the Intelligence Community, it is the opposite of “smart” government. Of course, that has been the hallmark of the Obama regime.
What follows is the job description of the Director of National Intelligence. You can see how the Attorney General has the Director in a political headlock:
Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the President, the Director of National Intelligence (Director) shall serve as the head of the Intelligence Community, act as the principal adviser to the President, to the NSC, and to the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to national security, and shall oversee and direct the implementation of the National Intelligence Program. The Director will lead a unified, coordinated, and effective intelligence effort. Except as otherwise directed by the President or prohibited by law, the Director shall:
A. have access to all information and intelligence. For the purpose of access to and sharing of information and intelligence, the Director: (1) will determine that intelligence, regardless of the source from which derived and including information gathered within or outside the United States, pertains to more than one United States Government agency; and (2) Shall develop guidelines for how information or intelligence is provided to or accessed by the Intelligence Community. All guidelines developed in accordance with this section shall be approved by the Attorney General and, where applicable, shall be consistent with guidelines issued pursuant to section 1016 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Protection Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-458) (IRTPA).
B. Shall ensure, through appropriate policies and procedures, the deconfliction, coordination, and integration of all intelligence activities conducted by an Intelligence Community element or funded by the National Intelligence Program. In accordance with these policies and procedures:
(A) The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall coordinate the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence collected through human sources or through human-enabled means and counterintelligence activities inside the United States;
(B) The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency shall coordinate the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence collected through human sources or through human-enabled means and counterintelligence activities outside the United States;
(C) All policies and procedures for the coordination of counterintelligence activities and the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence inside the United States shall be subject to the approval of the Attorney General; and
(D) All policies and procedures developed under this section shall be coordinated with the heads of affected departments and Intelligence Community elements.
1.5 Duties and Responsibilities of the Heads of Executive Branch Departments and Agencies. The heads of all departments and agencies shall:
(a) Provide the Director access to all information and intelligence relevant to the national security or that otherwise is required for the performance of the Director's duties, to include administrative and other appropriate management information, except such information excluded by law, by the President, or by the Attorney General acting under this order at the direction of the President.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Thought for the Morning
If the Miss USA organization thought the open borders crowd was going to cause trouble if Miss Oklahoma was named the winner, wait until they see what the Islamists are going to do about a Muslim girl parading around on television dressed like a whore in front of infidels living in the Great Satan USA.

Friday, May 14, 2010
Mullah Omar Captured in Pakistan!
Osama bin Laden and 9/11 attack enabler Mullah Omar has been captured. Hopefully, no one will read him his Miranda warnings.
This could be a game-changer in Afghanistan.
This could be a game-changer in Afghanistan.
Monday, May 3, 2010
2010: A Long, Hot Summer of Bombs and Misery?
While Barak Hussein Obama and his radical leftist fellow traveller Eric Holder want to treat war-making terrorists as criminals, the Islamic terrorists are plotting to attack the United States and its people directly with any means available to them. This weekend's car bomb in New York City and the earlier efforts of the panty bomber was just the first salvos in what I expect will be a series of Islamic attacks that will be conducted inside the United States this year.
Pakistan-based Taleban leader Hakimullah Mehsud appears to have survived a missile attack against him, and has vowed to attack US cities in communications since the attack. His group claimed credit for the attempted car bombing this weekend, although it remains to be seen if there is evidence that ties the Taleban this car bomb.
"The time is very near when our fedayeen will attack the American states in the major cities," said Mehsud in a recent Internet posting.
All of this comes on the heels of the statements by Noman Benotman, who was the head of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group in 2000 and a former associate of Osama bin Laden. Benotman reported in a recent interview that “What happened after the [9/11 attacks] was beyond [al Qaeda's] imagination.” He said that al Qaeda was convinced that the United States had no appetite for military actions overseas based on the US response to the terror group’s attacks on embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.
It appears that al Qaeda now understands that there are differences between George W Bush and Barak Hussein Obama, and that the United States is free to attack again without fear of a devastating military response from the United States in their own homeland. After all, the innocent must not suffer for the actions of accused criminals with legitimate gripes.
The weakness of Barak Hussein Obama and Eric Holder invites attack, and I believe attacks will come. The United States is a wide-open society full of soft targets, undocumented foreigners, and mosques. We are demonized for looking at anyone with suspicion, not matter what their behavior might be. We punish law enforcement for taking initiative to defend the nation.
The most likely response from the Obama Regime will be to further curtail the civil liberties of the American public by having the Department of Justice bring profiling cases against law enforcement, signing Executive Orders curtailing the possession and transfers of weapons and ammunition, making construction and agricultural materials harder to come by, and slapping travel bans on private citizens.
I truly believe that the Islamic enemies of the United States will not be content with bombings and shootings this year, and will attempt biological or chemical attacks within the United States. I am frankly surprised that such attacks have not yet occurred. And, frankly, the posture of the United States government invites attack.
I do not mean to suggest that Obama or Holder wish attacks upon the United States. I do suggest that they are so ignorant and inexperienced in matters of national security that they have no earthly idea how to protect a country beyond what their radical leftist professors taught them. The actions of the Obama Regime back up my beliefs. From changes in communications (no more "global war on terror" its an "overseas contingency operation" and from "terrorism" to "man-made disasters"), reading terrorists their rights before intelligence agencies can interrogate them, deciding to prosecute foreign terrorists in U.S. civilian courts, destruction of the CIA's interrogation facilities, the hiring of al Qaeda lawyers at the Department of Justice, and the attempt to shut down Guantanamo Bay all within B. Hussein Obama's first year in the Oval Office demonstrate that the Obama Regime operates in a mindset of a leftist fantasyland.
The United States economy is fragile right now, along with much of the world's economies. Even if no material terrorism occurs in the next twelve months, I believe that we will see a default of sovereign debt somewhere in the world this year.
Add to the current economic instability a series of effective terrorist attacks within the United States, and we will see an economic meltdown in the United States that will spread to Europe and Asia. This economic posture cannot be overlooked by Islamic terrorists bent on the destruction of the "Great Satan" United States. This is their moment if they truly wish to do the United States harm. We can only pray that our military, fighting with one hand tied behind its back and the Department of Justice out to prosecute anyone who fights effectively, can stave off attacks against us through the use of timely intelligence gathering and immediate, violent action based on that intelligence.
But if the intelligence leads the military to believe the actionable targets are already within the United States, all bets are off because the military has to had the intel over to the Department of Justice and look the other way.
Under the Obama/Holder regime, Justice Department intel sharing is starting to become a one way street as the DoJ has taken some or all their intelligence work completely in-house and off the government intelligence sharing processes. This action runs completely contrary to the underlying reason the Untied States reformed the intelligence services following the Trade Center Attacks by Islamic terrorists. Intelligence sharing between government agencies was at the core of the justifications for the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. Under this law, the Department of Justice is a member of the United States' Intelligence Community under the direction of the Director of National Intelligence. The goal of the law was to force more effective sharing of national security related intelligence. A member of our intelligence community keeping their intelligence away from the other members only hinders our ability to defend the nation.
Responsible, forward-thinking individual action should be taken now to protect yourself, your family, and your community. may be a good place to start.
Pakistan-based Taleban leader Hakimullah Mehsud appears to have survived a missile attack against him, and has vowed to attack US cities in communications since the attack. His group claimed credit for the attempted car bombing this weekend, although it remains to be seen if there is evidence that ties the Taleban this car bomb.
"The time is very near when our fedayeen will attack the American states in the major cities," said Mehsud in a recent Internet posting.
All of this comes on the heels of the statements by Noman Benotman, who was the head of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group in 2000 and a former associate of Osama bin Laden. Benotman reported in a recent interview that “What happened after the [9/11 attacks] was beyond [al Qaeda's] imagination.” He said that al Qaeda was convinced that the United States had no appetite for military actions overseas based on the US response to the terror group’s attacks on embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.
It appears that al Qaeda now understands that there are differences between George W Bush and Barak Hussein Obama, and that the United States is free to attack again without fear of a devastating military response from the United States in their own homeland. After all, the innocent must not suffer for the actions of accused criminals with legitimate gripes.
The weakness of Barak Hussein Obama and Eric Holder invites attack, and I believe attacks will come. The United States is a wide-open society full of soft targets, undocumented foreigners, and mosques. We are demonized for looking at anyone with suspicion, not matter what their behavior might be. We punish law enforcement for taking initiative to defend the nation.
The most likely response from the Obama Regime will be to further curtail the civil liberties of the American public by having the Department of Justice bring profiling cases against law enforcement, signing Executive Orders curtailing the possession and transfers of weapons and ammunition, making construction and agricultural materials harder to come by, and slapping travel bans on private citizens.
I truly believe that the Islamic enemies of the United States will not be content with bombings and shootings this year, and will attempt biological or chemical attacks within the United States. I am frankly surprised that such attacks have not yet occurred. And, frankly, the posture of the United States government invites attack.
I do not mean to suggest that Obama or Holder wish attacks upon the United States. I do suggest that they are so ignorant and inexperienced in matters of national security that they have no earthly idea how to protect a country beyond what their radical leftist professors taught them. The actions of the Obama Regime back up my beliefs. From changes in communications (no more "global war on terror" its an "overseas contingency operation" and from "terrorism" to "man-made disasters"), reading terrorists their rights before intelligence agencies can interrogate them, deciding to prosecute foreign terrorists in U.S. civilian courts, destruction of the CIA's interrogation facilities, the hiring of al Qaeda lawyers at the Department of Justice, and the attempt to shut down Guantanamo Bay all within B. Hussein Obama's first year in the Oval Office demonstrate that the Obama Regime operates in a mindset of a leftist fantasyland.
The United States economy is fragile right now, along with much of the world's economies. Even if no material terrorism occurs in the next twelve months, I believe that we will see a default of sovereign debt somewhere in the world this year.
Add to the current economic instability a series of effective terrorist attacks within the United States, and we will see an economic meltdown in the United States that will spread to Europe and Asia. This economic posture cannot be overlooked by Islamic terrorists bent on the destruction of the "Great Satan" United States. This is their moment if they truly wish to do the United States harm. We can only pray that our military, fighting with one hand tied behind its back and the Department of Justice out to prosecute anyone who fights effectively, can stave off attacks against us through the use of timely intelligence gathering and immediate, violent action based on that intelligence.
But if the intelligence leads the military to believe the actionable targets are already within the United States, all bets are off because the military has to had the intel over to the Department of Justice and look the other way.
Under the Obama/Holder regime, Justice Department intel sharing is starting to become a one way street as the DoJ has taken some or all their intelligence work completely in-house and off the government intelligence sharing processes. This action runs completely contrary to the underlying reason the Untied States reformed the intelligence services following the Trade Center Attacks by Islamic terrorists. Intelligence sharing between government agencies was at the core of the justifications for the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. Under this law, the Department of Justice is a member of the United States' Intelligence Community under the direction of the Director of National Intelligence. The goal of the law was to force more effective sharing of national security related intelligence. A member of our intelligence community keeping their intelligence away from the other members only hinders our ability to defend the nation.
Responsible, forward-thinking individual action should be taken now to protect yourself, your family, and your community. may be a good place to start.
al Qaeda,
Barak Hussein Obama,
New York City,
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Fort Knox Trains To Engage Tea Party Members, a right-thinking Internet publication I enjoy reading and recommend to all, got wind of a U S Army exercise that set out the scenario where the Army was deployed against Tea Party protesters.
I encourage you to read the whole background story at
The guys at Patriotpost are predisposed to give the military the benefit of the doubt, even those officers that would remain in the United Stated Army under Commander in Chief B. Hussein Obama. As a result of the Patriotpost's desire to be good guys, they withdrew the unclassified Army documents
I do not share the Patriotpost's benefit of the doubt in favor of the Fort Knox officers' corps. This is not a critique of Mark Alexander or the Patriotpost; I simply see things differently than they do.
So, here are the documents Patriotpost removed from its website.
I want these documents to be seen by as many folks as possible so we can understand the lengths to which the Obama Regime will plan to destroy its political enemies, the People of the United States of America.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Arizona: Mission Accomplished
The citizens Arizona (by which I exclude illegal aliens) must be beaming about this headline from AP:
Illegal immigrants plan to leave over Ariz. law
Now THAT is a law working as it is intended.
Illegal immigrants plan to leave over Ariz. law
Now THAT is a law working as it is intended.
Marxist Quote of the Day
We’re not, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly [sic] earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.
- Barak Hussein Obama
April 28, 2010
If only the Anointed One believed that at a certain point government has SPENT enough money.
- Barak Hussein Obama
April 28, 2010
If only the Anointed One believed that at a certain point government has SPENT enough money.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Open Letter to Ed Whitacre
Dear Ed,
I've just seen Government Motor's (GM) new television advertisement (bought with taxpayer funds) where you claim "...we have repaid our government loan, in full, with interest..."
This announcement comes after GM paid less than 7 billion dollars to the U.S. Treasury.
Your commercial implies GM only had one loan from the US Government, that it was less than 7 billion dollars, and that you are now free and clear of taxpayer bailout funds. One might even reasonably imply from your commercial that the funds you paid were out of earnings from GM since the loan.
You and I both know that this is not the case at all. The "loan" does not even begin to cover the amount of taxpayer-funded bailout.
Off the top of my head, I can demonstrate that GM received all of the following taxpayer bailout funding for GM's "second chance":
Auto Supplier Support Program: GM received not less than 2.5 Billion dollars of taxpayer money
Automotive Industry Financing Program: GM received not less than 49 Billion dollars of taxpayer money
This does not even include the 13+ Billion dollars of taxpayer money received by GMAC, GM's financing arm.
Let's also be honest about where the "loan repayment" money came from: you have paid off taxpayer loans with other taxpayer "investment" dollars, not earnings from car sales. I can read your SEC filings.
As to your remarks about paying the "loan" back "with interest", after hearing of your statements, even the White House had to issue a statement saying that the taxpayers will almost certainly LOSE MONEY on the GM investments. That is not interest; it's a loss.
I also recall that one of the lynchpin arguments in support of the Automotive Industry Financing Program was that it was necessary to save American jobs. Yet since the socialization of GM, 65,000 jobs were cut by GM. It seems redundant to point out that GM could have accomplished the same thing in bankruptcy restructuring without requiring the taxpayers to foot the bill.
This commercial of yours will go down in history as one of the most disingenuous commercials ever to be aired on American television. I could not even characterize your statements has half truths - the lies by omission in this ad are monumental and inexcusable.
I challenge you, Ed Whitacre, to immediately pull this ad and replace it with an ad that correctly lays out what GM has received from the American taxpayers, what has been returned to the taxpayers due to actual profits generated by GM, and together with the UAW beneficiaries of all this American taxpayer largesse, thank all the taxpayers for the help and beg us to be merciful on your failing, disingenuous welfare case of a corporation.
I've just seen Government Motor's (GM) new television advertisement (bought with taxpayer funds) where you claim "...we have repaid our government loan, in full, with interest..."
This announcement comes after GM paid less than 7 billion dollars to the U.S. Treasury.
Your commercial implies GM only had one loan from the US Government, that it was less than 7 billion dollars, and that you are now free and clear of taxpayer bailout funds. One might even reasonably imply from your commercial that the funds you paid were out of earnings from GM since the loan.
You and I both know that this is not the case at all. The "loan" does not even begin to cover the amount of taxpayer-funded bailout.
Off the top of my head, I can demonstrate that GM received all of the following taxpayer bailout funding for GM's "second chance":
Auto Supplier Support Program: GM received not less than 2.5 Billion dollars of taxpayer money
Automotive Industry Financing Program: GM received not less than 49 Billion dollars of taxpayer money
This does not even include the 13+ Billion dollars of taxpayer money received by GMAC, GM's financing arm.
Let's also be honest about where the "loan repayment" money came from: you have paid off taxpayer loans with other taxpayer "investment" dollars, not earnings from car sales. I can read your SEC filings.
As to your remarks about paying the "loan" back "with interest", after hearing of your statements, even the White House had to issue a statement saying that the taxpayers will almost certainly LOSE MONEY on the GM investments. That is not interest; it's a loss.
I also recall that one of the lynchpin arguments in support of the Automotive Industry Financing Program was that it was necessary to save American jobs. Yet since the socialization of GM, 65,000 jobs were cut by GM. It seems redundant to point out that GM could have accomplished the same thing in bankruptcy restructuring without requiring the taxpayers to foot the bill.
This commercial of yours will go down in history as one of the most disingenuous commercials ever to be aired on American television. I could not even characterize your statements has half truths - the lies by omission in this ad are monumental and inexcusable.
I challenge you, Ed Whitacre, to immediately pull this ad and replace it with an ad that correctly lays out what GM has received from the American taxpayers, what has been returned to the taxpayers due to actual profits generated by GM, and together with the UAW beneficiaries of all this American taxpayer largesse, thank all the taxpayers for the help and beg us to be merciful on your failing, disingenuous welfare case of a corporation.
Ed Whitacre,
Government Motors,
National Socialist Party,
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
More Lies from The Liar In Chief
While B. Hussein Obama told the socialists at Barbara ("Don't Call Me Ma'am") Boxer's fundraiser this week that he was trying to "lower taxes on 98% of Americans" [well, Mexicans are Americans, too], not even Obama's sycophantic press could suppress the following stories:
Millions face tax increases under Dems budget plan:
Obama suggests value-added tax may be an option:
Tax increases are on the way, it is what Democrats do. They think it is their money, not yours.
Millions face tax increases under Dems budget plan:
Obama suggests value-added tax may be an option:
Tax increases are on the way, it is what Democrats do. They think it is their money, not yours.
Monday, April 19, 2010
NY Times Irritation of the Day
Black NYT "reporter" Charles Blow (no relation to Marion Barry) went to the Dallas, Texas Tea Party and wrote his predictable screed "A Mighty Pale Tea."
I wonder if Charles Blow has ever gone to see the line for Section 8 housing handouts or other similar government giveaways. Here is a photo from one in similarly Red-Stated Alabama:
And I wonder if Charles Blow wrote an article about the folks who attend government giveaways, would he title his screed "Looks like Black Tea"?
Somehow, I doubt it.
I wonder if Charles Blow has ever gone to see the line for Section 8 housing handouts or other similar government giveaways. Here is a photo from one in similarly Red-Stated Alabama:
And I wonder if Charles Blow wrote an article about the folks who attend government giveaways, would he title his screed "Looks like Black Tea"?
Somehow, I doubt it.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Pray for Poland
In the last twenty years, very few nations have been as good a friend to the United States as Poland. This weekend, the people of Poland, our friends, have suffered a tremendous loss.
I grieve for Poland; my heart aches for them. I pray for the people of Poland, for the nation of Poland, and for the Church in Poland. May God wrap his loving and protective arms around Poland, ease the pain, instill hope, and keep that nation safe.
I grieve for Poland; my heart aches for them. I pray for the people of Poland, for the nation of Poland, and for the Church in Poland. May God wrap his loving and protective arms around Poland, ease the pain, instill hope, and keep that nation safe.
Friday, April 9, 2010
The Gift That Keeps on Taking
National Socialist Party member Bart Stupak's retirement gift to Obama: socialized medicine with abortion on demand.
Bart Stupak is a prime example of precisely what is wrong with American politics. He is a gutless, spineless, unprincipled coward. Voluntary retirement is too good for him.
Bart Stupak is a prime example of precisely what is wrong with American politics. He is a gutless, spineless, unprincipled coward. Voluntary retirement is too good for him.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Cuba's Rubbing It In
Fidel Castro's prison island is rubbing it in a bit today, releasing pictures of Elian Gonzalez in a Cuban para-military uniform.
Elian Gonzalez was a Cuban refugee who came to the United States in a rubber tube after his mother drown trying to escape Cuba with her family. Elian Gonzalez was rescued by Americans, and placed with family member in the Miami area.
That should have been the end of the story, but the second most Communist-friendly President in history, along with the child hating Attorney General Janet Reno, conspired with Fidel Castro to take Elian Gonzalez from his family in the United States by force and send him back to the Cuban prison.

The Gonzalez action was taken after Janet Reno ordered the murder of twenty children and two pregnant women in Waco, Texas, ostensibly to save them from child abuse.
What you see in these pictures is the result of Federal government tyranny. What you see in the pictures Cuba released today is the inevitable result of helping Communists. There is no telling how much damage the National Socialist currently occupying the White House will do to this nation. His weakness invites mischief.
Monday, April 5, 2010
In the Face of World Challenges, More Weakness
The international community, from China to Russia to Iran to Hamid Karzai to Iran, have taken the measure of B. Hussein Obama and found him to be weak. So, they have steadily taken advantage of the Anointed One and his equally ineffective Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The Chinese are manipulating their currency to affect the balance of trade with the US. Instead of declaring them currency manipulators as the US law requires, Obama directs Timmy Geithner (Timmahh!) to blink.
Russia flaunts its trade with rogue regimes like Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. We do nothing.
Iran laughs at the possibility of facing sanction over its nuclear ambitions, while Obama and Clinton attempt to cow the Israelis.
Hamid Karzai is fed up with the duplicitous nature of dealing with the Chicago mafia in the White House, and threatens to welcome the Taleban into his government.
All of these nations can do so because they know Obama has no interest in projecting real power around the world. Obama is ashamed of the power of the United States - a nation he, his wife, and his minister all detest.
So, in the face of all these challenges, Obama wants to take the nuclear deterrent off the table. Do what you like, world, we will not use nuclear weapons against you. Really, Obama won't do anything at all. The doors are open, take whatever you like.
We won't protect our borders, but we subject our own citizens to virtual strip searches.
We won't fight Islamic terrorism, but we will target critics of Obama for investigation.
We won't nuke you, even if you use chemical or biological weapons against us. I'm sure taking nuclear weapons off the table puts real fear in our enemies.
Time out doesn't work on terrorists, rogue regimes, or competitive superpowers. We have never had a president so completely clueless about the nature of foreign affairs - either that or B. Hussein Obama really wishes ill to come to the United States. The bad guys are out there and trying every day to hurt us. Fewer defensive tools is not what we need.
This man's presidency is going to ruin this nation. God help us all.
Meanwhile you might familiarize yourself with this:
The Chinese are manipulating their currency to affect the balance of trade with the US. Instead of declaring them currency manipulators as the US law requires, Obama directs Timmy Geithner (Timmahh!) to blink.
Russia flaunts its trade with rogue regimes like Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. We do nothing.
Iran laughs at the possibility of facing sanction over its nuclear ambitions, while Obama and Clinton attempt to cow the Israelis.
Hamid Karzai is fed up with the duplicitous nature of dealing with the Chicago mafia in the White House, and threatens to welcome the Taleban into his government.
All of these nations can do so because they know Obama has no interest in projecting real power around the world. Obama is ashamed of the power of the United States - a nation he, his wife, and his minister all detest.
So, in the face of all these challenges, Obama wants to take the nuclear deterrent off the table. Do what you like, world, we will not use nuclear weapons against you. Really, Obama won't do anything at all. The doors are open, take whatever you like.
We won't protect our borders, but we subject our own citizens to virtual strip searches.
We won't fight Islamic terrorism, but we will target critics of Obama for investigation.
We won't nuke you, even if you use chemical or biological weapons against us. I'm sure taking nuclear weapons off the table puts real fear in our enemies.
Time out doesn't work on terrorists, rogue regimes, or competitive superpowers. We have never had a president so completely clueless about the nature of foreign affairs - either that or B. Hussein Obama really wishes ill to come to the United States. The bad guys are out there and trying every day to hurt us. Fewer defensive tools is not what we need.
This man's presidency is going to ruin this nation. God help us all.
Meanwhile you might familiarize yourself with this:
Today is the Anniversary of the First Veto
April 5, 1792 is the anniversary of the first Presidential veto ever cast in the United States. George Washington vetoed the Apportionment Bill, and provided the following message to Congress.
Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,
I have maturely considered the Act passed by the two Houses, intitled, "An Act for an apportionment of Representatives among the several States according to the first enumeration," and I return it to your House, wherein it originated, with the following objections.
First—The Constitution has prescribed that representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers: and there is no one proportion or divisor which, applied to the respective numbers of the States will yield the number and allotment of representatives proposed by the Bill.
Second—The Constitution has also provided that the number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand; which restriction is, by the context, and by fair and obvious construction, to be applied to the seperate and respective numbers of the States: and the bill has allotted to eight of the States, more than one for thirty thousand.
George Washington
How I long for the day when we again have a President that reads the bill, applies a Constitutional standard to the bill, and vetoes it because the bill is at odds with the plain language of the Constitution.
Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,
I have maturely considered the Act passed by the two Houses, intitled, "An Act for an apportionment of Representatives among the several States according to the first enumeration," and I return it to your House, wherein it originated, with the following objections.
First—The Constitution has prescribed that representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers: and there is no one proportion or divisor which, applied to the respective numbers of the States will yield the number and allotment of representatives proposed by the Bill.
Second—The Constitution has also provided that the number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand; which restriction is, by the context, and by fair and obvious construction, to be applied to the seperate and respective numbers of the States: and the bill has allotted to eight of the States, more than one for thirty thousand.
George Washington
How I long for the day when we again have a President that reads the bill, applies a Constitutional standard to the bill, and vetoes it because the bill is at odds with the plain language of the Constitution.
US Consulate Attacked
The US consulate in Peshawar, Pakistan was attacked overnight by car bombs and homicidal Islamists, likely Taleban. The Keystone Cop-esque response of the Pakistani security services show on newsreels this morning is matched only by the cluelessness of the B. Hussein Obama administration.
B. Hussein Obama campaigned on the promise that he would focus efforts on Afghanistan, which was, according to the Anointed One, the real source of the terrorism in the Mideast region. Since his election, he has handcuffed and criminally prosecuted our warfighters, interfered with military operations, rejected the advice of his commanders, and allowed the fight against the Taleban to spill into Pakistan.
I weep for the men on the ground in Afghanistan, who are placing their lives on the line every day for a President who does not understand the military, how to fight a war, the true nature of our enemy, or his own personal limitations. This Administration's abuse of the nation and its finest warriors is criminal.
B. Hussein Obama campaigned on the promise that he would focus efforts on Afghanistan, which was, according to the Anointed One, the real source of the terrorism in the Mideast region. Since his election, he has handcuffed and criminally prosecuted our warfighters, interfered with military operations, rejected the advice of his commanders, and allowed the fight against the Taleban to spill into Pakistan.
I weep for the men on the ground in Afghanistan, who are placing their lives on the line every day for a President who does not understand the military, how to fight a war, the true nature of our enemy, or his own personal limitations. This Administration's abuse of the nation and its finest warriors is criminal.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
I Wish This Was an April Fool's Day Joke
Of all the dim bulbs in Congress, Rep. Hank Johnson of Decatur, Georgia, might be plain broken. Remember, Hank Johnson is the "upgrade" to former member of Congress Cynthia McKinney.
Watch as this idiot asks Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral Robert Willard whether Guam will "tip over and capsize." He must have just watched the movie 2012.
The nice Admiral was kind enough not to call him an idiot right there at the meeting.
Good thing was a brilliant minds in Congress like Hank Johnson to write health care, energy, national security, and economic-related legislation! Hank Johnson is the perfect tool in Obama's National Socialist Party. Hank Johnson has a bright future in Obamaland.
Watch as this idiot asks Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral Robert Willard whether Guam will "tip over and capsize." He must have just watched the movie 2012.
The nice Admiral was kind enough not to call him an idiot right there at the meeting.
Good thing was a brilliant minds in Congress like Hank Johnson to write health care, energy, national security, and economic-related legislation! Hank Johnson is the perfect tool in Obama's National Socialist Party. Hank Johnson has a bright future in Obamaland.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Is He Lying or Just An Idiot
"We have 2% of the world's oil reserves but we consume 20% of the world’s production. Therefore we can never drill our way to independence."
First, there is no correlation between the amount of the known world oil reserves and the amount of the present level of oil production. None. There is no logic to his statement.
Second, in the 2% number, he intentionally excluded our vast oil shale reserves.
The Devil Is In the Details
B. Hussein Obama has a plan to lease more offshore oil exploration in the East and Southeast along with Alaska. If that is as far as the plan went, fantastic.
But this is a socialist president, and his plan with come with strings attached. Let's see how he intends to nationalize the oil companies with his plan, because you know that is what he wants to do.
Also, this idea that the U.S. military is going to start using more vehicles using biofuel is a BAD IDEA. Military vehicles need to be able to use the most commonly available fuels appropriate to their use. That is not biofuel in any way, shape, or form.
But this is a socialist president, and his plan with come with strings attached. Let's see how he intends to nationalize the oil companies with his plan, because you know that is what he wants to do.
Also, this idea that the U.S. military is going to start using more vehicles using biofuel is a BAD IDEA. Military vehicles need to be able to use the most commonly available fuels appropriate to their use. That is not biofuel in any way, shape, or form.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Celebrate Economic Achievement
Instead of turning off all my lights for the Eco-Nazi Earth Hour tonight, I will be celebrating the light of comparative economic freedom by burning all my houselights brightly at 8:30 pm local time.
Let those that desire the darkness, depression, poor economic conditions, and lack of freedoms in places like North Korea, central Africa, Afghanistan, and barren deserts turn off their lights at night. I prefer the safety, security, economic prosperity, and civilization of the light.
Let those that desire the darkness, depression, poor economic conditions, and lack of freedoms in places like North Korea, central Africa, Afghanistan, and barren deserts turn off their lights at night. I prefer the safety, security, economic prosperity, and civilization of the light.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A Joe Biden Limerick
This is a big f**king deal!
More freedoms and money we’ll steal.
So sign on the line,
Our futures devine.
But the People this bill will repeal!
More freedoms and money we’ll steal.
So sign on the line,
Our futures devine.
But the People this bill will repeal!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Questions for the al Qaeda 10 at the DoJ
Fox News names some names - I missed this earlier.
For those who defend these al Qaeda lawyers because everyone deserves an advocate, let me bring up a couple lines of inquiry:
1. Were the members of the DoJ al Qaeda 10 paid for their services? If so, by whom? How were they assigned these cases by their law firm?
2. Were the members of the DoJ al Qaeda 10 doing work pro bono? If so, then they were doing the work for free because they personally believed that the al Qaeda terrorists are wrongfully detained and they disdain US action to keep Americans safe from these terrorists and further attack.
The first line of inquiry may provide members of the DoJ al Qaeda 10 a reasonable excuse that does not make them a prima facie objectionable attorney to serve in the Department of Justice.
Attorneys who worked without pay to free terrorists (who already had legal representation, by the way) should be treated as pariahs.
For those who defend these al Qaeda lawyers because everyone deserves an advocate, let me bring up a couple lines of inquiry:
1. Were the members of the DoJ al Qaeda 10 paid for their services? If so, by whom? How were they assigned these cases by their law firm?
2. Were the members of the DoJ al Qaeda 10 doing work pro bono? If so, then they were doing the work for free because they personally believed that the al Qaeda terrorists are wrongfully detained and they disdain US action to keep Americans safe from these terrorists and further attack.
The first line of inquiry may provide members of the DoJ al Qaeda 10 a reasonable excuse that does not make them a prima facie objectionable attorney to serve in the Department of Justice.
Attorneys who worked without pay to free terrorists (who already had legal representation, by the way) should be treated as pariahs.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Democrats Are Now the National Socialist Party
Today, the Democrats of the United States have fully laid themselves bare. This is not just Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. This is every Democrat in the Senate and 90% of the Democrats in the House of Representatives have demonstrated their naked socialism.
They have acted against the United States Constitution.
They have acted against the consent of the governed.
They are attempting to take over fully one-sixth of the economy; a part of the economy that is world class and in no danger of financial collapse. This is not a “bail out” – this is an unconstitutional takeover of a huge segment of the economy for no other reason than they are socialists and possess the votes in Congress to get it done, damn the rules, damn the people, damn the constitution, damn the republic. The actions the Democrat party have taken in the past year are by any definition totalitarian. I am certain that Jefferson and Jackson are rolling in their graves today.
In short, I see no difference between the Democrats and a National Socialist Party.
So, what can the nation do in response to the totalitarian National Socialist Party and their takeover of State and personal sovereignty?
First, it is incumbent upon the States of the United States to engage in a national nullification of the National Socialist Party’s socialization of health care. States, and states alone, are granted the power under the constitution of the United States to regulate both the health care and the insurance provided in their particular state. Every state that values the continuation of the republic should take legislative and executive action immediately to prohibit the Federal government from implementing the health care portions of the National Socialist Party’s socialized medicine program. This should include the following elements:
Assert the State’s preeminence on matters of health care and insurance laws within the State borders; and
Enact nullification laws and prohibitions against the enforcement of unconstitutional Federal laws – that is, criminalize the enforcement of the National Socialist Party’s socialized medicine program within the State.
To the extent this can be done in concert between states, it should be done. Nothing would make me happier than to see several states all pass nullification laws and resolutions on the same day, at the same time.
Second, there is an election a mere six and one half months away. No National Socialist Party member should be re-elected to Congress. Any congressional district or state that re-elects a Democrat should be shunned in every possible way. No visits, no conventions, no investment, no money, no nothing. The home bases of the National Socialist Party must be dead to us. And the new Congress must repeal this scar on the nation, and overrule the expected veto by the National Socialist Party’s leader, Barak Hussein Obama. UPDATE: It occurred to me after writing this that another action a nullification-minded Congress could take would to be to withhold funding for some or all of the activities authorized under this law. Again, it would face a veto, but budget bills can and do get passed as overrides to a veto.
Third, even with the expected veto, a mere two thirds majorities in both houses of Congress (and without the approval of the President required) may propose an Amendment to the constitution of the United States that would repeal the National Socialist Party’s healthcare takeover. Thirty eight of the states would be required to vote in favor of the amendment for it to become the supreme law of the land.
Fourth, there are two opportunities to mount of constitutional challenges against the National Socialist Party’s socialized health care takeover.
One path of objection is the nature in which the House passed its approval of their version of the bill. Because the House added amendments or stipulations to the bill prior to its being signed into law, the identical bill was not passed by both houses of Congress, thus the President was never constitutionally presented with a bill that passed both houses of Congress, and thus there was nothing for the President to sign.
The next path of objection is a challenge on the constitutionality of the most socialistic provisions of the law; however, it is questionable when such an objection would be ripe for court review because there is a significant delay in the implementation of most of totalitarian provisions. However, when such a case or controversy becomes ripe, much of the law violates the first Article and second Articles and the ninth and tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.
Beyond these, there is always the Declaration of Independence. The states created the Federal form of government, and the states can opt out of it. Remember that the Declaration of Independence was not superseded by the Constitution – it remains the enacting document whereby the colonies declared independence in the name of the united States of America. The principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence are both universal and eternal:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.
They have acted against the United States Constitution.
They have acted against the consent of the governed.
They are attempting to take over fully one-sixth of the economy; a part of the economy that is world class and in no danger of financial collapse. This is not a “bail out” – this is an unconstitutional takeover of a huge segment of the economy for no other reason than they are socialists and possess the votes in Congress to get it done, damn the rules, damn the people, damn the constitution, damn the republic. The actions the Democrat party have taken in the past year are by any definition totalitarian. I am certain that Jefferson and Jackson are rolling in their graves today.
In short, I see no difference between the Democrats and a National Socialist Party.
So, what can the nation do in response to the totalitarian National Socialist Party and their takeover of State and personal sovereignty?
First, it is incumbent upon the States of the United States to engage in a national nullification of the National Socialist Party’s socialization of health care. States, and states alone, are granted the power under the constitution of the United States to regulate both the health care and the insurance provided in their particular state. Every state that values the continuation of the republic should take legislative and executive action immediately to prohibit the Federal government from implementing the health care portions of the National Socialist Party’s socialized medicine program. This should include the following elements:
Assert the State’s preeminence on matters of health care and insurance laws within the State borders; and
Enact nullification laws and prohibitions against the enforcement of unconstitutional Federal laws – that is, criminalize the enforcement of the National Socialist Party’s socialized medicine program within the State.
To the extent this can be done in concert between states, it should be done. Nothing would make me happier than to see several states all pass nullification laws and resolutions on the same day, at the same time.
Second, there is an election a mere six and one half months away. No National Socialist Party member should be re-elected to Congress. Any congressional district or state that re-elects a Democrat should be shunned in every possible way. No visits, no conventions, no investment, no money, no nothing. The home bases of the National Socialist Party must be dead to us. And the new Congress must repeal this scar on the nation, and overrule the expected veto by the National Socialist Party’s leader, Barak Hussein Obama. UPDATE: It occurred to me after writing this that another action a nullification-minded Congress could take would to be to withhold funding for some or all of the activities authorized under this law. Again, it would face a veto, but budget bills can and do get passed as overrides to a veto.
Third, even with the expected veto, a mere two thirds majorities in both houses of Congress (and without the approval of the President required) may propose an Amendment to the constitution of the United States that would repeal the National Socialist Party’s healthcare takeover. Thirty eight of the states would be required to vote in favor of the amendment for it to become the supreme law of the land.
Fourth, there are two opportunities to mount of constitutional challenges against the National Socialist Party’s socialized health care takeover.
One path of objection is the nature in which the House passed its approval of their version of the bill. Because the House added amendments or stipulations to the bill prior to its being signed into law, the identical bill was not passed by both houses of Congress, thus the President was never constitutionally presented with a bill that passed both houses of Congress, and thus there was nothing for the President to sign.
The next path of objection is a challenge on the constitutionality of the most socialistic provisions of the law; however, it is questionable when such an objection would be ripe for court review because there is a significant delay in the implementation of most of totalitarian provisions. However, when such a case or controversy becomes ripe, much of the law violates the first Article and second Articles and the ninth and tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.
Beyond these, there is always the Declaration of Independence. The states created the Federal form of government, and the states can opt out of it. Remember that the Declaration of Independence was not superseded by the Constitution – it remains the enacting document whereby the colonies declared independence in the name of the united States of America. The principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence are both universal and eternal:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Epic Threat Weekend
This weekend is a huge pivot point for the future of the United States and the Obama-Reid-Pelosi government takeover plan for 17% of the economy.
In their typically deceptive way, the Democrats have pointed to the crushing amount of unfunded future "obligations" imposed on the projected Federal budgets by the socialist Medicare program, and then said they needed to tackle the cause of this burden: private health insurance. Talk about kicking the dog because the cat made a mess.
Certainly the only completely wrong way to reduce the future costs of socialized medicine is to create more socialized medicine.
I am left to ponder the question: Do we need health care insurance reform, or do we really need government reformed?
In their typically deceptive way, the Democrats have pointed to the crushing amount of unfunded future "obligations" imposed on the projected Federal budgets by the socialist Medicare program, and then said they needed to tackle the cause of this burden: private health insurance. Talk about kicking the dog because the cat made a mess.
Certainly the only completely wrong way to reduce the future costs of socialized medicine is to create more socialized medicine.
I am left to ponder the question: Do we need health care insurance reform, or do we really need government reformed?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The Inexorable Force of the Market and the Unbearable Weight of Government
In the ongoing debate regarding the Democrat's nationalization of health care, precious little time is being focused on a discussion of the actual market changes that will occur as a result of the passage and implementation of this unconstitutional piece of legislation.
What today’s Democrats, and believers in Government action of all stripes, believe is that the
market is like a giant Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man – giant, lumbering, and able to withstand nearly any amount of central committee diktats without really changing either its nature or behavior. Of course, the real-life evidence is that the market is agile, responsive, demanding, fickle, and smarter than bureaucrats.
Tinkering with reimbursement rates on socialized medicine programs in an effort to realize “savings” to government bodies already occurs. The effect of the tinkering is that it shrinks the supply of goods and services being bought by the socialized medicine program recipients.
In a self-regulating market, a decrease in supply will result in an increase in prices, which will decrease the total demand for the product or service, and the market will find its equilibrium at the new higher price. However, in a world of government price controls, such as the reimbursement rates for prescription drugs in a Medicare plan, while the supply is decreasing, the price cannot change which inevitable leads to rationing or shortages. Demand will outstrip supply.
What the government relies on in this scenario is a belief that businesses are irrational – they will conduct their primary business in a way that causes financial loss. As we are seeing now in Washington state, several pharmacy chains are ceasing to fill new Medicare prescriptions because they lose money on the deal.
What is a Democrat to do when her great economic schemes wash up on the rocks of reality? Step 1 is denial. “Doug Porter, the state's director of Medicaid, said Medicaid recipients should be able to readily find another pharmacy because "we have many more pharmacy providers in our network than we need."
Step 2 is anger. “Insurance profits are bad for my health.” And we are being defrauded by “fly by night operators.”
Step 3 is more government diktats. Hey, “we won the election.”
Soon, Washington state will make accepting Medicare prescriptions mandatory for a pharmacy license. Democrats are happy to force people to do things as a “cost of doing business.” In practical respects, this means costs for things that are not Medicare prescriptions will go up. This is an indirect tax on all consumers at the pharmacy, including food and medicine brought to you by enlightened bureaucrats.
More philosophically, being forced to do business in a manner that is not a purely voluntary transaction is slavery. Being forced to do things because the government says you should (like buying health insurance whether you want to or not) is slavery. Even a fifth grader knows the 13th Amendment prohibits slavery. The question is: are Democrats smarter than a fifth grader.
What today’s Democrats, and believers in Government action of all stripes, believe is that the

Tinkering with reimbursement rates on socialized medicine programs in an effort to realize “savings” to government bodies already occurs. The effect of the tinkering is that it shrinks the supply of goods and services being bought by the socialized medicine program recipients.
In a self-regulating market, a decrease in supply will result in an increase in prices, which will decrease the total demand for the product or service, and the market will find its equilibrium at the new higher price. However, in a world of government price controls, such as the reimbursement rates for prescription drugs in a Medicare plan, while the supply is decreasing, the price cannot change which inevitable leads to rationing or shortages. Demand will outstrip supply.
What the government relies on in this scenario is a belief that businesses are irrational – they will conduct their primary business in a way that causes financial loss. As we are seeing now in Washington state, several pharmacy chains are ceasing to fill new Medicare prescriptions because they lose money on the deal.
What is a Democrat to do when her great economic schemes wash up on the rocks of reality? Step 1 is denial. “Doug Porter, the state's director of Medicaid, said Medicaid recipients should be able to readily find another pharmacy because "we have many more pharmacy providers in our network than we need."
Step 2 is anger. “Insurance profits are bad for my health.” And we are being defrauded by “fly by night operators.”
Step 3 is more government diktats. Hey, “we won the election.”
Soon, Washington state will make accepting Medicare prescriptions mandatory for a pharmacy license. Democrats are happy to force people to do things as a “cost of doing business.” In practical respects, this means costs for things that are not Medicare prescriptions will go up. This is an indirect tax on all consumers at the pharmacy, including food and medicine brought to you by enlightened bureaucrats.
More philosophically, being forced to do business in a manner that is not a purely voluntary transaction is slavery. Being forced to do things because the government says you should (like buying health insurance whether you want to or not) is slavery. Even a fifth grader knows the 13th Amendment prohibits slavery. The question is: are Democrats smarter than a fifth grader.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Who Fights The War Against Jihadis?
Over the past two weeks, we have seen a spate of captures of jihadists of one stripe or another. All these captures sound like good news, but what is coming from such captures is greatly worrisome to me.
From the possible capture of Adam Gadahn, to the confirmed captures of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Mullah Janan Andewal, Colleen LaRose, and Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, one might come to conclusion that we are prosecuting and winning the war against Islamists.
Looking deeper at the facts, however, indicated that our existing Administration is neither fighting a war, nor even aware that one exists.
Neither Baradar nor Andewal were captured by the United States. Andewal was caught by the Aussies, and Baradar was captured by Pakistanis. Of the two, Baradar is clearly the bigger catch. Baradar has not been delivered to the US by Pakistan, and likely never will be. I would hazard a guess that Baradar slipped on his protection payments to Pakistani security officials. We might have reason to suspect the intelligence being fed to us by the Pakistanis coming out of the Baradar interrogations.
Paulin-Ramirez, one of the Jihad Janes recruited by Colleen "Tokyo" LaRose, has been released - lack of evidence and all. I guess the Attorney General's office can't figure out a crime she committed. Surprise! The same Attorney General and his "at least" nine other Department of Justice employees that worked on behalf of those wrongfully accused al Qaeda prisoners in Gitmo can't seem to put their finger on a crime that might possibly have been committed by a woman who travelled to Europe for the purpose of killing someone for a cartoon they drew.
Colleen LaRose was not caught by the government, she was caught by US citizens who band together to track jihadist information on the Internet. They have no funding, keep day jobs, pay bills, and spend time with their families. In their spare time, they do the job the US government would be doing if this Administration took seriously its job to protect the country.
Of course, if this Administration took seriously its job to protect the country, it would not have announced the closure of Gitmo, would not have stated the Gitmo prisoners would be tried in US criminal courts, and would not have read a Miranda warning to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (the Panty Bomber) when they took him into custody (again depending on civilians for the capture).
It is clear the Barak Hussein Obama does not intend to prosecute a war against Islamist jihadis, because Muslim-born Barak Hussein Obama does not believe a war exists. But just because one believes a war does not exist does not preclude the factual existence of such a war - and such a war is being conducted by Muslim jihadis against the United States.
It is the first and most solemn duty of the President and every person working in government to protect the nation and its citizens against foreign attack. The first step in this is to believe a war exists. We know they are coming, and have come. The second step is to fight back like it is a war.
Wars cannot be won by civilian prosecutors who very recently were representing the enemy combatants in court. Only in the mind-numbingly bizarre world of the group of committed leftists currently occupying the White House would this approach to national security possibly make sense.
This Administration is endangering the lives of every citizen of the United States by ignoring threats and failing to fight the war we find ourselves in. This nation has become reliant upon the actions of civilians to ferret out and expose the threat to the United States posed by jihadis. Are you ready to accept your part in the defense of your State and the Republic?
From the possible capture of Adam Gadahn, to the confirmed captures of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Mullah Janan Andewal, Colleen LaRose, and Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, one might come to conclusion that we are prosecuting and winning the war against Islamists.
Looking deeper at the facts, however, indicated that our existing Administration is neither fighting a war, nor even aware that one exists.
Neither Baradar nor Andewal were captured by the United States. Andewal was caught by the Aussies, and Baradar was captured by Pakistanis. Of the two, Baradar is clearly the bigger catch. Baradar has not been delivered to the US by Pakistan, and likely never will be. I would hazard a guess that Baradar slipped on his protection payments to Pakistani security officials. We might have reason to suspect the intelligence being fed to us by the Pakistanis coming out of the Baradar interrogations.
Paulin-Ramirez, one of the Jihad Janes recruited by Colleen "Tokyo" LaRose, has been released - lack of evidence and all. I guess the Attorney General's office can't figure out a crime she committed. Surprise! The same Attorney General and his "at least" nine other Department of Justice employees that worked on behalf of those wrongfully accused al Qaeda prisoners in Gitmo can't seem to put their finger on a crime that might possibly have been committed by a woman who travelled to Europe for the purpose of killing someone for a cartoon they drew.
Colleen LaRose was not caught by the government, she was caught by US citizens who band together to track jihadist information on the Internet. They have no funding, keep day jobs, pay bills, and spend time with their families. In their spare time, they do the job the US government would be doing if this Administration took seriously its job to protect the country.
Of course, if this Administration took seriously its job to protect the country, it would not have announced the closure of Gitmo, would not have stated the Gitmo prisoners would be tried in US criminal courts, and would not have read a Miranda warning to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (the Panty Bomber) when they took him into custody (again depending on civilians for the capture).
It is clear the Barak Hussein Obama does not intend to prosecute a war against Islamist jihadis, because Muslim-born Barak Hussein Obama does not believe a war exists. But just because one believes a war does not exist does not preclude the factual existence of such a war - and such a war is being conducted by Muslim jihadis against the United States.
It is the first and most solemn duty of the President and every person working in government to protect the nation and its citizens against foreign attack. The first step in this is to believe a war exists. We know they are coming, and have come. The second step is to fight back like it is a war.
Wars cannot be won by civilian prosecutors who very recently were representing the enemy combatants in court. Only in the mind-numbingly bizarre world of the group of committed leftists currently occupying the White House would this approach to national security possibly make sense.
This Administration is endangering the lives of every citizen of the United States by ignoring threats and failing to fight the war we find ourselves in. This nation has become reliant upon the actions of civilians to ferret out and expose the threat to the United States posed by jihadis. Are you ready to accept your part in the defense of your State and the Republic?
I Hope This Changes
The B. Hussein Obama Administration, the "smartest people in the room", the calm and detached believers in soft diplomacy, the anti-cowboys, appear to be spoiling for a fight with the United States' single largest creditor, Communist China. It appears that elements of the ChiCom's political class want this fight as well.
While I have no love for Communists, and detest Communist China particularly, I know Obama has no stomach for a military confrontation, which the US would decisively win.
Instead, having bloated the debt markets with cheap US Bonds, Obama will pick a fight with China over currency manipulation. China has the capacity, and may be looking for an excuse, to dump its US debt holdings. If they do so, they will make it impossible for the US to borrow more money in the short term and mid terms.
Because B. Hussein Obama has neither the stomach or the capacity to understand government austerity in such an event, all Obama will be left with is US currency manipulation. Inflation and interest rates with skyrocket, and my prediction of a "Welcome Back Carter" presidency will be fulfilled.
In the long run, the US (or what is left of it) would come out ahead due to the innovative economic thinking of its people, not its government. But, in the long run, we are all dead.
While I have no love for Communists, and detest Communist China particularly, I know Obama has no stomach for a military confrontation, which the US would decisively win.
Instead, having bloated the debt markets with cheap US Bonds, Obama will pick a fight with China over currency manipulation. China has the capacity, and may be looking for an excuse, to dump its US debt holdings. If they do so, they will make it impossible for the US to borrow more money in the short term and mid terms.
Because B. Hussein Obama has neither the stomach or the capacity to understand government austerity in such an event, all Obama will be left with is US currency manipulation. Inflation and interest rates with skyrocket, and my prediction of a "Welcome Back Carter" presidency will be fulfilled.
In the long run, the US (or what is left of it) would come out ahead due to the innovative economic thinking of its people, not its government. But, in the long run, we are all dead.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
B. Hussein's Next Target: Fishermen and Anglers
As reported by no more Yankee a source than Hartford-based ESPN, the Obama mafia is headed towards an end to all fishing in the United States. Story linked below.
From the story: "The Obama administration will accept no more public input for a federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing the nation's oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters.
This announcement comes at the time when the situation supposedly still is "fluid" and the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force still hasn't issued its final report on zoning uses of these waters.
Led by NOAA's Jane Lubchenco ... [she] and others in the Obama administration have close ties to environmental groups who would like nothing better than to ban recreational angling. And evidence suggests that these organizations have been the engine behind the task force since before Obama issued a memo creating it last June.
As ESPN previously reported, WWF, Greenpeace, Defenders of Wildlife, Pew Environment Group and others produced a document entitled "Transition Green" shortly after Obama was elected in 2008. What has happened since suggests that the task force has been in lockstep with that position paper.
Then in late summer, just after he created the task force, these groups produced "Recommendations for the Adoption and Implementation of an Oceans, Coasts, and Great Lakes National Policy."
That same tunnel vision, in which recreational angling and commercial fishing are indiscriminately lumped together as harmful to the resource, has persisted with the task force, despite protests by the angling industry."
From the story: "The Obama administration will accept no more public input for a federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing the nation's oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters.
This announcement comes at the time when the situation supposedly still is "fluid" and the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force still hasn't issued its final report on zoning uses of these waters.
Led by NOAA's Jane Lubchenco ... [she] and others in the Obama administration have close ties to environmental groups who would like nothing better than to ban recreational angling. And evidence suggests that these organizations have been the engine behind the task force since before Obama issued a memo creating it last June.
As ESPN previously reported, WWF, Greenpeace, Defenders of Wildlife, Pew Environment Group and others produced a document entitled "Transition Green" shortly after Obama was elected in 2008. What has happened since suggests that the task force has been in lockstep with that position paper.
Then in late summer, just after he created the task force, these groups produced "Recommendations for the Adoption and Implementation of an Oceans, Coasts, and Great Lakes National Policy."
That same tunnel vision, in which recreational angling and commercial fishing are indiscriminately lumped together as harmful to the resource, has persisted with the task force, despite protests by the angling industry."
The Chicago Way in Washington
Hand it to the Chicagoans currently occupying the White House. Rahm Emmanuel and B. Hussein Obama have offed two political enemies in two weeks. First was the bumbling, stumbling New York Governor David Patterson - who never saw it coming. Patterson was in the office Obama promised to Andrew Cuomo. The White House indicated that Patterson should not run, but David could not see his way clear to get out of the race. Patterson was destroyed by leaks to the daily organ of leftist government, the New York Times.
This week, it was Rep. Eric Massa, done in by leaks from the Ethics Committee and Rahm Emmanuel himself, including a House gymnasium shower room showdown, like a scene straight out of the Godfather.
The thug culture instituted by this Administration is stunning. Soon, they will be a paranoid as Richard Nixon.
Update: By the way, now that Massa "sleeps with the fishes", I believe the fix is in for the House to pass the Senate's socialized medicine bill.
This week, it was Rep. Eric Massa, done in by leaks from the Ethics Committee and Rahm Emmanuel himself, including a House gymnasium shower room showdown, like a scene straight out of the Godfather.
The thug culture instituted by this Administration is stunning. Soon, they will be a paranoid as Richard Nixon.
Update: By the way, now that Massa "sleeps with the fishes", I believe the fix is in for the House to pass the Senate's socialized medicine bill.
Congrats to Hurt Locker
The Oscars got this year's Best Picture right. Hurt Locker is a riveting and gritty film about war in Iraq made by Hollywood outsiders and seen in the theatre by very few. I went to see the film and convinced two friends to come along. The film is a work of fiction, to be sure, but does not portray Americans in war as anything other than warriors.
Contrast Hurt Locker with radical leftist Matt Damon's Green Zone or the imponderable Syriana. There is no lecture in Hurt Locker. No American self loathing. No hating on George Bush. No accusations of trading blood for oil.
Hurt Locker is not a film that is easy to watch, but is watchable. It is accessible even to those without a military background. If you have not seen the movie, rent the DVD and give it a try. But set aside time to focus on it, you cannot multi-task watching Hurt Locker.
Watch the film, and thank God that you are safe and at home doing so.
Contrast Hurt Locker with radical leftist Matt Damon's Green Zone or the imponderable Syriana. There is no lecture in Hurt Locker. No American self loathing. No hating on George Bush. No accusations of trading blood for oil.
Hurt Locker is not a film that is easy to watch, but is watchable. It is accessible even to those without a military background. If you have not seen the movie, rent the DVD and give it a try. But set aside time to focus on it, you cannot multi-task watching Hurt Locker.
Watch the film, and thank God that you are safe and at home doing so.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Adam Gadahn May Be Captured
Pakistani sources are saying that US-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn has been captured. While nothing pleases me more at the moment than fantasizing about Gadahn being waterboarded at Gitmo, this Administration will provide Gadahn with all the rights and privileges granted to Teddy Kennedy when he killed Mary Jo Kopechne.
While Adam Gadahn still walks this earth, the best I can hope is that he gets put into general population in a prison in Alabama.
More information will leak out about this capture as time goes on. It will be interesting to follow.
While Adam Gadahn still walks this earth, the best I can hope is that he gets put into general population in a prison in Alabama.
More information will leak out about this capture as time goes on. It will be interesting to follow.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Open Questions About The Healthcare Meeting
Why are the Democrats involving Republicans in the discussion about the bills only AFTER the bills have been written and passed by both houses of Congress? The bills have not been withdrawn or rebuked by the Democrat leadership, and the Democrats have had for a year all the votes they need to put a health care takeover on the Anointed One's desk. This was not the Democrats seeking advice and counsel. This was the Democrats seeking a criminal accomplice.
What I did not hear from the Republicans is just as concerning as what I continue to hear from the Democrats. Not one Republican (and certainly no Democrat) said that it is the responsibility of the individual, not government, to provide for his or her own health care. The GOP has bought into this notion that someone other than the recipient must pay for a person's health care.
And that mindset is how we got into the fiscal pickle in the first place.
The price of freedom is not vigilance; the price of freedom is self-reliance. You are a slave if you are dependent upon any other person or entity to receive your needs. If you depend on the government for health care, you are a slave.
Update: People are starting to get it. A CNN poll shows that a majority of Americans now see the government as a threat to their rights. It's been that way all along - slaves have no rights. Glad the "moderates" are catching on.
What I did not hear from the Republicans is just as concerning as what I continue to hear from the Democrats. Not one Republican (and certainly no Democrat) said that it is the responsibility of the individual, not government, to provide for his or her own health care. The GOP has bought into this notion that someone other than the recipient must pay for a person's health care.
And that mindset is how we got into the fiscal pickle in the first place.
The price of freedom is not vigilance; the price of freedom is self-reliance. You are a slave if you are dependent upon any other person or entity to receive your needs. If you depend on the government for health care, you are a slave.
Update: People are starting to get it. A CNN poll shows that a majority of Americans now see the government as a threat to their rights. It's been that way all along - slaves have no rights. Glad the "moderates" are catching on.
Even ABC says "You Lie" to Obama
Lie number one: Health Care premiums go up under the Anointed One's plan, not down as B. Hussein Obama claims.
Lie number two: Obama claims that under his plan, people won't have to pay for other people's health care. Whoops, the truth is there are "generous subsidies for families with incomes under $88,000". That means taxpayers WILL be paying for other people's health care.
Lie number three: "If you like your plan, you can keep it." The truth: even if the insurance company maintains your plan under the weight of the Federal diktats, you can keep it only for a limited time.
Lie number four: full abortion on demand is covered under the Anointed One's plan. Joe Wilson was 100% right.
Lie number one: Health Care premiums go up under the Anointed One's plan, not down as B. Hussein Obama claims.
Lie number two: Obama claims that under his plan, people won't have to pay for other people's health care. Whoops, the truth is there are "generous subsidies for families with incomes under $88,000". That means taxpayers WILL be paying for other people's health care.
Lie number three: "If you like your plan, you can keep it." The truth: even if the insurance company maintains your plan under the weight of the Federal diktats, you can keep it only for a limited time.
Lie number four: full abortion on demand is covered under the Anointed One's plan. Joe Wilson was 100% right.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Al Qaida's Lawyers Now Running the Justice Department
Let that sink in: Al Qaida's lawyers are now occupying high level positions at the Justice Department, including the National Security Division of the Justice Department.
We now know why the Anointed One wants to have the Islamic terrorists' trials removed from military tribunals and have their prosecution handled by the Department of Justice.
Barak Hussein Obama wants the terrorists found not guilty and released.
To ensure this occurs, Eric Holder and B. Hussein Obama have packed the Justice Department with political appointees that have represented the terrorists in Gitmo.
That's right: the terrorist defense attorneys are now in charge of their prosecution.
In the real legal world, this is called a conflict of interest. Once an attorney obtains a client, that client is for all practical purposes always that attorney's client, and the attorney cannot ever bring or work on a case against that client. Attorneys can and have been disbarred for such behavior.
All of this has arisen from a simple set of questions Senator Charles Grassley asked of Eric Holder nearly six months ago. Addressing Holder about the terrorists' defense attorneys now working at the Justice Department, Grassley asked: Who are they, which terrorists did they represent, and what are their duties at the Justice Department today?
Grassley asked because he knew of two: current Principal Deputy Solicitor General Neal Katyal represented Osama bin Laden's driver, and Jennifer Daskal, now an official in the National Security Division of the Justice Department, represented several detainees through her work for the extremely liberal Human Rights Watch.
Since that question, Holder has responded that there are "at least" nine such persons, but he will not reveal who they are or who they represented. Holder continues to hide the names and jobs of the other terrorist's lawyers now embedded at Justice.
We now know why the Anointed One wants to have the Islamic terrorists' trials removed from military tribunals and have their prosecution handled by the Department of Justice.
Barak Hussein Obama wants the terrorists found not guilty and released.
To ensure this occurs, Eric Holder and B. Hussein Obama have packed the Justice Department with political appointees that have represented the terrorists in Gitmo.
That's right: the terrorist defense attorneys are now in charge of their prosecution.
In the real legal world, this is called a conflict of interest. Once an attorney obtains a client, that client is for all practical purposes always that attorney's client, and the attorney cannot ever bring or work on a case against that client. Attorneys can and have been disbarred for such behavior.
All of this has arisen from a simple set of questions Senator Charles Grassley asked of Eric Holder nearly six months ago. Addressing Holder about the terrorists' defense attorneys now working at the Justice Department, Grassley asked: Who are they, which terrorists did they represent, and what are their duties at the Justice Department today?
Grassley asked because he knew of two: current Principal Deputy Solicitor General Neal Katyal represented Osama bin Laden's driver, and Jennifer Daskal, now an official in the National Security Division of the Justice Department, represented several detainees through her work for the extremely liberal Human Rights Watch.
Since that question, Holder has responded that there are "at least" nine such persons, but he will not reveal who they are or who they represented. Holder continues to hide the names and jobs of the other terrorist's lawyers now embedded at Justice.
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