Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day Call to Action

Today, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, signifies the armistice ending the Great War, the World War. In 1954, this day was designated as Veteran’s day, a day to honor all Veterans, not just the Veterans of World War I.

It is appropriate to honor our Veterans, each of whom has made real sacrifice for this country.

But it is not enough to honor Veterans only on this day. This nation’s military conflict with Muslim jihadists is creating a huge influx of wounded Veterans, all of whom deserve the best possible rehabilitation services, and they are not receiving them. In an age when so many unproductive Americans and illegal aliens claim entitlement to high quality government programs at taxpayer expense, it borders on criminal that the U.S. Government does not ensure that every war Veteran receive the best possible care. We all know that this is not occurring, and it bodes ill for the quality of “care” all citizens might receive in a government run health care system.

It is also not enough to pay lip service to finishing the job in this nation’s military conflict with Islamic jihadists. While good men have fought and died to strip Afghanistan from the death grip of the Taleban and al Qaida, it is clear that more troops are needed to finish the job. Yet the Islamist sympathizer in the White House is not sure if more troops are needed at all, cannot make time to have a meaningful discussion with the Generals in charge of conducting the war in Afghanistan, and cannot make force projection and force protection for our troops in Afghanistan an immediate priority.

The race hustler Barak Hussein Obama campaigned for the job he has, and a part of that is Commander in Chief. It is ultimately the Commander in Chief’s job to win wars in which the United States is engaged, and do the best he can to provide for the troops fighting those wars.

Leaving the military understaffed in Afghanistan and postponing immediate deployment of the troop strength necessary to win in Afghanistan is a dereliction of duty. It is an affront to all citizens if B. Hussein Obama wastes American lives in Afghanistan because he cannot commit himself to fighting Islamic militants.

There is no greater affront to Veterans than to abandon them; to leave them exposed and unsupported as Obama is doing in Afghanistan. Our troops in Afghanistan are barely hanging on. This Veteran’s Day, think about what you can do now to get our troops in Afghanistan the support they need.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Today is VG Day

Today is V-G day; victory for Germay. On this day twenty years ago, the Berlin Wall was forced open, which signaled the beginning of the end of the Cold War. On this day in 1989, East Germany opened the gates to the Berlin wall, allowing East Germans to once again freely and safely travel to West Germany and freedom for the first time since

The action followed a decision a few weeks earlier by the Hungarian government to permit Hungarians to freely travel to Austria. Once that occurred, East Germans had been traveling to West Germany through Hungary and Austria, a fait accompli for the freedom-loving people of East Germany.

In a desperate bid to maintain power, the East German Communists offered the direct travel route, adding the diktat that the East Germans that they had to come back to East Germany after their visit.

It is the natural state of man to seek freedom, and the East Germans did so, not only fleeing to West Germany, but also tearing down the Berlin Wall, at first with their bare hands, and finally with machines. No longer slaves to the Soviet Union, Germany reunified.

On June 12, 1987, President Ronald Reagan spoke the people of Berlin at the base of the Brandenburg Gate, near the Berlin Wall, and thundered to the Soviet political masters on the other side of the Wall:

“General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

Naturally, the weak-kneed American liberals in the United States dismissed this dangerous and inflammatory talk. Naturally, the liberal bedwetters were wrong, and little more than two years later, the wall came down, but Gorbachev had nothing to do with it.

Reagan was right, the liberals were wrong, and thank God for men like Ronald Reagan.

Where have all the cowboys gone?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Why the US Should Bar Muslims from Military Service

Once again, yesterday, November 5, 2009, while screaming "Allah Akbar!”, Major Nidal Malik Hasan provided abject and deadly evidence that sincere Muslims cannot honestly serve in the United States military. The Army psychiatrist killed twelve and wounded more than thirty Army personnel at Fort Hood, Texas. In this, he joins such other sincere followers of Islam as Quinton Ezeagwulaby, Mir Aimal Kasi, and US Army sergeant Hasan Karim Akbar in murderously attacking those who stand watch and protect the United States of America either in the United States or on US bases.

Nidal Malik Hasan, was born in the United States, raised in genteel Virginia, public school educated, Virginia Tech graduate enrolled in ROTC, and made a doctor through the military medical school. Yet his religion prohibited him from serving in the Army of a non-Muslim nation.

I believe Nidal Malik Hasan was a sincere Muslim well versed in the Koran. The Koran clearly prohibits Muslims from serving non-Islamic masters. He was no “religion of peace” believer, because Islam is NOT a religion of peace. Islam is a religion of submission – submission to Islam.

Let there be no doubt here – the United States Army itself bears partial responsibility for this carnage by not running Major Hasan out of the service long before this event. There is ample first hand evidence that Major Hasan frequently and publicly denounced the United State’s war against Islamic terrorism and supported terrorist acts undertaking by Muslims against the United States military. In what kind of twisted, politically-correct, uber-sensitive Army would we not discharge such a disaffected, disloyal soldier?

Thank God -- and by God, I mean the God of Abraham, God the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Sprit – thank God for brave first responders and true Americans like police Sgt. Kimberly Munley who did her duty and engaged the murderous Islamic terrorist alone and injured.

What should be abundantly clear at this point is that sincere Muslims should honestly admit that they cannot in good conscience remain in the service of the United States military. Today, immediately, the United States Army must discharge all sincere Muslims as conscientious objectors – in this, there really is no shame. The government should not attempt to deprive Muslims of their faith, but the government must be honest in determining that US military service is incompatible with the Islamic faith, and we need to quit making excuses about it.

Until that happens, persons in the United States military should distrust any Muslim assigned to their unit or post. This nation must put aside its political correctness and see Islam for what it really is, not was Christians and liberals want Islam to be.

God bless the Fort Hood community and the Army community. We put enough on the Army as it is – we should not tolerate ticking human timebombs in its midst.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Misplaced Priorities

B. Hussein Obama just spent three days of his presidency devoted to being the mayor of Chicago in his trip to Copenhagen to try to convince the International Olympic Committee to send the 2016 Summer Olympics to his organized community.

Obama's bid came in fourth, behind Rio, Madrid, and Tokyo. Fourth. Kicked out of the competition in the first round.

This same week, B. Hussein Obama, as Commander in Chief, spent only twenty five minutes with General Stanley McChrystal discussing Afghanistan and McChrystal's request for an additional 40,000 troop surge to disloge the Taleban from power in Afghanistan. There are only two places for the United States in Afghanistan - defeat or victory. There are no consideration rounds; no fourth, no third, no second places. Defeat or victory.

If you have not seen it before, this week brings into sharpest focus ever the fact that B. Hussein Obama, noted community activist, is a complete amateur currently employed so far beyond his capacity to serve that the Peter Principle will soon be rename the "Obama Principle."

This man's presidency cannot end soon enough.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Obama Shows His True Colors - Red

On the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland, B. Hussein Obama once again abandons Poland and the Czech Republic to Soviet oppression by abandoning the plan to install and support anti-missile technology on the soils of both of our allies.

In this action, Sec. of Defense Robert Gates again shows himself as a purely unprincipled political hack. The thought that Russia would engage Iran in a manner to reduce Iran’s bellicose behavior is criminally false.

Obama is doing this to appease his Communist masters in the former Soviet Union. Such an action is completely consistent with a fifth column member, and Obama is now the Commander in Chief of the fifth column in the United States.

The presidency of this destructive useful idiot continues to show weakness in the face of Russian aggression:

-- Russia invaded Georgia with no meaningful American response.

-- Russia threatens nuclear war with Poland due to the inclusion of Poland in the new US missile defense shield.

-- Russia cuts off Ukraine's electricity as penalty for Ukrainian support of the US missile defense shield.

-- Russia practices nuclear war on the United States in a joint exercise with China as a part of the new "Shanghai Cooperation Organization."

-- Russia is designing and adding next generation ICBMs in violation of START.

-- Russia continues to provides extensive nuclear expertise and technology to enemies of the US, including Iran.

-- Russia is reestablishing a Warsaw Pact which features Iran as one of its members.

The presidency of B. Hussein Obama cannot end quickly enough. The very existence of the free world hinge on his anti-freedom agenda.

Update: "This is not good news for the Czech state, for Czech freedom and independence," said Mirek Topolanek, the former Czech Prime Minister. "It puts us in a position where we are not firmly anchored in terms of partnership, security and alliance, and that’s a certain threat."

Reminder: Both Poland and the Czech Republic have provided troops to work along side US troops in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Both of these countries are part of the coalition of the willing. Chilling relations with staunch allies is so foolish as to defy description.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This Guy is a Dick

I hope everyone got a chance to see Megyn Kelly of FoxNews rip Richard "Dick" Harpootlian over the Joe Wilson story on FoxNews this morning. Megyn, who is VERY pregnant (and therefore quite likely hormonal) chewed this hypocrite up and spit him out on her show this morning.

I'll try to add a link if I can find one.

Friday, September 11, 2009

United We Stand; Divided We Fall

Today is the eighth anniversary of the Islamic terrorist hijacking and homicide aircraft attacks on the people of the United States in New York, Washington DC, and Shanksville, PA. After these heinous terrorist attacks against unsuspecting, hard-working people, the United States of America united to launch a global war on Islamic terrorism.

For a time, this nation was united. Our national motto was “United We Stand”.

We all knew that would not last. Since the 1960s, American leftists have made sport of bringing down this nation, its achievements, its political institutions, its history, and its people. National unity in support of military action was going to be opposed, degraded, resisted, and demonized. Eventually, the followers of Alinsky succeeded in once again dividing the nation, sapping the national will, and perverting the national efforts to protect the United States from Islamic terrorism.

Currently, we have as president the Great National Divider. No longer do we have a global war on Islamic terrorism – we now have “overseas contingency operations.” We no longer interrogate the terrorists held (for the moment) at Guantanamo, we now have “high value interrogation group” prohibited from using any method more coercive than exposing these killers to rainbows and teddybears. As I recall people in the twin towers having to choose between dying in the inferno or jumping to their death, I am not so concerned about the 9/11 mastermind being waterboarded under the supervision of doctors, then fed a nice meal.

The Great National Divider, a true Saul Alinsky acolyte, spent last night calling his dictatorial socialist policies “market choice” and his opponents “liars” “obstructionists” and “reactionaries.” He has promoted policies I’ve detailed in this blog that will irreparably harm this nation.

On this anniversary of terror, the White House will not use a motto of “United We Stand.” Instead, they will say “United We Share”, as in, you do not pay enough taxes, and you have to fork over some more of your hard-earned pay to the government so they can do with it what they deem important.

There is an important second stanza to “United We Stand” that the Great National Divider forgets – “Divided We Fall”.

President B. Hussein Obama’s policies, if enacted into law, will tear this nation apart. I firmly believe that if Congress enacts both the health care nationalization bill and the Mandate, Cap, and Tax bill being pushed by the Great National Divider, the result will be an end to the United States of America as it is composed today.

There is no national consensus on federal action on either of these bills, but if August’s town hall meetings have proved anything, it is that the Statists in the United States do not feel the need to unite the nation to dictate to it.

The great irony of this day is that the Islamic terrorists that launched the attack on the United States eight years ago wanted to destroy the United States as we know it. Now, we have a Muslim-born president working hard to achieve their goals.

Divided We Fall. The governing party presently in Washington DC needs to keep this in mind.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Socialism's BIG Lie of the Day

"I have not said that I am a supporter of a single payer system." - Barak Hussein Obama, August 12, 2009

"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program." - Barak Hussein Obama, June 30, 2003

"I don’t think we’re going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately." - Barak Hussein Obama, May 2007

The Price of Freedom

Thomas Jefferson opined that "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." This was uttered in a different place and time, before the advent of National Socialism, Communism, and the nanny state.

Today, I suggest that the price of freedom is self-reliance, for it is only with a national belief of self-reliance that a nation may keep its freedom from a dictatorial government.

The modern American Democrat has long known that their power is based upon expanding the class of people who are dependent on the government for their way of life. The larger the dependency class, the greater the power the Democrats will possess.

Controlling the nation's health care is the ultimate power grab. Not just because controlling health care means providing Democrat-appointed bureaucrats the power of life and death over everyone, but also because it creates a dependent class of all citizens who cannot afford to leave the country for appropriate medical treatment.

Furthermore, it will create a direct dependency class of those citizens who are directly employed by a nationalized health service. Currently, the third largest single employer in the world is the National Health Service in England, behind only the PRC Army and Indian Rail (the employment numbers for the entire UK would be higher, as you add the numbers servicing Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland). The English National Health Service has more than 1.2 Million employees, less than half of which are actual care-givers, and only 109,000 of which are English doctors.

Applying this ratio of NHS employees to the English working age population, it would be extrapolated that in the United States, a government run health care system would employ Eight Million Americans, over Four Million of which would be administrative employees. The Democrats know that there would be Eight Million citizens whose livelihood would be dependent upon the preservation of that nationalized health system, and Eight Million votes to preserve such a system once it was put into place.

I had the pleasure of speaking with several English doctors on holiday a couple of years ago. What we should understand is that NHS doctors are not college and medical school trained doctors at all, but identified during high school as having a competence for medical learning, and diverted to medical training in what Americans would call a trade school. At best, the standard NHS doctor would be a physician assistant in the United States. This mirrors my experience in the other government-provided health care service I have experienced first hand, the United States Army.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

James Madison on Obamacare, Bailouts, and Car Giveaways

"[T]he government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." --James Madison

So Now The Press Laments ...

I just saw a well-fed Betty Nguyen's CNN on-air lament that when she leaves poverty-stricken Communist Vietnam, she "never leaves feeling like [she's] done enough."

I'd say CNN's news-reporting ancestors have done quite enough to Vietnam, working the United States public into an anti-war frenzy and forcing us to abandon the hope for Vietnam's future to Ho Chi Minh and the brutal Communists.

For a member of the United States news media to lament that the Vietnamese under Communist rule are so poor is disgusting. Not one second of Nguyen's report delved into the question of WHY the Vietnamese are poor, WHY the Vietnamese are struggling under the Communist yolk, and WHAT role the US media played in their predicament.

Bleeding hearts to the end, all the press can see is their good intentions regarding its handling of the reporting on Vietnam. Now they want credit for their good intentions handing out a few pairs of shoes and some rice to villagers in a rice paddy. Disgusting, intellectually vacant hypocrites, the lot of them.

Another Racist On the Supreme Court

In B. Hussein Obama's "post-racial" America, his first appointment to the United States Supreme Court is an admitted racist, Sonia Sotomayor. Sonia is not the first racist on the supreme Court, and likely will not be the last, but this appointment was preventable and is unfortunate.

Sonia replaces another unfortunate appointment, and one of the supreme Court's least qualified and least meaningful members, David Souter. David Souter was a wasted appointment of President George Bush the first, a gift of RINO Chief of Staff John Sununu and RINO Sen. Warren Rudman. While Earl Warren and Harry Blackmun rank as the worst GOP supreme Court appointments, David Souter's middling intellect reduced his supreme Court role to being merely a liberal sock puppet.

Today, the nation is a little more at risk because of Sonia Sotomayor. Let us see how this "wise Latina" performs.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

How Participatory Democracy Scares Democrats

As more and more people come to read the liberty destroying portions of the House version of the Obamacare Health Reform bill, the members of the Democrat party are becoming uncomfortable with hearing from their constituents. The whole thing reminds me of an interchange between Count de Monet and King Louis XVI in the Mel Brooks film History of the World Part 1:

Count de Monet: It is said that the people are revolting.
King Louis XVI: You said it! They stink on ice!

Watch the clip on Youtube:

Democrats have been participating in rent-a-mob politics for so long they believe any group of people that show up at a political meeting focused on a single issue MUST be organized by some puppet master, just as they play puppet master to their “constituents.” To a Washington liberal, it is beyond the realm of the possible that citizens – of their own volition -- might come to a town hall meeting or other public forum to challenge the permanent political class. The voting/tax-paying class is clearly not politically savvy enough to behave in such an effective manner! Don’t we have our willing sycophants in the mainstream media telling them that this “reform” is good for the children?!?

The reaction of the Democrat political class is at once laughable, predictable, and hypocritical. When a Bush was president, it was “patriotic” to “speak truth to power.” Now that Obama is in the White House, Senator Boxer says that “organized groups" are planning to "harm our President!” With AIG execs were being paid pursuant to their contract, liberals bussed agitators into the neighborhoods to stand on their front lawns. When Conservatives show up to voice opposition to an unconstitutional Federal power-grab, they are called “well-dressed Nazis” or “racists”, or more likely, both.

Even the White House is behaving like a Chicago thug, issuing a video clip calling accurate quotes from Barak Obama about ridding the nation of private insurance “fishy” and a “distortion.”

The direct quote from Barak Obama was as follows: ““I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program. I see no reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, spending 14 percent of its Gross National Product on health care cannot provide basic health insurance to everybody. And that’s what Jim is talking about when he says everybody in, nobody out. A single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. And that’s what I’d like to see. But as all of you know, we may not get there immediately. Because first we have to take back the White House, we have to take back the Senate, and we have to take back the House.”

Clearly, this is at odds with both what Obama is saying about “choosing” your insurance, and at odds with the terms of the House bill Obama is pushing. But, apparently believing Obama means what he says and says what he means is a “distortion.”

Additionally, the White House, through Macon Phillips, the director of new media for Mr. Obama, also issued the following request for snitches: “Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an e-mail or see something on the Web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to”

Most hypercritical of all is that while Obama’s political allies are accusing some shadowy group of Republicans and evil insurance companies of paying people to show up to voice their displeasure at the unconstitutional Federal healthcare power grab, Obama is sending out emails to his ACORN buddies to get ready to mobilize to support Socialism.

What follows is an email to his activists sent by Barak Obama. I’ve included the whole thing so I cannot be accused of a distortion.

from President Barack Obama
date Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 10:21 AM
subject This is the moment

This is the moment our movement was built for.

For one month, the fight for health insurance reform leaves the backrooms of Washington, D.C., and returns to communities across America. Throughout August, members of Congress are back home, where the hands they shake and the voices they hear will not belong to lobbyists, but to people like you.

Home is where we’re strongest. We didn’t win last year’s election together at a committee hearing in D.C. We won it on the doorsteps and the phone lines, at the softball games and the town meetings, and in every part of this great country where people gather to talk about what matters most. And if you’re willing to step up once again, that’s exactly where we’re going to win this historic campaign for the guaranteed, affordable health insurance that every American deserves.

There are those who profit from the status quo, or see this debate as a political game, and they will stop at nothing to block reform. They are filling the airwaves and the internet with outrageous falsehoods to scare people into opposing change. And some people, not surprisingly, are getting pretty nervous. So we’ve got to get out there, fight lies with truth, and set the record straight.

That’s why Organizing for America is putting together thousands of events this month where you can reach out to neighbors, show your support, and make certain your members of Congress know that you’re counting on them to act.

But these canvasses, town halls, and gatherings only make a difference if you turn up to knock on doors, share your views, and show your support. So here’s what I need from you:

Can you commit to join at least one event in your community this month?

In politics, there’s a rule that says when you ask people to get involved, always tell them it’ll be easy. Well, let’s be honest here: Passing comprehensive health insurance reform will not be easy. Every President since Harry Truman has talked about it, and the most powerful and experienced lobbyists in Washington stand in the way.

But every day we don’t act, Americans watch their premiums rise three times faster than wages, small businesses and families are pushed towards bankruptcy, and 14,000 people lose their coverage entirely. The cost of inaction is simply too much for the people of this nation to bear.

So yes, fixing this crisis will not be easy. Our opponents will attack us every day for daring to try. It will require time, and hard work, and there will be days when we don’t know if we have anything more to give. But there comes a moment when we all have to choose between doing what’s easy, and doing what’s right.

This is one of those times. And moments like this are what this movement was built for. So, are you ready?

Please commit now to taking at least one action in your community this month to build support for health insurance reform.

Let’s seize this moment and win this historic victory for our economy, our health and our families.

Thank you,
President Barack Obama

You know, this email from President Barak Obama looks fishy to me. I think I will send this on to the White House.

When a community organizer objects when a community organizes in opposition to his policies, that is pure, naked, unadulterated liberal hypocrisy --particularly when he is in fact organizing to support himself.

Obama has given marching orders to his ACORN minions and his Ministry of Truth lackeys Linda Douglass and Macon Phillips. Contrast that with Conservatives, who are independent, self-motivated, and aware. Conservatives do not need marching orders, trinkets, or payments to make their voices heard. The Tea Party Movement lives on. Liberty may yet be rescued. If not, the nation will surely fail.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Popping Up in the Los Angeles Area

THIS poster is political fair use at its best.

Update: The Washington Post charges in to the rescue: this poster is "racist". WaPo proving their lack of relevance and objectivity again.

A Kenyan Birth Registration Appears

While I have been leery of claims that B. Hussein Obama is constitutionally prohibited from holding the Office of the President of the United States, I can at least understand that the constitutionalists have a valid point regarding B. Hussein Obama's "most transparent administration in history" lack of transparency on the issue of releasing the State of Hawaii Department of Health Certification of a Live Birth document issued in August of 1964.

While the Certification of a Certificate document released by the Obama campaign last year is invalid on its face by its own terms, a competing Kenyan certification of birth has emerged today as a competing claim on Obama's birth narrative.

Let the battle of the documents begin.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Thoughts on the Meaning of Patriotism

While I was meditating on the meaning of American Independence, my mental process jumped a lane, and I started thinking about patriotism. For the past eight years, those in the United States who hate the success, strength, and exceptionalism of this country have desperately made the argument that working to harm this country’s economy and safety is somehow “patriotic.” Their mantra “Dissent is patriotic” became some cover for their opposing common sense safety measures applied in the fight against Islamic terrorism.

Unfortunately, the mantra misconstrues the actions of the Patriots, and therefore, perverts the meaning of Patriotism. The Patriots were not dissidents for the sake of fomenting dissent.

To be a Patriotic United States citizen means to support the ideals and beliefs of the Patriots. So, to be Patriotic, one must be in favor of:

- Representative government
- Maximum independence in all matters
- The smallest possible central government
- A preference for local government over remote or central government
- Personal and national self-reliance
- Defense of your state against invaders, pirates, and thieves of all types
- Low taxes
- Low tariffs
- Low barriers to commerce
- Direct action in support of the above beliefs

Leftists in this country seem to think that direct action in support of their own beliefs alone fully qualifies them to claim the mantle of Patriotism. I would remind them that Benedict Arnold engaged in direct action in support of his beliefs, but none would label the great American traitor “Patriotic”.

Dissent in an of itself is not, and cannot be, Patriotic. It is not the activity that makes one Patriotic; it is belief that motivates the activity that determines whether a person is a Patriot or a traitor, coward, thief, or tyrant.

Pope Pius XI famously said "No one can be, at the same time, a sincere Catholic and a true socialist."

In the same vein I declare: No one can be, at the same time, a sincere Patriot and a supporter of government dependency, higher taxes, government regulatory schemes, gun bans, or surrender in the face of our enemies.

In short, no one can be, at the same time, a sincere Patriot and a modern American Democrat.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Reflections upon the Notion of American Independence

I’ve spent a fair part of this month - the month in which we Americans celebrate Independence Day - thinking about the meaning of Independence. I am struck by the irony of celebrating a national holiday commemorating cutting the ties of dependency upon a government while at the same time laboring under a Presidency and Congress leading the nation toward greater government dependence, even subjugation, of its people.

Independence is what is celebrated in this Nation, and with good cause. We have no national Dependence Day celebration.

Independence Day does not celebrate the mere notion of being independent. Independence Day celebrates the act of declaring our Independence. Independence in the United States is not just an ideal, a philosophy, a goal – it is our national birthright. The act itself founded a confederation of independent states.

Independence is not a death rattle, it is the cry of life! Independence has been the goal of self-conscious humans since humans achieved self-consciousness. Hundreds of Thousands of Americans have lost their very life and all they own in the pursuit and preservation of Independence, and with it, Liberty and Opportunity.

The pursuit of Independence is what fueled the rush of immigrants to this nation. The pilgrims were pursing Liberty from oppression. Later waves of immigrants were pursuing Opportunity – Enterprise – a better life for themselves and their descendants.

Government dependency is antithetical to Independence. Statism is antithetical to Independence. Blame shifting is antithetical to Independence. Failing to speak out against a power hungry, all-powerful central government is antithetical to Independence.

Where are our Patriots today? Where are the successors of Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, Madison, and Adams in our government? Where are the successors of Thomas Payne in the press? Where are the successors of Samuel Adams in the grassroots?

Whither courage? Whither conviction? Whither truth? Whither self-reliance? Whither our frontier spirit? Whither the United States.

A government which seeks to make slaves of its people is no successor of our Founders. Such a government – such men and women -- cannot legitimately govern a free nation founded in Independence.

This nation has never celebrated or feted those who would not or cannot do for themselves. They are pitied, and with good cause. Not because their lives are valueless, but because their independence is lost.

Socialism is slavery. A government that issues intrusive decrees is a tyranny.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Conor Clarke Does Not Understand English

Conor Clarke, confirmed eco-Statist and blog poster on Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish banner, has a disingenuous headline today regarding Sarah Palin's critique of the Obama energy policy and the Mandate, Cap, and Tax bill.

Clarke's disingenuous headline reads "Sarah Palin Does Not Understand Cap and Trade". From an eco-Statist like Clarke, that really means "Sarah Palin Understands the Cap and Trade Bill Perfectly", but I digress.

As evidence of Palin's ignorance, Clarke holds up the following Palin quote: There is no denying that as the world becomes more industrialized, we need to reform our energy policy and become less dependent on foreign energy sources."

To which Clarke responds: "I don't think cap and trade has many supporters who think it's the best way to become 'less dependent on foreign energy sources.'"

Of course, that was not Palin's point, and anyone who can read plain English can understand that. Fact will not get in the way of eco-Statists like Conor Clarke trying to smear Sarah Palin.

I have posted a considerable amount about the damage Mandate, Cap, and Tax will visit upon the economy of the United States, and it has been made clear by the EPA that Mandate, Cap, and Tax will not change their projected air temperatures one degree. Mandate, Cap, and Tax is about government control of the economy and nothing else. Communists, Socialists, Fascists, and Statists support Mandate, Cap, and Tax. Anyone who values freedom, ordered liberty, and a strong economy must opposed this bill at all costs.

Monday, June 22, 2009

More Hypocritical Behavior From the New York Times

From publishing the Pentagon Papers to revealing the al Qaeda wiretaps to providing lengthy depictions on enhanced interrogation techniques employed by the United States, the New York Times has shown time and again they cannot keep a secret, except …

Except when it benefits one of their own.

New York Times reporter David Rohde was kidnapped and held by the Taliban in Pakistan seven months ago. Since that time, the New York Times has actively and effectively fought to have this information withheld from publication from all news sources, including al Jazeera.

The duplicity exhibited by New York Times executive editor Bill Keller of the New York Times is disgusting. Keller’s justifications for spiking the story for 7 months could apply to each of the stories the NYT was requested to withhold for national security reasons, but did not.

"All along, we were told by people that probably the wisest course for … safety was to keep it quiet." The al Qaeda wiretaps of international phone calls was providing a great deal of safety to all Americans, but the NY Times could not keep to the wise course and destroyed the program with their publication of the information.

"The more you talk about who did what ... the more you're writing a playbook for the [terrorists]." This would certainly apply to the playbook on enhanced interrogation techniques, but the New York Times wants to make sure terrorist world wide know exactly what we will do to get them to talk, and how far we will go to make sure they are not in any real danger during interrogations.

Publication "could increase the danger" to their reporter. The New York Times every day publicizes both information and misinformation that increases the danger to all Americans. Why is their reporter special?

What other information is the Times burying? I wager they are burying and not reporting who kidnapped their reporter and exactly where they were held. That might endanger the lives of the terrorists that took the kidnapper, you see.

When the New York Times published the classified Pentagon Papers, their justification was that they did not "feel like" the papers should be classified, and did not "feel like" they were giving secrets to a nation at war with the United States. Of course, they were wrong, but it really was about how they felt.

When the New York Times published details of the al Qaeda wiretaps, they did not feel the need to provide a justification for exposing a secret and effective anti-terrorist program.

Now they "feel" the need to provide a justification for NOT publishing (and spiking all other news sources from publishing) news that was indeed "Fit to Print" and in no way affected the security of the United States. Funny how things change over the years.

They certainly published stories about other journalists captured in Iran and North Korea during these past seven months ... what made the case of David Rohde special?

What an Activist Central Government Looks Like

Jimmy Carter has caused the loss of an entire generation of Iranians. If he had any shame, he whould give back his Nobel prize. Of course, being liberal means you never have to say "sorry" because, well, you know, he MEANT well.

Jimmy Carter's actions as President directly lead to this Statist, Islamist, Theocracy. The sad truth is that these elections are window dressing -- the Supreme Leader does not stand for the approval or consent of the citizens of Iran.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

More of That “Smart Power” and Winning International Respect

President B. Hussein Obama continues his international campaign to damage relationship with our European allies by going behind the back of Great Britain and negotiating directly with Bermuda to “resettle” four Chinese Uighurs terrorists formerly held in Guantanamo Bay. They are now guest workers of Bermuda, with a path towards normalization.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the British Government has responded with anger as the island tourist paradise is now crawling with Islamist terrorists, in a manner that thumbs their nose at China, and neither the Obama administration nor the Bermuda Governor General bothered to consult the British.

Bermuda, Britain's oldest remaining dependency, is one of 14 overseas territories that come under the sovereignty of the United Kingdom, which retains direct responsibility for such matters as foreign policy and security.

"We've underlined to the Bermuda Government that they should have consulted with the United Kingdom as to whether this falls within their competence or is a security issue, for which the Bermuda Government do not have delegated responsibility," a Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokesman said. "We have made clear to the Bermuda Government the need for a security assessment, which we are now helping them to carry out, and we will decide on further steps as appropriate."

This news begs the question: how much US taxpayer money was wasted on buying this “resettlement” to Bermuda?

Somewhere in Kenya, a village is looking for its idiot.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Was This the "Hope" and "Change" You Wanted?

Today, a commentary in North Korea's state-run Minju Joson newspaper read as follows:

"Our nuclear deterrent will be a ... merciless offensive means to deal a just retaliatory strike to those who touch the country's dignity and sovereignty even a bit."

All the Sunday morning talking heads -- those old inside-the-beltway elitists who know so much better than the unwashed masses in flyover country -- told us that the world was going to fall in love with America all over again if we only elected the Annoited One. Between Obama's magicness and Hillary's "smart power," the United States would be in a position to calm tensions all over the world and disarm rogue members of the Axis of Evil.

Yeah. How's that working out?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Michelle Channels Miss Yvonne

Is she pretty? Prettier than ME??!?!?

Friday, June 5, 2009

More Bad News in Obama's Economy - Misery

The unemployment rate today jumped to 9.4%, up half a percentage point from just last month. This means nearly three quarter million jobs were lost just last month under the Obama/Geithner/Bernake recession. Timmah!!

As a result of this news (which the White House and the MSM is spinning as "good"), interest rates have jumped up 1/4 point ahead of the market open, and oil prices increased by $7 per barrel.

This is what happens when governments overspend in a recession -- the recession continues unabated, and the government's printing money adds inflation to the mix.

Jimmy Carter is back at the helm of the nation's economy. Jimmy Carter's favorite index, the Misery Index, is back in play, although the MSM is religiously avoiding the topic.

The Misery Index is the sum of the unemployment rate plus the interest rate. The Misery Index now stands at 13.4 - higher now than at any point since 1982.

Along with the economic misery associated with the Misery Index, comes crime. There is a definite correlation between increases in the Misery Index and crime rates. Anecdotally, I have seen an increase in bank robberies and theft in my region of the country. I am certain this is a national trend, and will continue.

If the Obama "economic" team continues to follow Carter's imprudent path, the next step will be a soak-the-rich tax plan that will destroy wealth in the United States. Of course, Jimmy Carter never tried to add a Mandate, Cap, and Tax scheme on top of the economy, or a "Health Reform" plan that needs to increase taxes to fund cuts in spending (I'm still trying to get my head around that line of "reasoning".)

Objectively looking at the imprudent economic policies being implemented by the Obama/Geithner/Bernake economic team, my prediction is a full-blown depression. Citizens would do well to husband their economic resources and, to the extent I could invest, I intend to invest in commodities that closely track increases in inflation. Certainly lock down any loans into a fixed interest rate. When interest rates are back at double digits, single digit fixed rate loans will look brilliant.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tell the Truth About China, and Ourselves

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the violent Communist crushing of the peaceful demonstration for freedom being held in Tiananmen Square. Tiananmen Square, along with the crushing of Prague Spring, the Hungarian Revolution, and Polish Solidarity, remains one of the most visible examples of the freedom crushing nature of centralized government.

In the years since the Tiananmen Square massacre, China remains a slave state. Its people cannot speak or work as they choose, cannot affect the direction or composition of their government, and cannot foresee a future for themselves where this will change. Fundamentally, China is North Korea with more lightbulbs.

The Chinese Statist government that controls all economic activity takes in billions of dollars from the United States, but instead of improving the lives of the Chinese people, it purchases American debt, American companies, and other production and transportation world wide. Communist China is not doing this to provide freedom and innovation to the United States or elsewhere. These are acts of control by a Communist government obsessed with control.

The control obsessed Communists are this very day blocking off access to Tiananmen Square, lest there be an expression of political freedom in that country. The Communists have shut down the Internet and social gathering within China lest freedom-minded citizens discuss the fact that they are still slaves to a corrupt, illegitimate, oppressive government.

The people of China have a dream. Their dream is the American Dream: the right as individuals to pursue their own happiness. The recognition by a government, which has the consent of the governed as the source of its legitimacy, that all people are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights that provide individuals with the freedom to control their own destinies, own their own homestead, keep the fruits of their own labor, and choose their own way forward without being dictated to by a government. The American Dream is the freedom to choose -- what you buy, what you eat, who you employ, who you purchase goods and services from, and how you spend your own money. The American Dream also the dream of China’s people.

Freedom of the individual to choose his or her own way is the only path that provides productive innovation and economic prosperity. No central government can ever direct innovation or prosperity into existence. Statism always leads to repression.

It sickens me that in the 20 years since the Tiananmen Square uprising, China still has a repressive internal security service, no freedom of thought or speech or political expression, no sense or hope of a representative government. The Communist Statists in China’s dictatorial government show no more inclination towards freedom than their predecessors. The moment has been lost, and the United States is enabling the further subjugation of the Chinese people by sending our money there.

But it sickens me far more greatly that in the same time period, our own nation has moved away from the dream of China’s people and our national dream: we are less free to choose and seem destined to become even less so. How long will it be before the United States will require its own Tiananmen Square?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Lie of the Lone Wolf Terrorist

Soon after the shooting of Army Privates William Long and Quinton Ezeagwulaby by a “religion of peace” adherent, Cassandra Davis, a spokeswoman for the Little Rock Police Department issued the following statement:

“[The terrorist] acted alone and was not part of a larger plot”

This statement was made without any meaningful investigative work performed, and I told folks that the statement was a lie designed to placate the public. Not surprisingly, I was right.

Now two days after this terrorist attack, we know:

Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad traveled to Yemen to study jihad on a fake Somali passport, was arrested there, and the arrest reported to the FBI.

Having this information, the FBI did NOT question Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad when he returned to the United States or even one time in the months since (do you feel better about giving up your guns so you can be “protected” by the police?)

Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad’s computer reveals additional targets in the attack planning stages.

Let’s be clear: this homegrown terrorist converted to Islam through contact with somebody in the US, had help from a Jihadi organization to travel to the Middle East for training as a terrorist and obtaining false documents, was provided weapons or money for weapons from someone, and individually or with others planned attacks against United States Army targets, a child care center, a Jewish center, and other targets within the United States itself.


Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad should be held as an enemy combatant, not treated like gangbanger in an Arkansas state murder case. We should utilize enhanced interrogation techniques on him immediately to determine who his other contacts in the United States and elsewhere are, and go round those folks up for interrogation.

Islamists are plotting attacks within the United States, and the FBI is more interested in performing surveillance on the Tea Parties. The world truly has turned upside down.

PS - The White House STILL has not issued a statement about the assassination of William Long shooting of Quinton Ezeagwulaby. Instead, B. Hussein Obama is bowing AGAIN before the Saudi king.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

One Socialist Taps Another To Spend Your Money

A Brazilian magazine claims that B. Hussein Obama has chosen socialist Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to become the next chief of the World Bank.

GM Goes "green"; Hummer Goes Red

Government Motors says that it has found a buyer for our Hummer brand - Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Co. of Red China. The Socialists sell to Communists. Perfect. I suppose the Chinese government can pay for Hummer with some of the soon-to-be-worthless Treasury bills they have.

Now for the really funny part: GM said the sale will likely save more than 3,000 U.S. jobs in manufacturing, engineering and at various Hummer dealerships.

The spate of Kool-Aid drinking going on with Government Motors is really hitting unbelievable proportions. The Red Chinese are going to ship the production tools and dies over to Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Co. in China and fire all the workers in the U.S. Then, they will make the Hummers out of cheaper materials and sell them to the Asian and Middle Eastern markets.

The Obama Administration believes itself so bullet proof that it won’t even have to spin the loss of these jobs.

Homegrown Terrorism - 24 Hours Later

Nearly 24 hours after the shooting of Army Privates William Long and Quinton Ezeagwulaby by a cowardly Islamic terrorist, President Obama has yet to express his sorrow or outrage at this attack. Not one word.

This must be the most callous Commander in Chief our Republic has ever seen.

UPDATE: Obama has announced his choice for a new Secretary of the Army this afternoon. While it is newsworthy that he could not find a Democrat to entrust the Army to, it is more newsworthy that Obama STILL HAS NOT MENTIONED the death of William Long and shooting of Quinton Ezeagwulaby by an Islamic terrorist.

Simple Lesson Tuesday - The Value of GM

This morning, I will provide a simple lesson about why Socialists, Marxists, or Statists should not be trusted with your money at any time.

Before bankruptcy, there were 610 million shares of outstanding GM stock. The stock was trading at about a dollar a share, meaning GM had a total market value of about 610 Million Dollars. Even arguing the sum of all its parts exceeded the market value of the corporation, GM could not possibly be worth more than 2 Billion, and that is being very, very generous.

Yesterday, B. Hussein Obama agreed to purchase only a 70% stake in a corporation for $50 Billion. In what economic universe was this even arguably a rational deal for taxpayers?

This purchase is intellectually defensible only in two situations:

1. Because a Statist wishes to place a large corporation under government control; and/or
2. Because it is a political payoff to the UAW from the UAW's candidate of choice.

Under what concept of governance is this Administration operating? These actions are completely foreign to the written compacts establishing the United States. The United States are being torn asunder by current government right before our eyes.

Monday, June 1, 2009

More Homegrown Terrorism

As predictably as it fell off of the front pages of all but the local news coverage, it has finally been revealed that the shooter of two Army recruiters in Arkansas today was a home-grown terrorist: a faithful follower of the “religion of peace” – Islam. The slain soldier is Private William Long, 24, of Conway, Arkansas. Also injured by the gunfire was Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula of Jacksonville, Arkansas.

Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad (f/k/a Carlos Bledsoe) is reported to be angry that the Army keeps killing muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan (neither soldier shot today had ever been deployed to either Iraq or Afghanistan). Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad hailed from Memphis, Nashville, and recently moved to Little Rock. Anyone thinking that the problem of home-grown Islamic terrorism is only a problem of large, northern cities, think again. Islamic terrorists are created anywhere there is a mosque.

I would be remiss if I did not point out that the terrorist slaying of an Army recruiter and the shooting of another could not occupy the attention the top stories on Google News, but a two day old killing of a late-term abortion doctor is still dominating the left wing news site. The threat of Islamic terrorism, which is now responsible for over 3,000 deaths in the United States, does not fit the narrative of the mainstream media like the slaying of a single exterminator of innocent human lives.

I would also note the New York Times’ reporting of the terrorist slaying today may mark the first occasion that the nation’s “newspaper of record” reported an SKS rifle only as “a Russian-made SKS semiautomatic rifle” and not an “assault rifle” as they normally do. It is only a semi-automatic rifle when an Islamic terrorist uses it to shoot unarmed American soldiers. To the New York Times, this is a story to be buried and forgotten.

UPDATE: It has now been released that Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad had traveled to Yemen on a Somali passport. The FBI knew of this for several weeks, but did not pick up Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad for questioning. I suppose that the FBI cannot be seen to profile black muslims in the age of Obama.

Obama's Socialist Forces March On

Today is Black Monday.

GM today becomes Government/UAW Motors. Obama will NOT be distributing the stock to the taxpayers who now own the majority of the shares of GM. You cannot go down to the local dealership and pick up your car, even though you may own it.

In further news, it appears that my predictions were right, and Citigroup will become government owned as a result of the "stress tests" imposed on banks by a takeover minded government. I'm sure government bureaucrats will apply their nimble and intelligent management to the bank and kill it.

If you have assets managed by Citigroup, bail out now.

If you have a loan or mortgage held by Citigroup, beware the change in your terms -- interest rate increases are on the way. It is easier than raising taxes!

Obama is following the Marxist revolutionary manual to the letter; the methodology he learned from his Marxist father.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pravda Provides Real Truth

In the 1980s, I requested a box of pamphlets from the embassy of the Soviet Union in support of a college project. One of the pamphlets I recieved was entitled "Pravda Provides REAL Truth", supporting the honest reporting of the Communist Party's mouthpiece newspaper. I wish I still had the pamphlet.

Here, 25-odd years later, I am looking at the website, post-Soviet Union, and today at least, Pravda is providing real truth. I quote from the article:

"[T]he American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people."

"First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics."

"Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" ... were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks ... were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power."

"The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe."

Frankly, and sadly, I could not agree more with Pravda's guest editorialist. Read it yourself.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Roared In Like a Lion, Leaves With a Whimper

Time-Warner announced today that it will spin off AOL, dumping the company that purchased Time Warner nine years ago in what was to be the first of the megadeals where Internet companies would buy up all the old media.

AOL failed as a media giant for the same reason movies make more money than the theatres do - content is more valuable than access.

The other piece hitting old media now is that multiple-source access is more valuable than single source access. Newspapers are dead, they just don't know it yet.

More Thoughts on Sotomayor

We know that Republican appointments to the Supreme Court have been hit and miss - for every Scalia there is a Souter, for every Rehnquist there is an Earl Warren, for every Thomas there is a Stevens.

The Democrats, no disappointments -- all liberal appointments are liberals, through and through. Often, they reflect the liberal nuance of the liberal appointing them.

Enter former Constitutional Law instructor B. Hussein Obama. In 2001, the Marxist Obama held forth the following about the Supreme Court and obsession number one for him -- redistribution of wealth.

"If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed people, so that now I would have the right to vote. But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. One of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court-focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that."

Now, we know the Anointed One wants a Supreme Court Justice that has "empathy" with the suffering from not enough Supreme Court redistribution of wealth. His perfect SCOTUS candidate was described as follows: "I will seek someone who understands that justice ... is about how our laws affect the daily realities of people's lives, whether they can make a living and care for their families ... and welcome in their own nation. I view that quality of empathy, of understanding and identifying with people's hopes and struggles, as an essential ingredient for arriving at just decisions and outcomes."

The concept of justice being blind is a fundamental requirement of justice, because it is not justice when the cards are stacked in favor of one party over another. A judge is not a judge if she applies empathy towards a party to strive for a "just outcome." At that point, the judge takes off the blind and becomes an unelected policy maker.

It is precisely in this judge as policymaker position which Sonia Sotomayor feels comfortable, if you look at her own words. One point of Sotomayor's now-famous La Raza speech was that the life experiences of women and minorities in the law often inform - nay, dictate - the ultimate outcome of a case, leading to some greater overall, racially- economically- or gender-sensitive "justice." In her speech, she rejects neutral application of the law to the facts, but instead supports some idea that a minority or female judge's"richness of life experiences" will ensure that they necessarily will not reach the same conclusion as a white male judge. In fact, she seems to indicate that female Hispanic judges would be the wisest of all. I assume she draws this conclusion from our rich history of famous and oft-quoted Latina judges.

Sotomayor also said that appeals courts are there to "make policy." Not judge the cases presented to them on the record -- make policy.

Sonia Sotomayor was hand-picked by Barak Obama to do on the Supreme Court what Barak Obama was disappointed that the Civil Rights movements of the 50s and 60s did not do -- press for equal outcomes instead of equal opportunity. They are both anti-Constitutionalist radicals cut from the same cloth.

If the GOP cannot muster a solid opposition to this anti-Equal Protection radical, there is little use left for the GOP.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How's That "Smart Power" Working Out?

Jan 13, 2009 - Hillary Clinton vowed to restore American leadership through "smart power" diplomacy.

May 27, 2009 - After detonating a nuclear weapon and firing ground to sea missiles, North Korea announced it would no longer abide by the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean War and threatened a military response to any South Korean participation in a U.S.-led program to interdict and seize weapons of mass destruction headed to North Korea.

“The Korean People’s Army will not be bound to the Armistice Agreement any longer,” the official Korean Central News Agency announced. Attempts to stop and inspect North Korean vessels will be countered with “prompt and strong military strikes.” South Korea’s military said it will “deal sternly with any provocation” from North Korea.

Japan’s Cabinet Secretary, Takeo Kawamura, called on North Korea to “refrain from taking actions that would elevate tensions in Asia.” He must have studied at Hillary's knee.

“This rapid-fire provocation indicates a more aggressive shift in the Kim Jong Il regime,” said Ryoo Kihl Jae, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul. “Kim is obviously using a strategy of maximum force.”

I guess Kim Jong Il is NOT using "smart power". Of course, he has been smarter than the last three administrations.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More On North Korea

On the left is a picture of the Smartest Woman in the World watching yet another North Korean missile test as she exercises "smart power" (her words, not mine) to contain Kim Jong Il.

I wonder if Hillary is too smart to read the Wall Street Journal. If she had bothered to read John Bolton's op ed Wednesday, May 20th, she would have been aware that North Korea was going to test another nuclear weapon, which they did on May 24th. Read his op-ed at the link below.

Bolton's words contrast sharply with the inability of the past three administrations (2 of which included Hillary) to effectively counter Kim Jong Il's nuclear threat to global security.

Of course, the left shrilly denounced Bolton on May 20th. They owe him an apology, although being liberal means you never have to say your are sorry -- because you have no conscience.

Just a Reminder

We're still broke.

Obama Chooses La Raza for a SCOTUS Seat

In picking Sonia Sotomayor to be his nominee for the vacancy on the supreme Court of the United States, B. Hussein Obama has revealed himself as a racist and sexist, because the race and sex of the nominee were the first two “qualifications” Obama sought in his nominee. Sotomayor brings nothing else to the table, having a reputation among Democrats as a middling, often ill-tempered judge best known for nagging her colleges and writing in an extreme left wing law journal, the Berkley La Raza Law Journal.

La Raza is “the [Hispanic] Race”, and proponents of La Raza believe that Hispanics and Hispanic politicians should favor other Hispanics over any other race. The fact that Sotomayor would allow herself to be openly associated with La Raza indicates that she herself did not think of herself as SCOTUS quality. Her racists statements and writings should be reason enough to reject the nomination.

Obama’s selection smacks of racial identity politics, which Obama has milked all the way to the White House. Whatever hope or change Obama voters thought was to come from the Anointed One, it is clear that post-racial thinking is not part of it.

Naturally, the national GOP leadership will be cowed by this pick, and it will again be up to the conservative grassroots to organize against this pick, if it is in the best interest to oppose the pick. I say this because I am not sure that Obama’s “plan B pick” will be a more beneficial pick than Sotomayor. In fact, Obama may have sent Sotomayor up as a false flag knowing she was unqualified in order to pave the way for a more qualified but more radical pick he would rather have on the court. I believe if Sotomayor is indeed seated, she will be marginalized by most other judges as they come to understand her lack of judicial intellect.

Follow-up: The press is using the White House "fact sheet" in labelling Sotomayor as the first Hispanic nominated to the Supreme Court. More evidence that journalists are incapable of thinking or researching facts for themselves. The first Hispanic nominated and seated on the supreme Court is Benjamin Cardozo, a jurist of Portugese heritage. The definition of Hispanic includes Portugal as well as Spain. Cardozo was nominated by Herbert Hoover in 1932 to replace Oliver Wendell Holmes upon Holmes' retirement.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Hope? Change? Nope, Korean Nukes

Just in time for Memorial Day, North Korea detonated an underground nuclear weapons test.

Now, I thought the Anointed One would fix all of our international security problems. After all, he was so popular overseas. He was going to engage with Iran and China and fix the Korea issue and bring peace to the Middle East.

However, in a single week, Iran has test fired a ballistic missile that places Europe, Israel, and US bases well within the range of a nuclear weapon, North Korea has conducted a nuclear weapons test, and Benyamin Netanyahu told Obama that Israel will not be dictated to by the White House.

Iranian dictator and hostage taker Mahmoud Ahmadinejad went so far as to challenge B. Hussein Obama at the UN on “world problems and collective cooperation.” Frankly, that is a debate I'd like to see, since it believe it would reveal that there is not a dime's bit of difference between these two America haters.

Meanwhile, we will see if "Obama" is Korean for "doormat."

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Keep Guantanamo Jihadis Out of US Prisons

Here are a few really good reasons to NOT send al-Qaeda into our prisons:

Richard Reid - attempted to detonate a shoe bomb on a trans-Atlantic flight

Jose Padilla - attempted to obtain and detonate a dirty bomb on US soil

James Cromitie, David Williams Laguerre Payen and Onta Williams - attempted to bomb synagogues around New York

Kevin James, Levar Washington, Gregory Patterson - conducted armed robberies to fund terrorist bombings in California

Aqil Collins - Afghanistan terror camp trained jihadi captured by the FBI

What do all these people have in common? Prison conversions to Islam which lead to conducting Jihad against the United States.

Throw in Jihad-enabling attorney Lynne Stewart who was using her privileged access to prison-bound terrorists to exchange correspondence between terrorists inside and outside of prison.
It is already well demonstrated that US prisons have become a breeding ground for Islam, Jihad, and terrorism.

Why on earth would the Obama administration wish to add hardened Islamic jihadis from Guantanamo into the recruitment of US prisoners?

If you infer intent from the most likely result of a behavior, Obama intends to increase the incidence of terrorists being recruited in US prisons. Naturally, leftist intelligentsia has no problem with this. To date, the U.S. Senate has not had the stomach to go along with this. Let's see how long that holds up.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Obama Admits: We're Broke

In an interview with C-SPAN broadcast timed for the news blackout that that is Memorial Day weekend, B. Hussein Obama said “We are out of money now. We are operating in deep deficits.”

Obama has thus admitting that the Tea Party protestors are absolutely right. He has spent more than the Treasury can or will take in.

Naturally, he will use this crisis to further erode free markets and impose Statism. One thing about Communists, they know how to make the same mistakes over and over and over and over.

Friday, May 22, 2009

One Fed President Has Keen Sense of the Obvious

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President Charles Plosser said inflation may rise at a rate much higher than the central bankers’ desired range. He notes that the Federal Reserve only has one tool in their control to fight inflation – increased interest rates.

“The economy may be at greater risk of inflation than the conventional wisdom indicates,” Plosser said May 21. However, Plosser cautioned that “the economy is probably not strong enough and not ready for increasing” interest rates.

Charles Plosser has indeed identified the Catch 22 in the liberal’s method to address a down economy by spending far more than budgets allow. Printing money we don’t have devalues the dollar, which means more dollars will be required to purchase the same item (inflation). Meanwhile, in a down economy with high unemployment, household disposable income drops, lowering a family’s standard of living as they have fewer dollars to spend on more expensive goods. As a result, the households tend to cut back on spending money on non-essentials, which worsens the economy as a whole. It becomes a death spiral such as we saw during the presidency of Jimmy Carter.

But Charles Plosser also knows that the Obama administration plans to continue to overspend as no two presidents combined have ever overspent before. This will be a further inflationary pressure. Add to this the economic disaster that would be the twin Statist plans of Obamacare and the Obama/Waxman/Markey Mandate, Cap, and Tax bill, and we have a perfect storm of negative economic actions.

There is no way to sugar-coat the economic results of the Obama plan. They are as foreseeable and predictable as the moon and the tides. As night follows day, economic disaster follows Obama’s Statism.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Undeniable Economic Truths and Waxman/Markley

The “cap” in B. Hussein Obama's Mandate, Cap, and Tax scheme is a cap on American economic growth.

The fact is that burning carbon-laden fuel sources feeds our economy. It is the very lifeblood of the American way of life. It is the lifeblood, capital is the food, transportation is the circulatory system, the free market is the brain, and labor is the hands and feet.

You can rail against carbon-based energy, spit on it, regret it, curse it -- it still remains a fact. It is also a fact that the same eco-Orwellians opposed to carbon-based energy also march on down the street to the No Nukes protest. Later, a fair number of them bust out the windows as the Starbucks and McDonalds to protest "globalism." What they oppose is human achievement and success. But I digress (only a little).

The Obama/Waxman/Markey Mandate, Cap, and Tax scheme will destroy our economy, and a reasonable understanding of economic truths will bear out my analysis.

The first undeniable economic truth is if you want to have less of something, tax it. Cap and tax will cause energy production will drop, because energy production in this country is primarily carbon-based. If you liked the “energy crises” of the 1970s, you will love Cap and Tax. Welcome back, Carter! Let’s keep an eye on the misery index.

The second undeniable economic truth is that corporations do not pay taxes – people do. To corporations, a tax is merely a cost to be passed along to its consumers. Want proof? Look at your phone bill or cable bill. They don’t even bury the various taxes in their rates; they just add tax line items. The full cost of these carbon “credits” will be passed on to consumers. The average family will see their power and natural gas bills skyrocket (between 45 to 90%, depending on the production mix in your area). Add to that the 70% or so increase in cost for your gas or diesel fuel. American families start losing real money to an ever-growing federal government far faster than their wages will ever match. Domestic consumption will sink like a stone.

Which leads me to my first undeniable law of government; government lies to you. There is not going to be an carbon tax rebate to consumers, in the same way there is not going to be a payback of the recent automobile industry “loans” or a return on the bank rescue “investments” made on the behalf of taxpayers. The LAST thing this government wants to do is put money back in the hands of taxpaying consumers because we are too stupid to spend it correctly.

The third undeniable economic truth is that increases in basic costs compound down the supply chain. Put another way, not only will your power bill increase, but so will everything else you buy, because the costs to the producers of everything else you buy are going up, and those costs will be passed on to you, the consumer. This is the indirect taxation effect, and

The fourth undeniable economic truth is that the more money the federal government takes from the economy, the less capital exists to fund jobs. The Cap and Tax will deprive consumers of disposable income, causing massive decline in demand (and job losses related to) in the manufacturing and luxury services sectors, particularly durable goods. Declines in demand for durable goods ripples through the markets for basic materials, mining, milling, and transportation. Conservatively speaking, our Gross Domestic Production (GDP) will drop between 13-19%. Unemployment skyrockets, and hello, Great Depression II.

The dramatic costs increases (both direct and indirect) will lower the standard of living for every American. Let that sink in. The Tax and Cap Plan will lower our standard of living. In what Alice Goes to Wonderland world is Congress living in when they intentionally hobble the economy and lower our standard of living even more than the $1,900,000,000,000,000.00 budget deficit they just hung on the nation?

Those are the costs of the federal government plan. What are the benefits? Even if you fully accepting the argument that CO2 emissions related to energy product contribute to “global warming”, the best tree-hugger estimated net result would be a difference of less than 0.01°C over the next century.

So, the Obama Waxman Markey Mandate, Cap, and Tax plan will cripple our economy, reduce our standard of living, put millions out of work, and cause a decades-long depression to change the air temperature less than a human can differentiate with his natural senses.

That is one horrible cost/benefit analysis, unless you wish to tear the United States asunder.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

GM to be Socialized; Taxpayers to be Fleeced

According to Obama administration sources today, B. Hussein Obama intends to use the bankruptcy courts and taxpayer money to buy GM for the UAW and GM bondholders.

Is this the Hope and Change the nation was waiting for? Naked socialism, fleecing taxpayers, and paying off political cronies like the unions? Really? Is this what that nation wanted?

If Obama is allowed to steal the taxpayer's money like this, we owe Richard Nixon an apology.

If you support Obama’s administration, you are a Socialist. Period. A red, a commie, a pinko.

Some Memorial Day this will be. Obama and his supporters are completely devaluing the lives of all who fought and died to protect the world from the slavery of Socialism. Obama is urinating on the graves of tens of thousands of servicemen who gave their last and final measure of devotion to their country to stop the onslaught of Fascistic Socialism.

Obama is foisting it on the United States with a big, red bow.

Celebrating Human Achievement

Today, NASA released the upgraded Hubble Space Telescope back into orbit above the earth. Enjoy some past images of Hubble while we look forward to NASA's renewed interest in the universe we cannot easily see with the naked eye.

PS - NASA, please fire that hack James Hansen and close his lab.

Nevada Governor Places a Bullseye on His Back

Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is representing his state, and in doing so, is criticizing the Anointed One.

"I am disappointed at the hypocrisy shown by this Administration," Gibbons said, "President Obama is coming to Las Vegas later this month for a political fundraiser, but he will not help the struggling families in Las Vegas and Nevada who are out of work because of his reckless comments."

Governor Gibbons noted, "President Obama is coming to Las Vegas to raise campaign cash for Senator Harry Reid, apparently our money is good enough for the President, but our tourism, jobs, and economic future are not."

Gibbons added, "This is politics, pure and simple, President Obama stood for change, but all he has done is brought negative economic change to Nevada."

"Sometimes Washington politicians forget that the people of Nevada are Americans," Governor Gibbons said, "This President needs to repair the damage he has done."

We will see an all out effort on the part of Democrat partisans and the Obama Enchanted to drum Gibbons out of office. If they cannot do it at the polls, they'll do it with the IRS or a Nevada Gaming Commission investigation. Here it comes.